Sunday, 21 February 2016
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
WoT Servers Maintenance
first of all, the 9.14 Test Server First Phase is now over, Ph3lan from EU forums, as usual is giving more info than NA's staff:
"The Common Test was switched off at 16.30, the first phase of the test server is over, thank for your participation. There will be a second phase of the test coming in the future..."
Second, there will be a micropatch tomorrow, GhostPrime on the NA forums has said that it will only affect the West NA Server:
"There are plans to release Micropatch 9.13_6 on February 18th, 2016
The maintenance will begin at 3:30am Pacific Time (11:30 UTC) and will last approximately 25 minutes.
During maintenance, the World of Tanks West servers will be unavailable."
I've also noticed that tomorrow, RU servers will receive a maintenance of nearly 2 hours, I browsed around if EU is going to receive a server downtime as well but EU Costumer Service, who has somehow been able to not be completely useless after my rant, haven't said anything but I still don't trust them. I'm poking the EU staff that's still online at this hour and try to get an answer, if you don't hear anything from me it means that is just likely some isolated/geographical maintenances.
...And as I was about to click on "publish" after poking them, a magical announcement appeared:
"Greetings Commanders!
On the 18/02/2016 at 05:30 UTC, the World of Tanks EU1 Cluster will be unavailable for approximately 25 minutes as we perform maintenance work.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Roll out!
Your Customer Service Team"
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) There you go...
first of all, the 9.14 Test Server First Phase is now over, Ph3lan from EU forums, as usual is giving more info than NA's staff:
"The Common Test was switched off at 16.30, the first phase of the test server is over, thank for your participation. There will be a second phase of the test coming in the future..."
Second, there will be a micropatch tomorrow, GhostPrime on the NA forums has said that it will only affect the West NA Server:
"There are plans to release Micropatch 9.13_6 on February 18th, 2016
The maintenance will begin at 3:30am Pacific Time (11:30 UTC) and will last approximately 25 minutes.
During maintenance, the World of Tanks West servers will be unavailable."
I've also noticed that tomorrow, RU servers will receive a maintenance of nearly 2 hours, I browsed around if EU is going to receive a server downtime as well but EU Costumer Service, who has somehow been able to not be completely useless after my rant, haven't said anything but I still don't trust them. I'm poking the EU staff that's still online at this hour and try to get an answer, if you don't hear anything from me it means that is just likely some isolated/geographical maintenances.
...And as I was about to click on "publish" after poking them, a magical announcement appeared:
"Greetings Commanders!
On the 18/02/2016 at 05:30 UTC, the World of Tanks EU1 Cluster will be unavailable for approximately 25 minutes as we perform maintenance work.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Roll out!
Your Customer Service Team"
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) There you go...
Armored Warfare Q&A
first of all, tomorrow the AW EU servers will be shut down for 2 hours, with the player increase the servers havee been getting some troubles and the company will reinforce them.
-18 February: from 8am to 10am CET.
Anyway, there is a new Q&A from the US office:
What is the developer’s view on changing the class designation of vehicles whose playstyle does not match with its given designation?
While possible in theory, vehicle class is something carefully considered during the vehicle’s long development process. The general vehicle behavior can be determined before its actual introduction by looking at its real world characteristics. When determining vehicle class, we also look at the vehicle designation in real life. The Leopard 1 is a Main Battle Tank for example, even if it has relatively thin armor. When faced with a vehicle with characteristics that don't match the typical case for its real world designation, we look for ways to shape the vehicle as a hybrid of the class it fits into better. This is something that we intend to take further as we continue to evaluate how different vehicles perform within their designated classes.
Are there any plans to replace the active ability for tank destroyers?
Not at this time.
Will the Swedish AFV make an appearance?
In the future, yes.
Can we expect at some point that we will have different play style among MBTs? Now all of them have similar characteristics. It would be great to see some MBT with unique features such as very long reload and huge damage per shot.
Vehicles with extremely high damage per shot are something we are actively trying to avoid based on negative feedback from the Early Access phase and even the Alpha phase. While the notion of destroying enemy targets with one shot might seem entertaining at first glance, such unbalanced vehicles would have to be compensated by having poor armor and mobility. This results in gameplay which can be both frustrating for the player and their opponents. With that being said, the MBT class is actually quite diverse – on one hand you have thinly armored, but mobile MBTs such as the Leopards, all-rounders such as the Abrams, damage-focused tanks like the T-Series and heavily armored juggernauts such as the Challenger. We will continue striving to keep the entire class diverse enough for every MBT player to find vehicles which fit their preferred playstyle.
first of all, tomorrow the AW EU servers will be shut down for 2 hours, with the player increase the servers havee been getting some troubles and the company will reinforce them.
-18 February: from 8am to 10am CET.
Anyway, there is a new Q&A from the US office:
What is the developer’s view on changing the class designation of vehicles whose playstyle does not match with its given designation?
While possible in theory, vehicle class is something carefully considered during the vehicle’s long development process. The general vehicle behavior can be determined before its actual introduction by looking at its real world characteristics. When determining vehicle class, we also look at the vehicle designation in real life. The Leopard 1 is a Main Battle Tank for example, even if it has relatively thin armor. When faced with a vehicle with characteristics that don't match the typical case for its real world designation, we look for ways to shape the vehicle as a hybrid of the class it fits into better. This is something that we intend to take further as we continue to evaluate how different vehicles perform within their designated classes.
Are there any plans to replace the active ability for tank destroyers?
Not at this time.
Will the Swedish AFV make an appearance?
In the future, yes.
Can we expect at some point that we will have different play style among MBTs? Now all of them have similar characteristics. It would be great to see some MBT with unique features such as very long reload and huge damage per shot.
Vehicles with extremely high damage per shot are something we are actively trying to avoid based on negative feedback from the Early Access phase and even the Alpha phase. While the notion of destroying enemy targets with one shot might seem entertaining at first glance, such unbalanced vehicles would have to be compensated by having poor armor and mobility. This results in gameplay which can be both frustrating for the player and their opponents. With that being said, the MBT class is actually quite diverse – on one hand you have thinly armored, but mobile MBTs such as the Leopards, all-rounders such as the Abrams, damage-focused tanks like the T-Series and heavily armored juggernauts such as the Challenger. We will continue striving to keep the entire class diverse enough for every MBT player to find vehicles which fit their preferred playstyle.
9.13 vs 9.14 HD models
Hello cheeky scrublords!
FerrariHD has uploaded as usual his SD/HD model comparison for the next patch:
FerrariHD has uploaded as usual his SD/HD model comparison for the next patch:
9.14 TS Patchnotes
Finally finished compiling every little change from the current 9.14 TS patchnotes, its so methodical that when there is more Dev changes, its convenient and healthy that I take a rest half way as I literally check every module of every tank for you. It feels like the fricking Mirkwoods!
