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Wednesday, 1 April 2015

01.04.2015 Q&A

Brace Yourselves:

- The rumor that IS-6 will be removed from sales and IS-5 will replace it is false, IS-5 will not be a regular sold premium tank;
- Some vehicles (like T28 Proto and T29) have on SD models tracks hanging on their armor. The tracks will on HD models always be represented by thicker armor zones, but it is not sure whether  - when these vehicles are reworked to HD - the tracks will still be there in the future;
- A micropatch was applied recently to the 9.7 common test and now everything runs smoothly, there are no more FPS drops. The FPS is on average more stable as well. This is the feature of the new BigWorld engine version;
- There is no way how to create a WoT client that would be complete mod-proof (not allowing any mods) (RG: The community just really wants the turds that use mods like Warpack to be banned);
- Storm confirms the delay in the 9.7 patch at least to April 7th, the reason is the fixing of crashes and freezes, without fixing that issue, the patch will not be released (RG: completely agree with the decision)
- E50M will not get frontal gun depression buff because the gun would then clip through the hull;
- In most cases, server reticle corresponds to the usual reticle status;
- The option to sell premium tanks for gold will not be implemented;
- It's completely possible that 9.7 client will not be compatible with 9.6 mods: "use mods at your own peril";
- Japanese heavy tanks' info is based on multiple sources (for example Soviet-captured Japanese reports);
- New sound engine (WWISE) will come this year;
- Historical battles will come in far future. The main issue is to create bots that will not overload the servers, which turned out to be very complicated  (Wargaming will do that nonetheless);
- This year, a new mode will come for solo players but no details yet;
- It's possible the platoon missions from individual missions will be removed ("there are multiple variants"), developers do have statistics on how many people are "stuck" on platoon mission;
- Later on - "When will you remove platoon individual missions?" Storm: "When it's done it's done";
- HT15 individual mission will be simplified for StuG IV and T28HTC;
- Many individual mission fixed will come in 9.8;
- The option to pick which individual mission you want to do during battle countdown (based on the battlefield situation) will not be implemented;
- For now, there are no plans to return the confrontation mode (aka "national battles"), it is not being worked on currently;
- Havok status: "we don't want to make it slow and laggy and to make it well and with good performance will take a lot of time still" (RG: Agree, better take the time to make things right instead of rushing and end up with a barely playable game);
- The problem with Havok is that when you shoot buildings, the client can't handle the amount of objects (fragments) that are required to make the destruction look good, this is for example valid for the Stalingrad map;
- Technically it's possible to make Havok work like it does in War Thunder, but Wargaming wants to have a more complex solution;
- Dynamic gameplay is still WG priority "to some extent";
- Maps are not being reworked with the alleged hidden TD nerf in mind (it's just a conspiracy);
- The amount of new city maps is the echo of two years back when the players loudly demanded more city maps;
- The 9.7 "newbie protection" (separate MM for newbies) is simply based on total number of battles played of that player, nothing else;
- SU-26 is a bit underpowered, it will be buffed a bit in the future, but not by much;
- The situation with new maps is problematic - there are too many maps in the game already. New maps will be added but not very fast (RG: the problem is not the amount of maps, its how the map rotation works, is not normal when we get same map 3 consecutive times or more);
- "Autoloader" IS-3 will not have an autoloader (will just fire faster) and it also is not a premium tank, but an event one (the autoloader version was just a test and it was scrapped);
- SweetFX will not be implemented, it causes poor performance on an number of PC configurations;
- WG is using Umbra technology for 6 years already;
- There will not be a totally new spotting system, just the current one will be tweaked a bit gradually in upcoming patches;
- There are currently no plans for artillery;
- New British tanks Chieftain and Centurion Action X will not come anytime soon, the modelling has not even started yet because of the delay with obtaining the data from the museums;

