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Friday, 27 March 2015

27.03.2015 Q&A

Here it is:

- Vehicles are not balanced based on the conditions of common tests where everyone is firing gold ammunition;
- Vehicles are balanced around regular shells, gold shells "are taken into account, but they are not a balancing parameter";
- Currently, there are no plans to change the T-54 Light gun options;
- In World of Tanks, vehicle MM weight has no influence on the probability of ending in various battle tiers of the MM spread;
- The IS-4 collision model changes in recent test include two 180mm thick spots on the lower front plate:

- According to developers, players on your team begging the opposite team to help them with an individual mission should be reported for unsportsmanlike behavior;
- There is currently no info available on when historical battles might return (RG: Should it return?);
- The fact that on low tiers the newbies are now separated from the experienced players does NOT mean there will be such a segregation (skilled/unskilled players) on higher tiers (RG: Just glad that I can now play low tiers without feeling guilty from abusing the bambies).


  1. Replies
    1. Yup...Google "most traumatic children movie" or "Bambie"

    2. Its a term for Newbie, a new player in a game.

    3. Nice to see they got their noobs out

    4. Pz1C (tier 3) is about as much fun as you can have in WoT, plus I normally warm up with a couple of the gift/new year presents :-)

  2. "- There is currently no info available on when historical battles might return (RG: Should it return?);"

    Yes, but it'll be tough to get enough people in it and to balance them.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. - Vehicles are not balanced based on the conditions of common tests where everyone is firing gold ammunition;
    +++ why the idiots dont remove that ammo from test then!? or at least limit on test...?

    - According to developers, players on your team begging the opposite team to help them with an individual mission should be reported for unsportsmanlike behavior;
    +++....... like they care!

    - The fact that on low tiers the newbies are now separated from the experienced players does NOT mean there will be such a segregation (skilled/unskilled players) on higher tiers
    +++ like you have to go lowtier for seal clubbing!
    ppl with 1-2> k games in Löwe...
    ppl with straight line to Maus and at best 4k games - stoopid enough to drive around corners 90° flat sided as well front first! (ebay accounts/botter)
    ppl firing HE on my Kv4 (with sub 100mm guns)

    Its good that seal clubbing is no more... < if u find sarcasm, keep the change!

    1. I have been playing Cruiser 4 for ontrack and see no differance

    2. I also cannot understand why they allow the use of so much gold ammo in the testing. It does not jive with what they say about testing conditions for balancing. How can they do the balancing correctly if they allow people to run straight gold in the test server?

  4. After how many battles do you stop being considered as a newbie and so leave safezone? (or is it based on another criteria?)

  5. Is there some sort of problem with the T-54 lightweight guns I don't know about. I think the idiot gun does fine on it. Sure, it would be nice to have 320 alpha and 201/330 pen, but that would just make it OP.

    As for the new player/experienced player split at low tiers, don't expect it to work out on the NA server. The population is pretty low overall compared to RU and EU, and even at peak hours there are not a lot of people playing lower tiers. I have a couple of low tier premiums that I sometimes run for crew training and the wait times to get into low tier games are already significantly longer than higher tiers. So, what will happen, either matchmaker will ignore the new rule, or there will be 7 on 7 matches for experienced players, likely after a 2-3 minute wait, and the new player matches will have 4 or 5 gold spam bots per side.

  6. If Wg know what is best for them they should make Historical battles like a co-op mode with bots - AW seems to do a sweet job at that part in particular. Also many players really should stick to single player games lol

  7. I'd love to know more about the new low tier matchmaking, will it be a complete separation ? like experienced players only meeting experienced players ...

    This may change low tier gameplay a lot, as good players are much more able to get rid of a td quickly for example.

  8. "- In World of Tanks, vehicle MM weight has no influence on the probability of ending in various battle tiers of the MM spread;"

    But thats the purpose of the vehicle MM weight, higher MM weight means more times in bottom tier, and less MM weight means more times as top tier...

    1. No it doesn't, MM weight alters the tank composition of your team, not the tier of the battle. MM will try to make it so both teams have about the same grand total of MM weight points. For example, a T29 has higher MM weight than a T20, which has higher MM weight than a VK2801. If your team got a T29, and the enemy team only got a T20, it's likely your team would have gotten that VK2801 instead of a bigger vehicle.

      It's just one way of saying "look this tank is better than these ones, but we dont want to nerf it so we'll just increase the weight". Kinda lazy.

  9. "- There is currently no info available on when historical battles might return (RG: Should it return?);"

    I kinda liked them honestly.
    It was the only way how to play tanks in their real configuration. Tiger with short 88, Panther with L70, etc. Suddenly even paper tank like tiger I was heavy armored behemoth we know from movies and history channels.

    The only downside was 15 minute long waiting in queue.
    If they could rebalance it so that not everybody wants to play tier 8 it would be great.

    1. the interesting comment - as it pertains to driving T-70s etc and other tier 4 tanks in a tier 7 battle was that no-one like being ineffective and playing such a small contribution. Personally I didn't like that it was just same side for the same nationality on the same map.

    2. thats why I told they should rebalance it somehow.

    3. I enjoyed it. On both ends, Tiger II or Pz III, was fun pretty much every time. The waiting time was the problem. Make it more appealing to the, not masses, but more people

  10. - Vehicles are balanced around regular shells, gold shells "are taken into account, but they are not a balancing parameter"

    Which is exactly why they're going to buff tanks who have their gold ammo nerfed...
    Seriously WG, make up your mind and stop contradicting yourself week after week

  11. The buff to the is-4 lower plate is substantial in my opinion. should be at least competitive with the is-7 now

  12. Yes i can play my favorite low tier tanks like the BT-7 and the Pz1c without feeling like a piece of shit and i can get in to some of my low tier prems too like the tetrarch t2 light ltp t15 locust which i havent driven in a LONG time

    1. Yes and it'll be nice not to be 10-0 down after 30 seconds!

  13. also finally a reason to start playing my st-1 again because my is-8 crew has been sitting in my is-6 for a long time its about time they got somewhere else to go :)

  14. What is the delineation of lower tiers?