Oh and by the way.. even with the patch being delayed do expect these changes nevertheless.
For those new this is how it works:
-Module name: New Stats (Previous Stats)
-Turret FT-18
-Gun 13.2 mm Hotchkiss mle. 1930 ( removed )
-Turret FT-17 ( removed )
-Engine Renault NC-2
-Engine Renault 62CV ( removed )
-Radio ER 52
-Gun 37 mm KwK 36 L/46.5 ( removed )
-Turret T-26 model 1936
-Gun 37 mm KwK 36 L/46.5 ( removed )
-Radio Signal Flags ( removed )
-Radio Marconi SB-4a ( removed )
Finally finished compiling every little change from the current 9.14 TS patchnotes, its so methodical that when there is more Dev changes, its convenient and healthy that I take a rest half way as I literally check every module of every tank for you. It feels like the fricking Mirkwoods!
Oh and by the way.. even with the patch being delayed do expect these changes nevertheless.
For those new this is how it works:
-Module name: New Stats (Previous Stats)
Renault NC-31
-Hull- Price 0 ( 450 )
- Level 1 ( 2 )
- Traverse speed 60 ( 38 )
-Turret FT-18
- Price 0 ( 500 )
- Health 22 ( 30 )
-Gun 13.2 mm Hotchkiss mle. 1930 ( removed )
-Turret FT-17 ( removed )
-Engine Renault NC-2
- Price 0 ( 370 )
-Engine Renault 62CV ( removed )
-Radio ER 52
- Level 2 ( 3 )
- Price 0 ( 600 )
Vickers Mk. E Type B
-Turret Vickers Mk. E Type B-Gun 37 mm KwK 36 L/46.5 ( removed )
-Turret T-26 model 1936
-Gun 37 mm KwK 36 L/46.5 ( removed )
-Radio Signal Flags ( removed )
-Radio Marconi SB-4a ( removed )
New World of Papoj
here is the New World of Papoj, enjoy:
That god mode arty was painful to watch...
here is the New World of Papoj, enjoy:
That god mode arty was painful to watch...
Wargaming novella: Rubicon Fatale!
meanwhile in the Russian community, there is a whole novella taking place, where Wargaming developers passionately fight for power or to just not F*** things up any more. I translated it for you:
*Adds Narrator Voice*
With Wargaming realizing how far they had slipped down and how the community reacted to it. Cof... Rubicon...Cof... They are now very cautious to not commit the same mistakes.
Wargaming wants to improve the quality of the upcoming patches and their first concern is to fix as much bugs as possible, also, Grille 15 have been postponed just like the FV2015 (b) replacement and the FV4202 was so bad the team had to improve it.
The company, wants to fix all these issues and has pressed the panic button, Cyprus became disatisfied with Evilly (Anton Pankov)'s work mostly due to the adittion of shitty Premium tanks (STA-2, Patton 59, etc), its uncertain but there is a possibility that he will be transferred to Cyprus (I doubt). There was also another power shift, Storm has been put aside and Slava Makarov, the guy who pretty much created World of Tanks has been hired back and given the reins.
Stay tuned for the next episode of Wargaming novella: Rubicon Fatale!
meanwhile in the Russian community, there is a whole novella taking place, where Wargaming developers passionately fight for power or to just not F*** things up any more. I translated it for you:
*Adds Narrator Voice*
With Wargaming realizing how far they had slipped down and how the community reacted to it. Cof... Rubicon...Cof... They are now very cautious to not commit the same mistakes.
Wargaming wants to improve the quality of the upcoming patches and their first concern is to fix as much bugs as possible, also, Grille 15 have been postponed just like the FV2015 (b) replacement and the FV4202 was so bad the team had to improve it.
Evilly |
Stay tuned for the next episode of Wargaming novella: Rubicon Fatale!
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
January Contributors
because things were quiet today, I took the liberty to do some chores/take care of important stuff but I also remembered that still have a couple AW Chieftain Mk. 6 codes laying around. Last month I sent a gift to all on Patreon and noticed that more of you became Patrons the days after, first, thank you very much for all the support, second, those who are new please check you Patreon Inbox, you have a code waiting as appreciation as well. <3
Also, its been awhile since I've done this, a lot has changed in my life since my last Contributors post, mostly after new years, I currently have plans to build a second page for non tanks/games related stuff (miscellaneous geekery like model building/drawings, books, series, badass lazy gamer food recipes and all that jazz) that you been asking for me to share on my free time but have no really appropriate place for, Sammy Hallam who's a very talented artist and been doing artwork on my pages for over a year already has some plans on how it should look like, trusting the men. Do contact him if you need artwork made, bring a coin of course. ;)
As most of you know I don't run ads on the blog for your uncluttered viewing pleasure, the blog runs solely from Patrons support, if you feel like becoming one this is the place:
Scott Whitaker
Espen Randen
Robert Meachen
Thomas Millard
Luke "Caslas" Westwood
Matthew Shine
Roy Harmsworth
Shane Knysh
Joel Breger
Trevor Edwards
Donovan A Willett
Ste Cork
Michael Duke
Gustavo Rabelo
Tony Rye
Michael Andreen
Tony Strandberg
Major Tom Bombadil
mark johnson
Sven Hedqvist
Martin Samuelsson Kvist
Stefan Dinescu
Mickey Dabbelyou
Ivan Nakić
Vu Nhat Tu
Marc Bourgoin
Quinton Carr
Tim Clouse
Christoffer Dahlblom
Jenka Tamar
Peter Nordlund
Tom Johnston
SadoMasticator WoT-NA
Ewan hewett
Also a big thanks to all the readers!
because things were quiet today, I took the liberty to do some chores/take care of important stuff but I also remembered that still have a couple AW Chieftain Mk. 6 codes laying around. Last month I sent a gift to all on Patreon and noticed that more of you became Patrons the days after, first, thank you very much for all the support, second, those who are new please check you Patreon Inbox, you have a code waiting as appreciation as well. <3
Also, its been awhile since I've done this, a lot has changed in my life since my last Contributors post, mostly after new years, I currently have plans to build a second page for non tanks/games related stuff (miscellaneous geekery like model building/drawings, books, series, badass lazy gamer food recipes and all that jazz) that you been asking for me to share on my free time but have no really appropriate place for, Sammy Hallam who's a very talented artist and been doing artwork on my pages for over a year already has some plans on how it should look like, trusting the men. Do contact him if you need artwork made, bring a coin of course. ;)
As most of you know I don't run ads on the blog for your uncluttered viewing pleasure, the blog runs solely from Patrons support, if you feel like becoming one this is the place:
This are the Patrons of February, 2016:
Scott Whitaker
Espen Randen
Robert Meachen
Thomas Millard
Luke "Caslas" Westwood
Matthew Shine
Roy Harmsworth
Shane Knysh
Joel Breger
Trevor Edwards
Donovan A Willett
Ste Cork
Michael Duke
Gustavo Rabelo
Tony Rye
Michael Andreen
Tony Strandberg
Major Tom Bombadil
mark johnson
Sven Hedqvist
Martin Samuelsson Kvist
Stefan Dinescu
Mickey Dabbelyou
Ivan Nakić
Vu Nhat Tu
Marc Bourgoin
Quinton Carr
Tim Clouse
Christoffer Dahlblom
Jenka Tamar
Peter Nordlund
Tom Johnston
SadoMasticator WoT-NA
Ewan hewett
Also a big thanks to all the readers!
