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Friday, 27 March 2015

"Berlin" mode possibly coming

Hello warriors,

remember the three "Berlin" vehicles (the IS-2, ISU-122 and the Cromwell)? According to supertest leakers, a map called "Berlin" is supposed to be tested very soon. It's completely possible that there will be a special "Berlin" mode for the end of the war anniversary. Who knows? Maybe we will get to parade in these vehicles under the Brandenburg Gate...


  1. I think this may upset some Germans. Probably WG will not roll it out on EU server, but who knows..

    1. As a german, I don't really think so. Our national pride is due to our history a bit...different...

    2. You mean there is really none? But what the hell we were not upset when playing all the FPS killing germans... so yeah

    3. Well, Germans mostly ban stuff with swastika's as far as I know. But having a fall of Berlin campaign is not particularly a bad thing. I know Germans aren't particularly proud of what some people did in WWII and of course some people did things in order to stay alive and not to get shot by their own government.

      I think that it would not be a problem for Germany to add this.

    4. Anyway. Wargaming could not care less if some Germans were upset by this mode. Seriously, when has Wargaming ever taken into consideration the feelings and experiences of other non-Russian nations when it comes to historical events? Just remember the "For Stalin" imprints for a moment. We don't know much about this future mode yet, but if Wargaming intends to give a signal of peace and conciliation they should forgo performing any kind of victory parade.

    5. Well, I, for one, won't be really thrilled about WG making a theme out of bombarded Sofia for a WoWp event. Just saying. Every nation has its pride and history, but rubbing someones nose in 70 years later seems just wrong.

    6. Actually the "For Stalin" inscriptions should not really upset anyone else than russians themselves. He was after all responsible for deaths of tens of millions soviet citizens. He was not that much a threat to the rest of the world.

    7. I think Germans were as happy as the rest of the world that Hitler was finally removed from power so Berlin day seems like a great idea and a grand celebration for all, esp in not punishing the german people like after wwi.

    8. Maybe ask google before you make yourself an idiot.

    9. It will be possible to defend as german, so we are defently not "pissed" :D

    10. Too bad German tanks cannot be driven in BERLIN. That's because the poor victor writes history. I won't play this mode except i can parade Tiger II there.

  2. At least on the NA server there's new art on the opening screen of the game featuring the Ru.251 in front of one of the hulking flak towers the Germans built in their major cities during WWII; could be an oblique reference to a "Berlin" map.

  3. Hopefully they Make berlin as a normal map too!

  4. I can't possibly imagine many Cromwells in Berlin...
    Why did they pick Cromwells?
    IS-2 and ISUs I understand, but Cromwell?

    Unless I'm missing a History lesson on the Commonwealth occupation of Berlin circa 1945...

    1. The Cromwell wasn't in the fight but was in the victory parade.

    2. Berlin was divided into 4 occupation zones after the end of hostilities. I bet Brits didn't drive Soviet tanks in British zone just because it was Soviets who actually captured Berlin.

  5. Exactly. The soviets captured Berlin quite a while before the other allies got from the Rhine over. So cromwells? Don't know. I'm just as puzzled as you.

    In my opinion they should make a GERMAN Berlin tank, not a british. But I think that it would be cool to have a Cromwell with American markings on it.

    1. American markings? That's funny.

    2. By June 1944, all Allied vehicles going into Northwest Europe were to have the five pointed American star painted on them. These stars sometimes had a circle, either broken or unbroken, painted around them as well. Canadian units often painted the star on crooked in order to differentiate themselves from American units.

    3. OK, let's call anything five-pointed "American".

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. IF anyone is wondering how it looks like:
