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Wednesday, 1 April 2015

War Thunder April's Fool

This days I rarely check on War Thunder but because I don't face the risk of being banned for talking my mind here went to take a look on their April's Fool.

Gaijin made a new wallpaper and a video of inflatable "SPS-255" tanks with hitpoint bars to "announce" simplified game mechanics, my first impression is that they are mocking World of Tanks (everyone else that has been trying to bring this to my attention while I'm writing it also thinks the same).

Really War Thunder, you wanna play the mocking game? I really thought your simulator battles was your April's Fool announcement:

Thank you to the little bird that sent me this. "Yaa ta ta ta ta"


  1. Yea kind of a cheap shot right there at WG (The 1st one that is)

    1. It is indeed a cheap pot shot but anyone that feels upset at wacky inflatable tanks doesn't really have any confidence in their product or the game they play.

  2. Thats super awesome with the rubber tanks :D

    1. reminds me kinda of the american ghost army

  3. first video is so hilarious! :)))

  4. evul gaijin, lets show dem who's boss :^))) le mocking gaem

  5. The video is hilarious and yes, it is clearly a cheap shot at WG, but it is a fun mode anyway.

    1. well, wot itself is a "cheap shot" with idiotic hp and complete bullshit everywhere.
      In fact the description of the entire "mode" is wot, shells that do the same effect, no weakspot per se, wot to the point!
      i'm going to have oozes of fun playing this.

      and you haven't seen the xray, they're bicicle powered inside, the cannon is a slingshot and it fires either potatoes or carrots :D

    2. I have seen the xray and laughed a lot :))

      WoT is not a cheap shot. It is vastly more popular than WT:GF and overall a way better game. WT:GF is very nice because you can play realistic and historical, but unless you are a history/sim fan the game as terrible gameplay compared to WoT. Also, weakspots are way, way more important in WoT and WoT shells do have different mechanics.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Gaijin brings the real ST-1! :)

    1. I tried it it is awesome.
      Really, how can a walking tank with 3 turrets, a kv 2 gun and lots of MG not be awesome?

  7. Ya this is a dig at Wargaming but at the same time Wargaming went after armored warfare.

    1. now all we need is the margaritas and we'll have a party on our hands! ;)

    2. Conga line kinda got out of hand when AW made a jab at F2P gaming as a whole though, now that is a party

      *sips margarita*

  8. Kinda hilarious how they're attempting jabs at other games while theirs slowly burns to the ground around them. People who live in glass houses, Gaijin.

  9. Rita, you might wanna add this one too:

  10. Oh and the WT Wiki is on Aprils mode as well:

  11. Yeah, do mock your competitors Gaijin.

    In the mean time, fix your f***cking game so it becomes actually playable, instead of breaking tanks for months at the time claiming historical accuracy, then fixing the bug and ignoring what you say.
    I'd rather have hitpoints plainly visible, rather than have hitpoints per module hidden somewhere all while having idiotically broken damage mechanics and being deceived into thinking there are no healthbars. There are, you jsut don't want to common player to know because that would undermine your credibility.
    Of course there are healthbars, how do you want to measure damage done to the vehicle. You're not even honest about that!

    Christ it makes me angry, you have an amazing f***cking potential, and then you try your hardest to make people loathe you an run your entire game into the ground.

    TL;DR : fix your f***cking game before mocking others and stop lying, Gaijin. You're worse than WG by a long shot.

    1. Yet warthunder's planes are the main point of their game while world of warplanes is basically dead.

    2. War Thunder's planes are the main selling point because it's the only thing that's not dogshit.

      And the fact that WoWP is shit doesn't mean that Gaijin are worse at being devs than WG. They're also worse at marketing.
      And have worse PR, if you can believe it, and their policy on premium planes is purely profit, no matter how badly it descends into pay2win and hand holding the playing mass.

      You can say what you want about WG, they won't sell massively overpowered (for their tier) tanks, and when tomatoes fail with it, down tier it *without any nerfs*.

    3. I am pretty sure the company has plenty of departments who arent busy 100% of the time.
      They've got 1 year to prepare this on the side.
      Interestingly to note is the Walkers seem to be "planes".

      That hitpoint argument is so freaking old and dumb...
      ARMA needs health bar too mate!!!!!11!!!elevem!!!!!! /s

  12. still better then vanilla War Thunder

  13. "Players playing other nations will be sent to Gulag!"

    Hahahahahaha can't stop laughing :'D :'D :'D

  14. The saddest thing about "Unrealistic Battles"? It's a Ground Forces mode that actually works. For once.

    Again, the joke is on War Thunder. WoT gets better. Can anyone name the last time Gaijin was actually able to improve WTGF? Or even their air battles?

    1. - Hidden markers in Realistic battles?
      - The addition of spalling (so far only close pen)?
      - Bomb timers to arcade bombs?
      - Addition of artillery map and commander view point for arty call (both community)?
      - Terrain deformation?
      - SP points (yes, I am one of the very few who likes that, but I can understand that it is often VERY annoying).
      - Arcade: Destroyed barrel only reduces accuracy.

      Of course they done stupid things as well, offsetting some of the good stuff. Like the change of SIM SB into event MM bracket only.

  15. Me, the introduction of the Maus.

  16. Now have you seen the new April Fools thing War Thunder did?? Freakin' WALKERS! I like how WG does a little consumable and an overdone zombie browser game.....and then Gaijin just puts...oh ya know....freakin' walking tanks into their game as their April Fool's "gotcha"! Hah we see who really tries to impress their fan base xD

    Oh here's a gameplay vid of it!

    1. A lousy Flash-Game and a Consumable? Good Work, Warfailing! 2:0 for Gaijin.

  17. Gaijin is totaly the winner of this years fools day jokes. Watch and learn wargaming.

    1. Yeah, Battlemechs...
      Unfair advantage. I call haXx!!! /-)

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Hey, people in glass houses should fix their fucking collision physics. It's been like this since beta and nobody gives a shit.

  20. Now that's just too damn funny.

  21. Kinda funny to see Gaijin trying to mock WOT while IL-2 and RO2 (which is kinda arcade already.and several other more sim-ish tank simulator) laugh at the shitty realism mode of WT

  22. You know what I find interesting? While Gaijin has more than 10x less employee's then Wargaming their game STILL manages to look better and even play better in most cases. The fact that World of Tanks is unarguably a much simpler game then War Thunder makes me wonder if people are actually thinking about what they're typing before trying to bash a game that's struggling to get by.
    Gaijin Entertainment- 200 Employee's
    Wargaming- 2,200 Employee's