Wargaming EU Feedback Gathering
Wargaming EU is back with another feedback data gathering (this is an official one), it will be available until 18 of February and they want the following:
Because there is no need for translations you can just hop into this link and give your feedback (and make them hate me for giving them more work :P ):
Wargaming EU is back with another feedback data gathering (this is an official one), it will be available until 18 of February and they want the following:
- Nickname/Clan/Clan Position
- Top-3 things you don’t like in WoT:
- Top-3 things you don’t like in WoT Clanwars gameplay:
- Why do you play WoT? What things you like most? What do you receive from WoT
Because there is no need for translations you can just hop into this link and give your feedback (and make them hate me for giving them more work :P ):
Armored Warfare: WÖLFLI’S Gold Rush
decided to share with you a video of Jingle's experience on the WÖLFLI’S Gold Rush:
For those unaware, until 20 of February Armored Warfare is rewarding players that queue for battles at specific hours with 400% Reputation and 100% Credit bonus.
Tuesday - EU server: 19:00 – 22:00 CET, NA server: 6:00pm – 9:00pm PST
Wednesday - EU server: 19:00 – 22:00 CET, NA server: 6:00pm – 9:00pm PST
Thursday - EU server: 19:00 – 22:00 CET, NA server: 6:00pm – 9:00pm PST
Friday - EU server: 19:00 – 22:00 CET, NA server: 6:00pm – 9:00pm PST
Saturday - EU server: 19:00 – 22:00 CET, NA server: 6:00pm – 9:00pm PST
I read the article and didn't realized how much exactly it was being given until I entered the Man Cave and saw Jingles rubbing his hands in delight on how fast he's progressing with his grind, definitely gonna be taking advantage as well.
decided to share with you a video of Jingle's experience on the WÖLFLI’S Gold Rush:
For those unaware, until 20 of February Armored Warfare is rewarding players that queue for battles at specific hours with 400% Reputation and 100% Credit bonus.
Tuesday - EU server: 19:00 – 22:00 CET, NA server: 6:00pm – 9:00pm PST
Wednesday - EU server: 19:00 – 22:00 CET, NA server: 6:00pm – 9:00pm PST
Thursday - EU server: 19:00 – 22:00 CET, NA server: 6:00pm – 9:00pm PST
Friday - EU server: 19:00 – 22:00 CET, NA server: 6:00pm – 9:00pm PST
Saturday - EU server: 19:00 – 22:00 CET, NA server: 6:00pm – 9:00pm PST
I read the article and didn't realized how much exactly it was being given until I entered the Man Cave and saw Jingles rubbing his hands in delight on how fast he's progressing with his grind, definitely gonna be taking advantage as well.
Monday, 15 February 2016
15/02/2016 Q&A
there is another Q&A out there which is not official and to be honest its half arsely done, however, there are a few truth parts, I filtered/compiled and Ivan translated them for you:
- Regarding the low tier tanks and the fact some modules were removed from them (in some cases stock ones, in some cases top ones), this is intentional and has been approved for a while in order to make the life for new players easier by removing unnecessary elements from early on in the game.
- 9.14 is delayed and will come when its problems are fixed
- The main task for the new motion physics is now to make the motion itself correct. A revision of the damage caused by tanks driving on top of each other will come later
- WT E-100 will not be switched for its replacement any time soon, certainly not in 9.14 (RG: It will be ASAP)
- The idea being personal missions is good but Slava Makarov thinks they didn't implement it properly in order for it to be popular
- Storm denies the statement that there will never be skill MM in WoT
there is another Q&A out there which is not official and to be honest its half arsely done, however, there are a few truth parts, I filtered/compiled and Ivan translated them for you:
- Regarding the low tier tanks and the fact some modules were removed from them (in some cases stock ones, in some cases top ones), this is intentional and has been approved for a while in order to make the life for new players easier by removing unnecessary elements from early on in the game.
- 9.14 is delayed and will come when its problems are fixed
- The main task for the new motion physics is now to make the motion itself correct. A revision of the damage caused by tanks driving on top of each other will come later
- WT E-100 will not be switched for its replacement any time soon, certainly not in 9.14 (RG: It will be ASAP)
- The idea being personal missions is good but Slava Makarov thinks they didn't implement it properly in order for it to be popular
- Storm denies the statement that there will never be skill MM in WoT
Swedish UDES 15/16 TR 3D Model by Arkhonus
one of you, Arkhonus, inspired by the technical drawings that sp15 shown on his articles, created a 3D model of a possible Swedish tier 10 for World of Tanks, the UDES 15/16 TR:
See also:
-Arkhonus DeviantArt page
-Swedish turreted tank destroyers by sp15
He says that is not yet complete, the colour of the vehicle was added after sp15 gave an accurate tone but Arkhonus will be adding textures in the next few weeks, will be showing once is 100% done.
Love this guy's work. :)
one of you, Arkhonus, inspired by the technical drawings that sp15 shown on his articles, created a 3D model of a possible Swedish tier 10 for World of Tanks, the UDES 15/16 TR:
See also:
-Arkhonus DeviantArt page
-Swedish turreted tank destroyers by sp15
He says that is not yet complete, the colour of the vehicle was added after sp15 gave an accurate tone but Arkhonus will be adding textures in the next few weeks, will be showing once is 100% done.
Love this guy's work. :)
Armored Warfare: Mail.Ru Speaks 2016
I usually tend to disregard AW's Mail.Ru due to their past actions, I see them as the Chinese server for WoT, they don't develop but still do whatever the F*** they want and frequently perform certain actions that I do not support whatsoever. AW EU and NA offices are the ones I care as far I'm concerned but haven't completely muted RU, specially because of content like this:
Mail.Ru has held a press conference in Moscow, among information like the third dealer that we already know about, they have confirmed that tier 10's are planned to be added this year, they have shown some screenshots:
Besides these, there will be also Challenger 2B and some others that haven't been disclosed yet, so far they teased saying that these vehicles will be two French, one Russian and one Polish (oh please on Polish! Make it PL-01!)
Also, there are plans for a ranked PVP mode (sort of an ambitious territorial CW mode) that players will be able to participate in groups but is still to soon to talk about and a lot of things can change.
