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Friday, 27 March 2015

IS-3 with Autoloader Premium

Hello warriors,

an IS-3 with autoloader tier 8 premium tank appeared on the supertest. It's basically just an IS-3 with an autoloader and a 3 man crew. This vehicle does not have limited MM and it has the stock gun (D-25T), which however uses improved penetration shells like in the case of IS-5.


Between 1956 and 1957, the students from the BTV military academy developed a diploma thesis with the topic of installing an automatic loader in the IS-3 and T-10 tanks. For the IS-3, they proposed a two-layer ammo rack with the shape of a pistol magazine. The crew was reduced to three (commander, gunner, driver). The turret design was changed as well in order to incorporate the loading mechanism. The work on the project stopped in the drawing phase.

Tier: 8 HT
Hitpoints: 1550
Engine: 520 hp
Weight: 49 tons
Power-to-weight: 10,61 hp/t
Maximum speed: 40/15 km/h
Hull traverse: 26 deg/s
Turret traverse: 22,9 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 0,959/1,151/2,014
Viewrange: 350
Radio range: 720

Hull armor: 110/90/?
Turret armor: 249/172/?

Elite gun: 122mm D-25T
Damage: 390
Penetration: 221
ROF: 5,538
DPM: 2042,9
Reload: 11,455
Accuracy: 0,441
Aimtime: 3,26s
Depression: -5


Model pictures:


  1. What's wrong with that turret shape?

    1. "The turret design was changed as well in order to incorporate the loading mechanism."

    2. goddammit, that's ugly as fvck......

  2. how much rounds are there in the clip?

    1. There is no magazine/clip, its just a mechanical loading system that replaces the human loader.

    2. The same type of thing that many tanks have, like the IS-7.

    3. The same type of thing that many tanks have, like the IS-7.

    4. Not according to the Description "For the IS-3, they proposed a two-layer ammo rack with the shape of a pistol magazine."

    5. does it matter, because we "need" another soviet tier 8 premium OP heavy tank in the game while the T58 with 155mm auto-loader would be OP when it was only supposed to have the early version of the M48 hull and we have in the game a 150mm autoloader with the E-100 hull

    6. Armando Rodrigues, and no 8 shells for T57! Because WG can not in to balance thingy.

    7. that's the least of US tanks users problems, SilentStalker said before that ----------ALL!!!!!!!------- 90mm guns in the US tree are overnerfed and it's true because they were superior to the dreadfull 88

      one example is the Super Pershing which can sometimes struggle to fight it's enemies but could be fixed if the gun performance was closer to the reallity

      we all know that premium are supposed to be as close as historical as they can make it (terrain passability and other soft stats aren't really important and can still be used as balancing parameters)

      it's not just the T57 drum that is nerfed the T54 as well and what can we say when there's a perfect candidate to be tier 10 in the american autoloader medium line instead of having a heavy tank, sure the 120mm gun on the T77 autoloading medium could be a little OP but it's still better than training a crew for a autoloading medium tank and then having to start over for a autoloading heavy tank

  3. My god, that thing is going to op.

    1. Its just an is3... but sure will be beloved like Löwe/T34.
      At least i hope.

  4. Pay to win bs. Gotta milk them zombies....

  5. so a faster rate of fire than the isd-6 with near 50 more pen but loses the premium matchmaking and the ability to train a loader? seems like a very specialized vehicle especially with just 520hp in the engine. im amazed this isnt a reward tank and the is-5 is the regular premium. also this turret seems to be better than the regular is-3s.

    1. the IS-6 reloads faster than this actually, its rate of fire is 5.348 with the commander bonus (which the stats for the prem IS-3 include)

  6. Clearly superior to IS-3. This is the soviet version of the T34, obviously, but much better.

    1. Not superior just looking at the stats. IS3 has better gun stats except the rof. But in practice this will rip the is3 in close combat due to the increased rof. The rof is almost tiger II like, but with 390 alpha.

  7. OMG really WG ok then I want the Tiger-2 autoloader tier 8 as a premium tank then plz

  8. If this thing has an actual autoloader (as they are modeled in the game) it will be the first premium to mount one (I don't include autocannons). That is a pretty big step, so I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be a reward or mission tank rather than the eventual IS-6 replacement. Still, if the listed reload time is for the drum, 11ish seconds, then the drum capacity can't be much. A 2 shot drum with 2 seconds between shots perhaps?

