Friday, 16 October 2015

16/10/2015 Stream (Ended)

Hello Warriors,

Its time for my scheduled livestream.

Today will be playing World of Tanks and doing some grinds or perhaps some Sub platooning!

As usual 200 Tanks and EU:

Steady as the Tortoise goes!

Mission to the T-22 sr

Hello Warriors,

There will be 2 set of missions for those interested in getting the T-22 sr, although I completely lost interest in the Domination as the amount of rewards were just too small to make it worthy of someone's time I'm actually going to be doing these as the reward tank is pretty damn good.

First Set - Steel Hunt Mode

Note: On each mission, there are 2 paragraphs, first for main and second for well, secondary objective.

1st Mission
- Deliver or capture at lest 2 flags
- Make at least 7000 damage

2nd Mission
- Get 250 points (when in platoon) or at least 150 Points (without platoon)
- Deal at least 1000 damage by combat reserves

Kolohousenka Screenshots

Hello Warriors,

here are the screenshots of the upcoming CZ tier 1 tank, the Kolohousenka:

Stats and Armor Model
CZ Tree part 1

Wargaming goes Kawaii

Hello Warriors,

Wargaming has gone kawaii!
 My eagle eyes have spotted some inconsistencies in the tank models but then again they are not meant to be 100% accurate, I'm also not a big fan of anime style as I was a couple years ago but I'm actually going to use some of these as screensaver.

Posted all I could find for your viewing pleasure, I'm aware some of you like this type of "Girls und Panzer" artwork:

Bonuses from Emblems/Inscriptions

Hello Warriors,

in the next patch, 10.0 emblems and inscriptions will bring bonuses to the vehicles.

All logos and lettering printed on the equipment before the 10.0 update will remain on it and will bring real benefits: increase the level of the main speciality of the crew.

There will be two types of bonuses:
Constant  - a bonus to the proficiency of the crew main speciality, active throughout the fight;
Time  - a bonus to the level of ownership of the main speciality of the crew, only activates under certain conditions, there are 10 of them.

Percentage of how they will affect the crew:

  • 1% for permanent total bonuses;
  • 2% * for temporary total bonuses;
  • 2% for regular individual bonuses;
  • 3% * for the temporary individual bonuses.

Once activated they will appear on the exterior tab:

Other features:
  • Same bonuses from various inscriptions and emblems are stacked.
  • Logo or inscription, which gives a bonus to a particular crew member, will work for all the crew members of the same speciality (two loaders in the tank IS-7, for example).
  • If a crew member combines several disciplines (for example, a tank commander and the radio operator at the same time), the bonuses will add up to a single speciality. (*)
(*) Commander/Radio Operator: If you add a Commander bonus of 2%, all crew bonus of 1% and Radio Operator bonus of 2% the total bonus percentage the Commander will receive is 3%.

Tank owner has to move house

Hello Warriors,

A men from Bristol, Jeff Hoolmer had to change house after winning a tank from an online auction.

He put a bid on a CVRT Scorpion on a specialist auction site and forgot about it, he says: "I'd forgotten all about it and then at work I had a call saying 'Hello sir you've just bought a tank""and of course everyone in the office was laughing at me."

The light tank was bought for a mere £9,000 from Witham Specialist Vehicles.

But he had one problem... he lived in a two-bedroom flat! With "tank parking a bit of a problem" at his flat, Mr Woolmer had to move to a larger house on the outskirts of the city to park it and now everyone in the area calls him the "Tank Man".

He also had this to add:

"It weighs about seven tonnes - which in terms of tanks is a little baby tank really,"

"The guns are all disarmed obviously but I do plan to try and get it running - once the batteries are charged we'll see if the electrics come to life and then try and start it up."

Guess everyone has their first world problems... :)


Armored Warfare: Transporting Tanks

Hello Warriors,

have you ever wondered how tanks get transported? Well you can read here in this AW's article:

The first sight I ever had of a tank being driven was at the Overloon Museum in the Netherlands.
I suddenly "forgot" all my Dutch, ignored the "staff only" signs and trespassed just to see a Jagdpanzer 38 (t) being placed on top of a truck to be taken back home to its private owner for repairs. Luckily the staff were very nice and allowed my presence and small as that tank destroyer is, wasn't a easy task and they nearly flipped it.

TV anchor mistakes video game footage for Russian airstrikes

Hello Warriors,

a controversial Egyptian TV anchor, Ahmed Moussa praised the Russian military, which began conducting airstrikes against the Islamic State militant group in Syria this month. The only problem... the footage he proudly presented is from "Apache Air Assault", a videogame  developed by Gaijin and released in 2010!

This is what he says:

"Let me tell you about Russia, Russia does not play around. America was just playing, it wasn't trying to hit Daesh [the Islamic State]. If anything, they were patting Daesh on the back, funding and arming them.

The Russians did it. Yes, this is the Russian army, this is Russian weaponry, this is [Vladimir] Putin. Yes, they are countering terrorism, truly countering it. Now you will see a terrifying video, terrifying."

Meanwhile in Iraq...

Hello Warriors,

in Iraq this M36B2 (more known as "Jackson") got destroyed in combat back in 2003...

 Years later, it got a paving upgrade

Destroyed Škoda Plant Map Video

Hello Warriors,

a video of the upcoming Destroyed Škoda Plant Map:


15/10/2015 Q&A

Bit late today, if you knew the amount of work and tabs I have open...may have to start training my cats to help out.

Here is the Q&A

- WT E-100 replacement is planned in "first patches of 2016"
- T-10 will be buffed in the future
- there might be more "technical tests" in the future respite the fact that patch 10.0 shown in the test is full of bugs
- the fate of the Chieftain is not yet decided
- there are issues in 10.0 that make players experience microfreezes every time a new enemy on the map is spotted, Storm states he can't say anything about that issue yet
- VulkanAPI support will not come for now
- AMD API Mantle will not be supported anymore (Storm cites the fact that AMD itself stopped supporting it)

Jagdpanther II Update

Hello Warriors,

bit overwhelmed today, there is a lot of things for me to write about for you but first, there is a small update about the Jagdpanther II, according to Storm the current 30 mm of the gun mantlet will be improved to 100 mm instead. But don't get too happy, is still a nerf as that area will be losing 50 mm of armor once 10.0 becomes live.