I'm actually excited for these things, I've been and so my friends and some co-workers invested in this game more than ever, they are not perfect, no company is but I do want to see NA and mostly EU AW being successful as much as I wish for WG.
I usually tend to disregard AW's Mail.Ru due to their past actions, I see them as the Chinese server for WoT, they don't develop but still do whatever the F*** they want and frequently perform certain actions that I do not support whatsoever. AW EU and NA offices are the ones I care as far I'm concerned but haven't completely muted RU, specially because of content like this:
Mail.Ru has held a press conference in Moscow, among information like the third dealer that we already know about, they have confirmed that tier 10's are planned to be added this year, they have shown some screenshots:
Besides these, there will be also Challenger 2B and some others that haven't been disclosed yet, so far they teased saying that these vehicles will be two French, one Russian and one Polish (oh please on Polish! Make it PL-01!)
Also, there are plans for a ranked PVP mode (sort of an ambitious territorial CW mode) that players will be able to participate in groups but is still to soon to talk about and a lot of things can change.
I'm actually excited for these things, I've been and so my friends and some co-workers invested in this game more than ever, they are not perfect, no company is but I do want to see NA and mostly EU AW being successful as much as I wish for WG.
Extra History: The Battle of Kursk- Operation Barbarossa
The youtube channel "Extra Credits" united/ got sponsored by Wargaming EU and together they created a video about the WWII: The Battle of Kursk: Operation Barbarossa:
I'm actually not subscribed to this channel (I tend to watch "The Game Theorists" instead) but I've watched some its videos before, its good content and I thought you may enjoy. :)
The youtube channel "Extra Credits" united/ got sponsored by Wargaming EU and together they created a video about the WWII: The Battle of Kursk: Operation Barbarossa:
I'm actually not subscribed to this channel (I tend to watch "The Game Theorists" instead) but I've watched some its videos before, its good content and I thought you may enjoy. :)
FV4202 (P) Improved, Test Server & Hoaxes
after a tsunami wave of complaint about the FV4202 (P) poor stats, Wargaming has decided to improve it and the changes will take place in 9.14. The exact changes will be appearing on the 9.14 official path notes in a couple days.
Talking about 9.14, the test server is now back on! First server is still offline for the time being but the second is activated and with a long queue.
And third, if it reached to the English community a Q&A from a World of Tanks event in "Lviv". I have to warn its contents are complete "bullshit", multiple and sturdy sources have warned me in advance, hence why I didn't bothered to ask Ivan to translate it for you and instead enjoy Valentines Day, which I hope, you have too!
That's all folks! Will keep on making updates like these to you while pouring the usual content out.
after a tsunami wave of complaint about the FV4202 (P) poor stats, Wargaming has decided to improve it and the changes will take place in 9.14. The exact changes will be appearing on the 9.14 official path notes in a couple days.
Talking about 9.14, the test server is now back on! First server is still offline for the time being but the second is activated and with a long queue.
And third, if it reached to the English community a Q&A from a World of Tanks event in "Lviv". I have to warn its contents are complete "bullshit", multiple and sturdy sources have warned me in advance, hence why I didn't bothered to ask Ivan to translate it for you and instead enjoy Valentines Day, which I hope, you have too!
That's all folks! Will keep on making updates like these to you while pouring the usual content out.
Sunday, 14 February 2016
Just a little update, first of all... don't forget that tomorrow is the scheduled date for the FV4202 Marathon, I just hope it doesn't become like in the Russian server, if it does, I may actually take a break from my WoT EU account (hope the hordes of Mutz and Action X on NA already dissipated):
Also, about the 9.14 Test Server, Ph3lan wrote today in the forum:
"Currently we don't expect the Public Test servers to be up today. We might have more information on Monday, and we will let you know as soon as we know more. I know that you guys are disappointed and want to try out the new features (I am in the same boat) but for now we have to wait for the developers to fix the problems so we can all try out the new physics and sounds. However, a Public Test usually goes trough more than one iteration, so when worst comes to worst we can still wait for the next round to start."
Some of the Russian pages are saying that the test will be back on Monday but I'm not resting my hand on it, will seek someone from WG who's online in Valentines Day and try to get a sturdy answer.
Just a little update, first of all... don't forget that tomorrow is the scheduled date for the FV4202 Marathon, I just hope it doesn't become like in the Russian server, if it does, I may actually take a break from my WoT EU account (hope the hordes of Mutz and Action X on NA already dissipated):
Also, about the 9.14 Test Server, Ph3lan wrote today in the forum:
"Currently we don't expect the Public Test servers to be up today. We might have more information on Monday, and we will let you know as soon as we know more. I know that you guys are disappointed and want to try out the new features (I am in the same boat) but for now we have to wait for the developers to fix the problems so we can all try out the new physics and sounds. However, a Public Test usually goes trough more than one iteration, so when worst comes to worst we can still wait for the next round to start."
Some of the Russian pages are saying that the test will be back on Monday but I'm not resting my hand on it, will seek someone from WG who's online in Valentines Day and try to get a sturdy answer.
Saturday, 13 February 2016
Development Diaries - Improved Physics and Sound
check out this English dubbed Developer Diaries, they should have started doing this years ago:
What do you think?
check out this English dubbed Developer Diaries, they should have started doing this years ago:
What do you think?
Test Server is Down
I'm finally fully rested from the trip, it was a long one, anyway... the 9.14 Test Server has been down for awhile, it apparently went "Motor Kaputt" and they had to turn it off. WG EU has been the most responsive in the forums, Ph3lan, a Community Coordinator said "We don't have an ETA on when it is going up again, but we will let you know as soon as we have more info to share."
Shame, I wanted to play it tonight. Will keep you updated.
I'm finally fully rested from the trip, it was a long one, anyway... the 9.14 Test Server has been down for awhile, it apparently went "Motor Kaputt" and they had to turn it off. WG EU has been the most responsive in the forums, Ph3lan, a Community Coordinator said "We don't have an ETA on when it is going up again, but we will let you know as soon as we have more info to share."
Shame, I wanted to play it tonight. Will keep you updated.
Friday, 12 February 2016
9.14 SD/HD comparison: T1 Heavy Tank, VK 72.01 (K), VK 30.01 (H) & IS-6
this is my last stretch of the night and also the last SD to HD models left, the Heavies:
T1 Heavy Tank
this is my last stretch of the night and also the last SD to HD models left, the Heavies:
T1 Heavy Tank
9.14 SD/HD comparison: M53/M55, Sexton II, G.W. Tiger & 105 leFH18B2
the 9.14 is finally here and already compiled all the screenshots comparing the new HD models with their old SD versions, started with the SPGs straight ahead to get them out of the way, dont want these buggers camping on my to-do list:
See also armor comparison
the 9.14 is finally here and already compiled all the screenshots comparing the new HD models with their old SD versions, started with the SPGs straight ahead to get them out of the way, dont want these buggers camping on my to-do list:
See also armor comparison
9.14 HD armor changes In Depth
Good morning,
this one haven't slept yet, going to catch a flight in a couple hours and made an all nighter to make sure you gonna have content while I'm on my way back to the kitties (already grown accustomed to fall asleep in the planes before they take-off), anyway...