    1. look at the RoF and the DPM. It's not a revolver-like autoloader, just a mechanical loading system.

    2. Landric you are wrong, Xavier is right. Even T-72 has autoloader but that just means that there is a drum magazine and elevator which loads the gun. However in wg probably dont think enough because autoloading mechanism usually needs to get barrel into loading position like in T-72 or BMP-1 and I am sure this IS-3 will not work that way...

  9. 'poisson d'avril' don't waite for it ;)

  10. OHHH autoloader
    like it doesnt need a loader crewman!

    LOL i thought it be an AMX 50100 like tank XDD (hahah omg... 3~5 magazine!)

  11. Their bullshit knows no boundaries.

  12. I thought they were not adding any more limited MM premiums?

  13. It looks like 1 April joke for me nor real tank

  14. Oh please, more copy paste. Thats what WoT needs :D

  15. oh...great, another tank with the 122mm gun *sigh*

  16. Well, I do get that this may be worse than the regular IS3 because the regular has better mobilty, more pen (225 AP vs 221 APCR) and better accuracy.

    How ever this is still an IS3 with 5.5 rof making 390 dmg which is a bit retarded looking at the DPM compared to the regular heavys. Also 221mm APCR is enough to pen all tier 8 heavys frontaly with ease and this shit will win a 1v1 against the regular IS3 due to the very much increased rof.

  17. Instead of balancing they add more autoloaders, you know what. WarThunder almost seems like the better game now....

  18. Diploma thesis? For realsies? Replacement for IS-6 i guess.
    Premium Wars: The Clone Wars...

  19. The tank is okay I guess but its the constant powercreep that WG is doing. This tank is basicaly an IS3 with better rof that earns more credits and xp and can be bought by any noob out there. Many people maybe dont want to admit it but many of the premium tanks are not even that much "worse" than the elited tanks, some times people can argue that even some premium as "as good".

    Also note the buffed is3 armor, better upper plate slope as well as additional 20mm armor where the track links are mounted. This russian tank was very lucky having those track links exactly on the upper plate where people use to shoot. Russian magic...:)

  20. For me it is looks like WG just want to squeeze as much money as they can before game popularity collapses because of their (dumb!!!) politics/other problems. I hope it is because they are working on a new game so they dont care much about WoT. Or it is just my imagination.

  21. ...and yet they are still not able to FIX that stupid CTD after the end of the battle...So go to hell with your premium tenks!

  22. As is there wasn't enough auto-loaders in the game already, they should never make one as a premium tank for all the scrubs to just hop straight into with zero battles experience. Sheesh

    1. In this case, "autoloader" means "machine that replaces the loader", not "clip".

  23. As is there wasn't enough auto-loaders in the game already, they should never make one as a premium tank for all the scrubs to just hop straight into with zero battles experience. Sheesh

  24. This is clear evidence that WG feels that WoT has hit maturity and is on the decline. The money grabbing premium tank spam at the expense of tank balance, competent map making, and general quality control is a slap in the face of all veteran WoT players.

    The only thing that keeps me playing now is the investment in tanks and time that I have put into this game. I find myself taking longer and longer breaks after I get fed up with the BS. One day I think I am just going to find another game that will make me forget about WoT.

  25. And look! Too many people, who confuse mechanical loading with drum loader! That's almost funny.

  26. College Thesis Paper Tanks....really? I thought they were heading AWAY from this kind of thing.

    I have a couple of random drawings when I was bored in my courses, can I email those over to WG HQ as well?

    1. Before mailing you shold do two things.

      1. Invent a time machine and go back in time.
      2. Publish your drawings in journal or university diploma project.

      Both on whose you will never do.

    2. No, WG never said they will remove historical projects even if they were proposals or blueprints. They said they will remove problematic tanks and unhistoricaly buffed ones such as vk45b and wte100 which are made up by WG and buffed to a extreme.

      There will still be some semi historical tanks that are unhistoricalt buffed but these are not considered as "problematic" so there is no reason to change them.

      Tier 9 maus for example is a historical "paper" tank, still WG balanced it because it would be too problematic.