- Earlier, it was said in one of WG videos that the tank camouflage (detection range) will depend on how much of the tank is visible behind an obstacle - this was scrapped, as it turned out it would support camping too much;
- Storm's personal opinion is that Wargaming's April 1st jokes were not funny (later - Q: "Jokes sucked." A: "Yes");
- Q: "When will you give more XP to arty, it takes too long to get to tier 10" A: "So we have more arties as top vehicles? Not the best idea.";
- Storm confirms: the current large RNG factor in the game is there "to make the opportunities equal", such as the possiblity of a small tank to get lucky and penetrate a heavier opponent;
- It's possible that patch 0.9.9 will not be followed by 1.0.0 but by 0.10.0;
- Its possible that ST-II (ST-I with twin 122mm guns) will appear in the game - but not soon;
- It's possible to expect Japanese heavies this year;
- 9.8 will bring "something interesting" (HD IS-3 for example);
- Czechoslovak tanks with T40 as first premium? "I cannot say anything."
- Dynamic effects such as tanks getting dirty or black from fire will not be implemented;
- Storm confirms that the first season of individual mission should last until the end of the year;
- Storm states that the motion physics test (that was based on old WoT version) did not show any major FPS increase compared to current releases;
- Currently, there are no plans to implement tier 8 Soviet premium vehicles (purchasable for money) with 200+ mm penetration (in other words, the 221 penetration 122mm gun tanks are all for events);
- It's not yet currently decided whether the season 2 individual missions will mean that the season 1 will still be available (RG: I hope they stay available);
- Wargaming is satisfied with current ingame economic system;
- Storm does not consider the fact that Panzer IV Schmalturm is missing the side screens from the hitbox a scam. They will be added once the vehicle is reworked to HD;
- Storm confirms: in the future, in many cases vehicle guns will not use historical penetration anymore, penetration will become a balance parameter.


  1. - There is no way how to create a WoT client that would be complete mod-proof

    Yes their is, its called provided the game thru the Steam client.. then you can add whatever files you deem illegal, and since steam scans the start up files and such, can lead to a VAC ban, and them not being able to play the game...

    1. the problem is, that will cost quite some money, while it worked with warthunder going through steam, it probably cost them several millions

    2. wg is stinken rich ffs lol love how stuiped you are.

    3. Just because WG makes a lot of money doesn't mean they should do something stupid like distributing WoT thru Steam just to satisfy some whiney modders.

    4. You don't need to go through "Steam"..
      It is easy to sign, lock, and secure the client to check for tampering, hooks, and stream modifiers...
      The problem is finding out what something does and if it is bad or not... But fully locking it down is easy.

    5. Yes..they shouldn't distribute their game on one of the most successful game distribution platforms of all time...which is pretty much a free ticket on the U.S.S Loads A Money....with daily advertising on the steam store...oh well, Wargaming's loss.

    6. rocker why would they? they are large enough already , no need to hand over money to steam, also i think more needs to done to lessen steams monopoly on the market.

    7. Only a true retard would suggest WoT to go Steam..

    8. Only a true retard would suggest WoT to go Steam..

    9. Yea, i kinda see the point a little. I have seen steam make games that were semi successful become slightly more successful (STO, EvE) but more than anything it exposes games that are new (like warframe for example) and makes them get a spotlight. I do agree at this point most people probably know about WoT and are either on the boat or not. Maybe give it a little more exposure? Either way, ehh.

      To comment on the steam monopoly the only reason they really are a monopoly at this point is because they are the only distribution platform that is actively trying to improve and stay relevant. Desura was around for a while but everyone went "but it doesn't do anything better than steam, why would i get it? Mods? I alread know how to install mods myself", GoG does it's own thing and also kinda works with steam, less of a competitor and more of a side access market. Origin, oh Origin...we don't talk about Origin. It's not like they went around breaking kneecaps or anything either, when Origin were sitting there throwing digs their way Steam just kept on releasing new updates.

      Will say though, it would make my life a lot easier if i could go "it's on steam!" for 95% of the games i play. Also to the other comment did you really have to call me a retard?...Twice...? Come on man, once is enough.

    10. And Valve takes 30% off the top. WG will not be eager to do that.

  2. damnit rita....thats a lot of info....youve been really busy stuff to read before stream....keep up the good work baroness

  3. I really wish some of the IM reworks were scheduled for 9.7, a change to LT-15 perhaps. I'm still stuck on LT-15 for the T28C, and I'd love to finally get it done. Oh well.