"TheMostComfortableTanker" wrote a deep analysis of the armor changes and was very kind to authorize me to share with you on RSR:
•The sides for the hull gun mount are now 60mm (+20mm).
•The driver's hatch no longer sticks out.
•Armor behind the tracks is now a very sloped section and a flat section, instead of a single slightly sloped section.
Verdict: Not enough to matter.
•Mantlet front buffed to 310mm from 250mm.
•Mantlet sides are slightly thinner, with the rear half being 60mm. A new weakspot, but probably would mean much.
•Indent on mantlet mount roof for the baby periscope is now 200mm thick where it would normally be a tiny flat 100mm weakspot.
•Flat front of mantlet mount is 200mm instead of 180, side of the mount are 170mm instead of 180mm.
•MG tumor shaped changed to more like a sphere. Front armor is mostly 175mm thick instead of 180mm-80mm, but the sides become 40mm much sooner.
•"Hammerhead" tumor is now armored just like the AMX AC mle 48, just with the the very base of it being 180mm instead of 130mm.
•LFP is now 62°, was 59°. UFP is now 55°, was 54°-56°.
•Spare tracks create a 50mm zone near the rear of the side hull (+10mm).
Verdict: I've not played this, but the mantlet area at least looks tougher from the front. Side skirts maybe helped against HEAT?
this one haven't slept yet, going to catch a flight in a couple hours and made an all nighter to make sure you gonna have content while I'm on my way back to the kitties (already grown accustomed to fall asleep in the planes before they take-off), anyway...
"TheMostComfortableTanker" wrote a deep analysis of the armor changes and was very kind to authorize me to share with you on RSR:
105 leFH18B2
•More rounded at round parts, but otherwise the same.•The sides for the hull gun mount are now 60mm (+20mm).
•The driver's hatch no longer sticks out.
•Armor behind the tracks is now a very sloped section and a flat section, instead of a single slightly sloped section.
Verdict: Not enough to matter.
AMX 50 Foch (155)
•20mm sideskirts have disappeared.•Mantlet front buffed to 310mm from 250mm.
•Mantlet sides are slightly thinner, with the rear half being 60mm. A new weakspot, but probably would mean much.
•Indent on mantlet mount roof for the baby periscope is now 200mm thick where it would normally be a tiny flat 100mm weakspot.
•Flat front of mantlet mount is 200mm instead of 180, side of the mount are 170mm instead of 180mm.
•MG tumor shaped changed to more like a sphere. Front armor is mostly 175mm thick instead of 180mm-80mm, but the sides become 40mm much sooner.
•"Hammerhead" tumor is now armored just like the AMX AC mle 48, just with the the very base of it being 180mm instead of 130mm.
•LFP is now 62°, was 59°. UFP is now 55°, was 54°-56°.
•Spare tracks create a 50mm zone near the rear of the side hull (+10mm).
Verdict: I've not played this, but the mantlet area at least looks tougher from the front. Side skirts maybe helped against HEAT?
Update 9.14 Common Test Review
Good morning,
Check out the review of the 9.14 Test Server:
I'm actually looking foward the new sounds.
Check out the review of the 9.14 Test Server:
I'm actually looking foward the new sounds.
Thursday, 11 February 2016
9.14 Test Server Is UP
Hello gorgeous ones,
9.14 Test Server is now available!
Edit: First it was today, then EU got mixed information and told me it had been postponed and closed office...sigh...Test server is UP!
For those interested in participate: Download Link. (9.14 should be injected into the server soon)
-HD Models:
-Supertesters only vehicles/HD models
-Supertesters only vehicles/Stats
9.14 Test Server is now available!
Edit: First it was today, then EU got mixed information and told me it had been postponed and closed office...sigh...Test server is UP!
For those interested in participate: Download Link. (9.14 should be injected into the server soon)
What you can expect for 9.14:
-Supertest Patchnotes-HD Models:
- 105 leFH18B2, T1 Heavy Tank & VK 72.01 (k)
- E-25
- Chi-Ni, Crusader, VK 30.01 (H)
- A-20, AMX 50 Foch (155), M44 & Chi-Ha
- T-25, AT 15, Nashorn & Type 5 Ke-Ho
- T28 Prototype, M53/M55, T40 & Type 3 Chi-Nu
- IS-6
- G.W. Tiger & Sexton II
- T20
-Supertesters only vehicles/HD models
-Supertesters only vehicles/Stats
Tank Talk with Len Dyer: Panzer IV
remember when I posted a couple months about a Tank Talk series with Len Dyer from Fort Benning, Georgia? They are back, finally, with a new video:
"Len Dyer of the National Armor and Cavalry Restoration Shop discusses the WWII-era German Panzer IV tank. Tank Talk is a series designed to educate on the features, tactics and histories of tanks throughout world military history."
remember when I posted a couple months about a Tank Talk series with Len Dyer from Fort Benning, Georgia? They are back, finally, with a new video:
"Len Dyer of the National Armor and Cavalry Restoration Shop discusses the WWII-era German Panzer IV tank. Tank Talk is a series designed to educate on the features, tactics and histories of tanks throughout world military history."
Extreme Tank Modelling: MS-1
when small tank model kit building doesnt satisfied oneself anymore...the adiction can grow into something entirely new, this team built a MS-1 with their own hands.
Amazing... this is one of the things I love Russians for.
when small tank model kit building doesnt satisfied oneself anymore...the adiction can grow into something entirely new, this team built a MS-1 with their own hands.
Amazing... this is one of the things I love Russians for.
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Tank Men: The Story of the First Crews
to celebrate the first tank attack in history The Tank Museum will be opening soon a new exhibition which focus on some of the pioneering tank soldiers, I know not all of you can visit the place but they have made a really interesting video (which I had the pleasure to preview last year) and uploaded its trailer on Youtube:
I emailed the museum straight ahead asking if they were going to release the whole video online for us because is such a good content to complement David Fletcher's Tank Chats and they answered that it will be available, in a sort of mini series.
This is what I wish Wargaming would do for EU and NA (like they do on RU) instead of just some poorly sourced/historical unacurate articles...
to celebrate the first tank attack in history The Tank Museum will be opening soon a new exhibition which focus on some of the pioneering tank soldiers, I know not all of you can visit the place but they have made a really interesting video (which I had the pleasure to preview last year) and uploaded its trailer on Youtube:
I emailed the museum straight ahead asking if they were going to release the whole video online for us because is such a good content to complement David Fletcher's Tank Chats and they answered that it will be available, in a sort of mini series.