      E75 is also a historical project but WGs configuration is unhistoricaly buffed some would assume, but that tank is not problematic in terms of game balance so they didnt touch it.

      Same with ferdinand and jagdpanther, no historical records shows any proposal for 12.8cm or 10.5cm for top guns. But these are not problematic in any way and dont mess up balance other than having a "different" gun.

      Same with the T32 american heavy there were never any proposal for a 105mm on that prototype but still it has a better gun just for balance and that tank is not problematic either.

      Same goes for the is3, the only proposal to upgun it was the M62 gun, yet WG added the bl9 because it could fit in the turret historicaly.

      There are a bunch of paper tanks with paper projects in wot, some are even WGs own inventions based on "possible" upgrades, but most are balanced.

      Wte100 on the other hand is a broken POS invention same as the vk45b which is so extremely overbuffed in all aspects there is. Note that the tier 8 vk45a is also buffed, but more historicaly because there were proposals to increase frontal armor and mount a 10.5cm.

    3. im fine with changing the tech trees as they are what i dont like however are autoloaders(in this case a well armored heavy tank with autoloader)
      and artillery with guns with a caliber that shoots throught the roof(see GW E100 replacement with a GW tiger with a 305 mm gun)

      i dont care if tanks are historical or not at least not in world of tanks because there are so many tanks that never existed/equpment tanks never used
      but only if it will help to get a ballanced tank for its tier

  27. I'd rather to see the IS5 as a standard premium.
    But nooooo. It will be a reward for a nolife mission.
    Fu WG.

    1. i already gave up on world of tanks. i only play wot for 2/3 matches at night with my clan. other than that its warthunder for the better tank action.

    2. i already gave up on world of tanks. i only play wot for 2/3 matches at night with my clan. other than that its warthunder for the better tank action.

  28. So many whiners i would or could call myself a vet of this game and i do not care about more prem tanks, so many kids these days growing up in the tech age where everything has to be perfect or they complain, till either change happens of they quit complaining because they did not get their way after a certain amount of time.

    Simple answer grow up and stop looking for flaws that are not problems.

    1. Simple answer:
      Critique is not equal whining. Try in to critique.


    2. Shane you are just a dumb bitch. There is valid criticism here. Wargaming is now in currently in the practice of money grubbing via OP premium tanks and you don't see a problem? Total fucking retard.

    3. WG see opportunities. They alreaddy admited that premium tanks with pref MM messing up the MM and that is true. Now they will introduce premiums with regular MM and of course they make them little OP because they want people to keep on spending money on stuff. Specialy in this time and age of lazyness, new players that buy premium tanks are important for WG.

      But one can only wonder what will happen if there are too many premiums around, specialy since many premiums are not even that much worse or even worse than elited ones. I am against WGs policy to not nerf premiums, they should get the same balance as all other tanks.

    4. mistermex1, idk for one thing:
      WG says that they begin to removing MM pref tanks because of messed up the matchmaking mechanism-balancing-thingy-whetever. But then, what was the point of removing 12th (where were only "tens" tanks) level of battles?
      Coincidence? I think not!
      Either way they are so stupid that can not in to strategy (bussines) or purposely did that.

    5. OP you and i have a different opinion of OP, i can kill and be killed by any tier 8 prem tanks since when were any of them OP, if you have a problem killing them that is not my problem, but they are no better then any other tier 8 non prem tank that i have face.

      Hint its the player in the tank not the tank itself skill does play a role in the game.

    6. Skill doesn't play role this game anymore there is so called "RNG" which play huge role these game and beside that there is no controll what so ever at eu servers for mods, this game is just rubbish! Soviet tanks get buffed examble is-7 turret was already impenetrable and did get buff anyway but if there is one so called "OP" german tank it's have to remove from game (vk45.02B)

    7. They are removing the VK45.02 B its being replaced by the Mauschen or something its like a prototype maus and all, in any case we were talking about OP prem tanks that he thinks give advantages and what not, making the game pay to win in his opinion.

  29. fantastic more autoloaders..................................just what ive been hoping for.........

  30. I love the origin of that bucket. Next we will look at the IS3 1/2, painted by the 6 year old son of SerB. We just had to remove the christmas tree on top but left the mine laying elves. Its as historical as these school drawings...