    1. Same, over 300 games now.. and out of them 300, i probably had city maps in 280 of them... the spotting system and how spotting damage gets credited, is just plain stupid

    2. I had a game last night where I got 4714 spotting damage in my 13-90. It was a tier 10 match, if just one of those rounds my allies fired that I saw bounce had penned, I would have completed the mission.

    3. I've gotten to 4200, and 3800 a couple times, but for the T28C, you need 5000

    4. I think luck is a big factor in it. For the T28C, I got Fiery Salient first time I tried LT-15 and finished with 8500 spotting damage... Best game I've had in ages.

    5. Luck is a huge factor on a number of those LT missions. How lucky will you be in getting a favorable map. How many other LT's will you be competing with for spotting damage. Will your team shoot and damage the targets you light. And so on.

    6. Thats why im not doing them. The reward tanks suck anyway and i dont play scumbag arty.

    7. For the sake of LT missions, they really need to put Prokhorovka and Campinovka back in permanent rotation because there are not enough scouting maps in the game anymore.

      This is coming from someone who just completed LT15 on the 4th campaign last weekend in Prokhorovka with 9400 spotting damage. I was in an RU-251 with 576m view range and slowly worked my way up the 1-2 line from bush to bush as safety allowed, platooned with two tier 10 artillery players who focused on everything I told them to and constantly communicated their reload times. Other than that situation, I'm not sure how else you can do it.

  4. 'New British tanks Chieftain and Centurion Action X will not come anytime soon, the modelling has not even started yet because of the delay with obtaining the data from the museums;'

    Getting seriously fed up of the delay with this.

    1. Someone shouldn't have pissed off the museum director then.

    2. Yeah, It is really dragging.

    3. Wait what, when did bad relations develop?

    4. Can't say I've met the man, but the story goes that Richard Cutland aka The_Chieftain has the diplomatic skills of a diseased hyena, and that for some reason, WG EU has sent this guy around to visit museums and collect data.

    5. cant they just wiki the darn thing i want my Centurion Action X the FV4202 just sucks so bad

    6. Richard Cutland is The Challenger. The Chieftain is the tank expert in the U. S.

    7. Just buff the speed of the 4202 so its competitive with other tier 10 meds. WG makes everything overly complicated.

    8. You're right! I blame these two gents for both starting their nicks with The_C tbh :P

    9. I reckon their delaying it until AW is nearly out too keep people playing a bit longer

  5. im not stuck on the platooning i just refuse to activate them because i always thought that platooning in individual missions was stupid.

    also a new mode for solo players? i hope this means there will be a mode i can play without any unicunt platoons bitching and moaning when their team is full of noobs then whenever that team wins it was because of them and the team still apparently sucked.

    1. Thats stupid. What, do you think wg will listen to your one man protest?!

    2. They do have a solo player mode for noobs like you, its called the tutorial.

    3. I agree with deano the noob, i dont platoon nor belong to a lame clan so i completed the IMs for the stugg up to the platoon requirement and stopped and im done with IMs until WG removes the platoon requirement.

      I do think it would be good for noobs like deano to be able to play just against BOTs, but u dont get medals like topguns nor do the games count for stats like WN8.

    4. Do you have any idea how much easier the individual mission are while platooned (even the ones that don't require platooning)? A few days ago I completed one of the medium missions on the 4th campaign thanks to my "wolf pack" platoon of three mediums. The mission required me to get 6 kills of 3 different types. We pushed hard as a wolf pack of 3 mediums, and my buddies left the kill shot for me. We got it on the first try. It would have been a nightmare to try alone.

  6. "- The option to pick which individual mission you want to do during battle countdown (based on the battlefield situation) will not be implemented;"

    WHY ? Why would anyone want to do that ?
    You can have only one active mission per vehicle class. You can do only one mission at a time, If Im stuck at LT6 I cannot choose LT8 mission. Why would I want to choose LT5 If its already complete? I dont get the reward again. So whats the point ?

    1. IIRC what you're describing only applies to the StuG IV mission set, once you've got the StuG you can complete the 1st - 14th mission of each set in whatever order you want.

    2. @InfernalesBrot

      oh really ?

      Yes, I'm stuck on stug platoon missions.. none of my friends play wot, and it's hard to find a stranger willing to help me, most of them are actually doing different mission...

    3. Join a clan, even a casual clan can help. I'm long since done with all the missions for the T28C except LT-15. Even so, if one of my clan mates needs help with a platoon mission, I'll gladly help him.

    4. Did you forget about primary and secondary objectives? You can complete IM primary obj. and then tray secondary ones (most of the time they are more difficult one -like stay alive etc).

  7. HT15 individual mission will be simplified for StuG IV and T28HTC

    yeah they should

  8. "- Havok status: "we don't want to make it slow and laggy and to make it well and with good performance will take a lot of time still" (RG: Agree, better take the time to make things right instead of rushing and end up with a barely playable game);"

    barely playable game ?
    I just dont get it... they said havok will be cosmetic only, so why dont make it optional feature in settings ?

    People playing on calculators play on old renderer anyway, make havok off by default and voila... we can turn it on in settings. Bitching about performance is just stupid. Why do we have v-sync, AA, post processing in game ? these are resource heavy features as well... its just people playing on tamagochi have them turned off.

    1. My God, give up on havok already! It aint happening!

  9. "It's possible to expect Japanese heavies this year;"
    It's also possible to expect Havoc in two years, but we all know how WG works, eh? <.<

  10. Pretty much WG proving their incompetence once more...

    We can't do this, we scrapped that, etc...

    1. incompetence was once, now is retardness.

    2. You think only WG is operating like this? Do you even know why you know what WG scrapped or didn't do? They are the only company (at least to my knowledge) that does community talks like these Q&A. Don't talk shit just because you are bad at the game.

    3. Rok Turk, you are kidding, right? Wargaming is NOT the only company that does Q&As like these. Obsidian Entertainment (Armored Warfare) does, Edge Case Games (Fractured Space) does, Gaijin (War Thunder) does, just to name a few. Its fairly common for current MMO game makers to run Q&A sessions with their communities. I would even go so far as to say its the norm rather than the exception.

  11. - In most cases, server reticle corresponds to the usual reticle status
    // not really. got 100mbs internet and notice this delays...
    ofc if u lag anyway u wont... < those are ur most cases.

    -- HT15 individual mission will be simplified for StuG IV and T28HTC;
    // HA KNEW IT! tanking 8k dmg is pure luck (despite use of maus etc)...
    staying around and taking shots is just stoopid! its team killing!

    1. Actually HT15 mission is quite simple. I completed it in the first attempt with ST-I. Piece of cake. My clanmate even did this mission in IS-3. With Also doable with T29 apparently.
      My problem is the TD-15 mission, I just don't have powerful TD in my garage (AC Mle 48 was pure shit, T28Proto is not much better). Must grind Borsig...

    2. Read the mission again.

      Your job is to block, receive and deal a total of XXXXX damage.

      Maus is the noob option because at the absolute minimum you've got 3k in the bag from the hitpoints you have spawning on the map.

      Did the StugIV HT15 with a tank that has 44mm side armour, 1500hp and is taller than a Maus. Bagged over 10k combined not including 400 team damage when a T34 shot me which would mean I completed it with ~1100hp.

    3. VK4502B says HI. Got 11k+ bounced damage alone a couple of times already.

    4. Yeah, but that's the problem with these missions. They are advertised as tier 5 - 6 minimums.. How many people will have the higher tiers required for this mission? I tried roughly 50 games for it in my T29/T32 but you need all the stars to align if you want to succeed without the tier 9-10 heavies.

  12. - The 9.7 "newbie protection" (separate MM for newbies) is simply based on total number of battles played of that player, nothing else;

    But how many battles? ;)

    1. Good question must be a hidden stat

    2. Honestly if someone has not figured out the game by 5k battles "newbies" is the wrong term for them. And what good is it going to do basing "newbie protection" on total number of battles played? I've seen players with 15k battles still play like shit, failing the entire way to a tier 10, when in reality they play like a newbie with 1k battles.
      What about using the personal rating as a way to move up tiers?