This is what I wish Wargaming would do for EU and NA (like they do on RU) instead of just some poorly sourced/historical unacurate articles...
Armored Warfare: 0.13 Patch Update and WZ-1224 Preview
first of all there is a little update on the 0.13 patch that brings the Third Dealer, it got delayed for next Monday, 15 of February.
Also, there is a new video, a little preview of the WZ-1224, a upcoming premium tier 5 MBT vehicle:
It looks like a cuter version of a Chally, I could say Kawai but its Chinese.
If you want to see more detailed info hop into this link:
Also once is available will make sure to take it for a spin and give a review of this (and other upcoming) vehicles.
first of all there is a little update on the 0.13 patch that brings the Third Dealer, it got delayed for next Monday, 15 of February.
Also, there is a new video, a little preview of the WZ-1224, a upcoming premium tier 5 MBT vehicle:
It looks like a cuter version of a Chally, I could say Kawai but its Chinese.
Main Features
- Good frontal armor,
- Good mobility
- Excellent Firepower
If you want to see more detailed info hop into this link:
Also once is available will make sure to take it for a spin and give a review of this (and other upcoming) vehicles.
Have you been naughty or nice?
On the Russian server, Wargaming is rewarding the players who havent been naughty (didnt receive reports) by giving them Personal Reserves. Its known that WG gives Westerners, who have been away from the game for some time(*), premium tanks but would be lovely if they started rewarding us with these as well.
(*)See also, "Baby Come Back".
On the Russian server, Wargaming is rewarding the players who havent been naughty (didnt receive reports) by giving them Personal Reserves. Its known that WG gives Westerners, who have been away from the game for some time(*), premium tanks but would be lovely if they started rewarding us with these as well.
(*)See also, "Baby Come Back".
Top of the Tree Update
Some of you emailed me asking what had happened to the "Top of the Tree", the EU tier 10 discount will be coming back on the first of March with a new format.
-Instead of a new discount each 2 weeks the European server will be doing only one per month;
-The community (only for those with registered account) will have the power to vote on which vehicle they want to be featured;
-Players who voted on the winning vehicle will be earning 2 special missions
Some of you emailed me asking what had happened to the "Top of the Tree", the EU tier 10 discount will be coming back on the first of March with a new format.
-Instead of a new discount each 2 weeks the European server will be doing only one per month;
-The community (only for those with registered account) will have the power to vote on which vehicle they want to be featured;
- "The vehicles subject to voting in the polls will be restricted to 1 class per month. This means that, for example, in March you will be able to choose only from Tier X heavy tanks, then in April only tank destroyers or SPGs will be available, and later in May we will put just medium tanks up for a vote, and so forth.The vehicles subject to voting in the polls will be restricted to 1 class per month. This means that, for example, in March you will be able to choose only from Tier X heavy tanks, then in April only tank destroyers or SPGs will be available, and later in May we will put just medium tanks up for a vote, and so forth."
-Players who voted on the winning vehicle will be earning 2 special missions
- Players who have voted for the vehicle that wins the poll and unlocked the vehicle after the poll has ended, will be given access to the special missions as well.
- Players who have voted for the vehicle that wins the poll, but have unlocked the vehicle in the past already, or when the poll was still active, will not be eligible for access to the special missions. However, they will still be able to enjoy the discounts on the respective tech line, as well as the Crew XP bonus.
- Players who have voted for a vehicle that does not win will be able to enjoy the bonuses on the tech tree that won. However, no missions will be unlocked for their accounts. Of course, they will be able to vote again in future polls as well.
Special Missions:
"Reward 1"Reward
- x2 Crew XP*
- Random Battles only
- Voted Tier X tank only
- 50 times per account
- Must have voted for the tank that won in the poll
- Win a battle
- Be in the top 10 players on your team by base experience earned (bonuses for the first victory, premium account, etc., will not be counted to determine the rankings)
BMP-2 Drills in Russia
found this while doing a casual browsing around Russian pages, 2016 photos of BMP-2 drills from the Russian army that took place in the Mulino military training facility:
I like how they dont sit on their arses even when they have the weather keeping them safe from invasors, Ivan is smart to not underestimate global warming.
found this while doing a casual browsing around Russian pages, 2016 photos of BMP-2 drills from the Russian army that took place in the Mulino military training facility:
I like how they dont sit on their arses even when they have the weather keeping them safe from invasors, Ivan is smart to not underestimate global warming.
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
The Unicum Guide to the Panzer 58 Mutz
there is a new "Unicum Guide" from Sliphanton, this time he reviews the Panzer 58 Mutz:
Those folder names... :D
there is a new "Unicum Guide" from Sliphanton, this time he reviews the Panzer 58 Mutz:
Those folder names... :D
Armored Warfare: Coastal Threat
this is the trailer of the map that is coming in 2 days on the patch 0.13, Coastal Threat:
-This map is going to be PVP but it's possible that there will be PvE missions based on it.
When I saw a sneak peek of this map some of its features looked very familiar, its because this is a complete reworked version of one of the maps that were available during Alpha testing.
Green: Bridge crossing
Blue: Lots of accessible lanes, still, Green and Red areas can easily flank this location.
Red: Long fast lane, lacks protection from fire and most likely will be used by TDs and SPGS.
this is the trailer of the map that is coming in 2 days on the patch 0.13, Coastal Threat:
-This map is going to be PVP but it's possible that there will be PvE missions based on it.
When I saw a sneak peek of this map some of its features looked very familiar, its because this is a complete reworked version of one of the maps that were available during Alpha testing.
![]() |
Map size: 1200x1200 |
Blue: Lots of accessible lanes, still, Green and Red areas can easily flank this location.
Red: Long fast lane, lacks protection from fire and most likely will be used by TDs and SPGS.
Slava Makarov Q&A
Slava Makarov one of the persons who invented World of Tanks has spoken recently (please do not mistake him with Slava Lyushnya, who's been kind enough to give us frequent Q&As since Storm burn out and lost his position at Minsk):
-Slava M. doesnt like the new modes.
-The premium tanks are not supose to be significantly worse than regular tanks, the most important thing is for them to not be better.
-When it comes to maps and corridors, its not always as easy as it seems, even open maps do seem too corridorish to players for the sole reason they can safely move only in a small part of them, because the rest of the map is being too open and they will get shot there.
-Matchmaker is being overhauled as we speak.
-The devs will try to make the vehicle class roles more specific.
-Slava M. now has the main task of assembling list of current WoT problems, this list doesnt contain only issues description but also solutions and is 72 pages long.
-Regarding the fact that new maps suck, Slava M. said they are trying to hire back one of the old map makers who's work was highly rated.
-Slava M. about World of Tanks "We really fu**ed up last year but is not irreparable".
-Its difficult to make a full picture out of the quotes but is obvious that Slava M. is unhappy about Minsk producer's Anton Pankov work.
-Regarding the PVE mode, Slava says that there were critical technical issues that were solved only recently.
-Slava M. worked on Master of Orion, according to him the work is continuing and is cool.
-When it comes to the old whine that the engine of WoT is very old, Slava says that WG was working on a new engine for WoT for a couple of years now but there is currently no ETA of when the engine will appear in the game.
-Yuri P, published a picture of a SPG that has a 14round autloader, the RU players hope that such a thing wont be implemented.
-A lot of Russian players told Slava M. that they are happy he is back because he invented WoT while others completely broke it. Slava answered that they didnt broke it completely but it came very close (Example Rubicon patch)
-Replaying to the questions about where the SPG hate comes from, Slava said "That's because it really is killing all the hidden players like it was intended but the problem is that is pointless to come out of hiding because is killing everyone else and that was not intended"
-Slava will attempt to introduce rank mode to WoT.
-Slava doesnt like E-Sports.
Slava Makarov one of the persons who invented World of Tanks has spoken recently (please do not mistake him with Slava Lyushnya, who's been kind enough to give us frequent Q&As since Storm burn out and lost his position at Minsk):
-Slava M. doesnt like the new modes.
-The premium tanks are not supose to be significantly worse than regular tanks, the most important thing is for them to not be better.
-When it comes to maps and corridors, its not always as easy as it seems, even open maps do seem too corridorish to players for the sole reason they can safely move only in a small part of them, because the rest of the map is being too open and they will get shot there.
-Matchmaker is being overhauled as we speak.
-The devs will try to make the vehicle class roles more specific.
-Slava M. now has the main task of assembling list of current WoT problems, this list doesnt contain only issues description but also solutions and is 72 pages long.
-Regarding the fact that new maps suck, Slava M. said they are trying to hire back one of the old map makers who's work was highly rated.
-Slava M. about World of Tanks "We really fu**ed up last year but is not irreparable".
-Its difficult to make a full picture out of the quotes but is obvious that Slava M. is unhappy about Minsk producer's Anton Pankov work.
-Regarding the PVE mode, Slava says that there were critical technical issues that were solved only recently.
-Slava M. worked on Master of Orion, according to him the work is continuing and is cool.
-When it comes to the old whine that the engine of WoT is very old, Slava says that WG was working on a new engine for WoT for a couple of years now but there is currently no ETA of when the engine will appear in the game.
-Yuri P, published a picture of a SPG that has a 14round autloader, the RU players hope that such a thing wont be implemented.
-A lot of Russian players told Slava M. that they are happy he is back because he invented WoT while others completely broke it. Slava answered that they didnt broke it completely but it came very close (Example Rubicon patch)
-Replaying to the questions about where the SPG hate comes from, Slava said "That's because it really is killing all the hidden players like it was intended but the problem is that is pointless to come out of hiding because is killing everyone else and that was not intended"
-Slava will attempt to introduce rank mode to WoT.
-Slava doesnt like E-Sports.
9.14 Test Server
Just an update, 9.14 Test server is scheduled for the end of this week, for those interested to download, it should come on Thursday or Friday evening.
Just an update, 9.14 Test server is scheduled for the end of this week, for those interested to download, it should come on Thursday or Friday evening.
Monday, 8 February 2016
Studyanki (Polish) Map Details
starting a bit late today, spent many hours travelling and arrived late at destination. There are some more details about the upcoming Polish map, Studyanki:
Left: Meant for MTs and SPGs
-There is a terrain depression for SPGs on both ends;
-On middle, intricate terrain for MT fights.
Middle: Meant for LTs, MTs and TDs
-There is a hill on the center where LTs can rush and spot;
-Buildings and vegetation meant for TDs near base.
Right: Meant for HTs and TDs
-Same as usual, factory for HT vs HT dogfight;
-TD spots on each extreme;
Now... that's what WG wants to happen of the map, this is what I think it will happen:
-Overall this looks very much like Fishermans Bay but worse, pretty much every type of vehicle has the capability to perform its role but this is clearly a SPG's wet dream type of map.
-From SPG behaviour I dont see much of a difference, map makers even built them a nest where they can fire without being imediatly spotted by the MTs, also I dont expect LT's to go crazy and just to go get them, not with TDs (and perhaps even HTs) on the middle and MTs that may be poking over the hill on the left.
starting a bit late today, spent many hours travelling and arrived late at destination. There are some more details about the upcoming Polish map, Studyanki:
Left: Meant for MTs and SPGs
-There is a terrain depression for SPGs on both ends;
-On middle, intricate terrain for MT fights.
Middle: Meant for LTs, MTs and TDs
-There is a hill on the center where LTs can rush and spot;
-Buildings and vegetation meant for TDs near base.
Right: Meant for HTs and TDs
-Same as usual, factory for HT vs HT dogfight;
-TD spots on each extreme;
Now... that's what WG wants to happen of the map, this is what I think it will happen:
![]() |
Feeling like a coach. |
-Overall this looks very much like Fishermans Bay but worse, pretty much every type of vehicle has the capability to perform its role but this is clearly a SPG's wet dream type of map.
-From SPG behaviour I dont see much of a difference, map makers even built them a nest where they can fire without being imediatly spotted by the MTs, also I dont expect LT's to go crazy and just to go get them, not with TDs (and perhaps even HTs) on the middle and MTs that may be poking over the hill on the left.
Sunday, 7 February 2016
O-I by Seon Eun Ae
Author: Seon Eun Ae
The O-I (オイ車 Oi-sensha) was a super-heavy tank prototype designed by the Imperial Japanese Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War after the Battles of Nomonhan in 1939. The O-I is one of the Second World War’s more secretive tank projects, with documentation regarding the tank being kept private for over 75 years at Wakajishi Shrine, Fujinomiya. Surviving files have been purchased by FineMolds Inc., and publicly previewed in mid-2015. The multi-turreted 150-ton tank was designed for use on the Manchurian plains as a supportive pillbox for the Imperial Japanese against the Soviet Union. The project was disbanded four years after the initial development began, deemed unsatisfactory for continuation in 1943 after the lack of resource material for the prototype.
The O-I (オイ車 Oi-sensha) was a super-heavy tank prototype designed by the Imperial Japanese Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War after the Battles of Nomonhan in 1939. The O-I is one of the Second World War’s more secretive tank projects, with documentation regarding the tank being kept private for over 75 years at Wakajishi Shrine, Fujinomiya. Surviving files have been purchased by FineMolds Inc., and publicly previewed in mid-2015. The multi-turreted 150-ton tank was designed for use on the Manchurian plains as a supportive pillbox for the Imperial Japanese against the Soviet Union. The project was disbanded four years after the initial development began, deemed unsatisfactory for continuation in 1943 after the lack of resource material for the prototype.
Hope you are having a most jolly weekend! I just to warn you that things today are oddly quiet but it actually couldn't come more in handy, just finished packing and I'm leaving in 2 hours for the airport.
And don't worry, I can keep on working where I'm going to.
Going to leave you with a new article, its nearly ready. :)
Hope you are having a most jolly weekend! I just to warn you that things today are oddly quiet but it actually couldn't come more in handy, just finished packing and I'm leaving in 2 hours for the airport.
And don't worry, I can keep on working where I'm going to.
Going to leave you with a new article, its nearly ready. :)
Saturday, 6 February 2016
06/02/2016 Storm Q&A
Storm came back from the living after the usuals over the Russian server spat enough fake crap:
- it's not true that WG completely scrapped Havoc
- there will be no servers without artillery
- T49 will not receive the gun-launched ATGMs
- it's theoretically possible that LT10 will be implemented, but not anytime soon, the developers haven't simply even get to this question yet
- it was not considered yet to reduce XP and silver to players who do not contribute to the fight
- current perk/skill overhaul is in development, but it is for now in very early stage, the developers are still considering the concept, developers are even considering active perks
- on one meeting with players, a random WG staffmember disclosed that from now on, the developers would be listening to players much more and that they even made an entire department for this purpose. Storm states that this is a complete fabrication
- the same developer allegedly announced that +/-1 MM might be coming since the experience from Blitz with it was positive, Storm states that this too is made up, there are no such plans, reduced MM spread is only theoretically possible on low tiers to make learning the game easier and even this was not discussed yet
- FV215b will definitely be replaced, the only question is "when"
- the same "developer" above allegedly stated that the last accuracy overhaul brought a large number of issues but it's simply not possible to perform a rollback, Storm states this is complete crap
- the XP for tanking topic was recently revived, it might be introduced
- Sixth Sense will be given to the radioman as announced a long time ago during the perk/skill overhaul
- the developers do not want to make perks the way they are made in WoWs, but the entire perk status is still really vague
Apart from this... it became public that Storm is no longer working at Minsk, he's been transferred to the WG's Cyprus office.
Storm came back from the living after the usuals over the Russian server spat enough fake crap:
- it's not true that WG completely scrapped Havoc
- there will be no servers without artillery
- T49 will not receive the gun-launched ATGMs
- it's theoretically possible that LT10 will be implemented, but not anytime soon, the developers haven't simply even get to this question yet
- it was not considered yet to reduce XP and silver to players who do not contribute to the fight
- current perk/skill overhaul is in development, but it is for now in very early stage, the developers are still considering the concept, developers are even considering active perks
- on one meeting with players, a random WG staffmember disclosed that from now on, the developers would be listening to players much more and that they even made an entire department for this purpose. Storm states that this is a complete fabrication
- the same developer allegedly announced that +/-1 MM might be coming since the experience from Blitz with it was positive, Storm states that this too is made up, there are no such plans, reduced MM spread is only theoretically possible on low tiers to make learning the game easier and even this was not discussed yet
- FV215b will definitely be replaced, the only question is "when"
- the same "developer" above allegedly stated that the last accuracy overhaul brought a large number of issues but it's simply not possible to perform a rollback, Storm states this is complete crap
- the XP for tanking topic was recently revived, it might be introduced
- Sixth Sense will be given to the radioman as announced a long time ago during the perk/skill overhaul
- the developers do not want to make perks the way they are made in WoWs, but the entire perk status is still really vague
Apart from this... it became public that Storm is no longer working at Minsk, he's been transferred to the WG's Cyprus office.
Japanese WoT E-Sports: What the actual F***?
I don't even know how to start this one. In Japan, Akihabara e-sports SQUARE hosted a tournament finals for World of Tanks. There were 3 qualification stages and hosted by Mana Sakura who is a porn actress, she was kind enough to give her clothing as consolation prizes to the loser teams...
I don't even know how to start this one. In Japan, Akihabara e-sports SQUARE hosted a tournament finals for World of Tanks. There were 3 qualification stages and hosted by Mana Sakura who is a porn actress, she was kind enough to give her clothing as consolation prizes to the loser teams...
NSFW from this point "read more" at your own peril.
Tank Chats With David Fletcher MBE
There is a new "Tank Chats" from my favourite grandpa David Fletcher MBE, this time he talks about one of the most peculiar vehicles The Tank Museum has in its collection, the Canal Defence Light:
"Mark II A12, Matilda Canal Defence Light (CDL)
Night fighting always presents problems but searchlights had been tested on tanks as early as 1919. The idea of turning them into an offensive weapon is credited to a Mr A V M Mitzakis, who devised his scheme before the war but the British authorities did not take it up until about 1940. The idea was to use a light of such power that it would dazzle the opposition, leaving them temporarily blind and disorientated.
Five British and two American battalions were trained on CDL and two of the British units went out to Egypt. In fact the CDL was never employed as intended. A few tanks were used to cover the Rhine Crossing and there were incidents in India after the war but that is all."
There is a new "Tank Chats" from my favourite grandpa David Fletcher MBE, this time he talks about one of the most peculiar vehicles The Tank Museum has in its collection, the Canal Defence Light:
"Mark II A12, Matilda Canal Defence Light (CDL)
Night fighting always presents problems but searchlights had been tested on tanks as early as 1919. The idea of turning them into an offensive weapon is credited to a Mr A V M Mitzakis, who devised his scheme before the war but the British authorities did not take it up until about 1940. The idea was to use a light of such power that it would dazzle the opposition, leaving them temporarily blind and disorientated.
Five British and two American battalions were trained on CDL and two of the British units went out to Egypt. In fact the CDL was never employed as intended. A few tanks were used to cover the Rhine Crossing and there were incidents in India after the war but that is all."
Sacred Valley Changes
hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend! Have a couple screenshots on how the Sacred Valley map was reworked:
hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend! Have a couple screenshots on how the Sacred Valley map was reworked:
Friday, 5 February 2016
EU and NA Weekend Specials
You guys asked for me to start posting more of these, so here they are the weekend specials:
You guys asked for me to start posting more of these, so here they are the weekend specials:
- From Saturday 6 February at 06:10 until Tuesday 9 February at 06:00 CET (UTC +1x2 Crew XP (Be on top 10 basic XP ) For each Victory. |
First Challenge
- 5 x Large Repair Kit
- Random Battles only
- Once per account
- Win a total of 15 battles
- Be in the top 10 players on your team by base experience earned (bonuses for the first victory, premium account, etc., will not be counted to determine the rankings).
Second Challenge
Reward- 1 x Garage Slot
- Random Battles only
- Once per account
- Complete the previous mission
- Win a total of 10 battles
- Be in the top 5 players on your team by base experience earned (bonuses for the first victory, premium account, etc., will not be counted to determine the rankings).
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