  13. I still fail to understand why they screwed up the historical battles introduction so much. It could have been pretty simple to make them successful. For example by making the players collect tokens for successfull fights in less desirable vehicles (PzIV) before they can try to enter the battle in a Tiger. And by allowing players to rent "premium-like" tanks in historical configurations, because people were obviously reluctant to spend half million credits for a tank that spends three minutes in battle queue and then gets anihilated by an SU152 in the first minute of the game. At least that was my reason for giving up on the historical battles.

    1. Asymmetric battles like these are simply very hard to balance. Amazing if you get it right (like starcraft for example did with their three races), but takes a hell of a lot of testing and tweaking. And every single one of these historical battles ended badly for one of the sides, so even historically they weren't balanced ;)

      Also, tokens would just delay the situation we had a bit, after a while everyone would still have the top tanks and queue up with those. Assigning tanks from someone's garage at random wouldn't work either, those hell bent on playing tigers would simply sell the weaker tanks. PvE is probably the best way to go tbh, then you only have to get a specific set of tanks for one team instead of two.

    2. What I would do is make historical battles completely random -- you pick the mission and the MM determines what side and what class of tank u r put in. Reward is all XP is given as free XP. Takes crew and tank type out of equation and ensures a faster MM time. treat it like a fun mode

  14. Releasing the biggest Q&A ever on April 1st... I mean it seems quite legit, but the timing is funny ;)

  15. So IS-5 and IS-3 variant are event tanks--then what is in the pipeline to replace IS-6 and KV-5 during the pref MM purge?

  16. - The 9.7 "newbie protection" (separate MM for newbies) is simply based on total number of battles played of that player, nothing else;

    Here is an Idea WG... How about giving the Veterans Protection AGAINST Newbies? now your worried about protecting the paste tasters, when 30% are usually Bots anyways, how about to keep them there until they reach a certain Personal Rating? get so tired of playing a tier 8 tonk, and having a platoon of premium tank noobs in their tier 8, with no clue what they are doing.. fix that, and for the love of god, put battle tier 12 back where it belongs..

    I know the PR system isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it is a decent indication of a players skill, regardless of what most of the noobs may say or think, because most noobs just repeat what the read without really knowing why they are saying it.

    1. how am I supposed to do 8000 damage mission if my team is competent ?

      it's fine the way it is. Sometimes the vegetables are in my team, sometimes in the enemy team.

      If you want to play with equal players, play team battles. Randoms are okay the way they are.

    2. Thank you, I've been saying that for some time now. Make a system where you have to achieve a certain personal rating to advance through the tiers. It does not have to be extremely hard, but for F**k sakes I am so sick of seeing 300win8 players fail there way to tier 10 just because they want to play with the big boys (same reason they buy a premium 8). Sorry you earn it, and when these worthless sacks get into a games they don't do anything to help the team let alone win a game.

    3. I do think tier 10 games should require an IQ test.

  17. HT15 is actually very useful for the team. You take take hits for your mates. I found it great fun learning to angle correctly in a newly acquired Maus. Still needed 2 days to complete 12000 combined, first time without secondary, second with. The mission is hard but it does rely on your skills and efforts unlike my most hated one: SPG-5 Assistance in Destruction. This one really needs to be reworked: it requires from me to shoot tanks only close to my allies and to splash them to detrack not to hit to cause maximum damage. Any info on that mission Rita? It would be great if it was reworked.

    1. agreed spg-5 has had me stumped for days now...

    2. agreed spg-5 has had me stumped for days now...


  19. - Storm confirms: the current large RNG factor in the game is there "to make the opportunities equal", such as the possiblity of a small tank to get lucky and penetrate a heavier opponent;

    Now I am 100% sure the devs are complete idiots. You don't play based on luck. You don't expose yourself thinking "Hey, I might roll 200mm of penetration with my 15L70, pen that E-100 from the front for 180 damage and set it on fire".
    What the RNG really does is screw you over when you should pen a target, but the shells bounces.

  20. - For now, there are no plans to return the confrontation mode (aka "national battles"), it is not being worked on currently;

    That makes me a sad panda. :(

  21. I wanted that Centurion Action X because in my opinion the FV4202 sucks with the britsh line having great turret amour to then nothing is ridicules and ive been waiting for next to 6 months for this tank and still nothing but at least they can get the FV4202 premium out and still have nothing to replace it. GG WG

  22. E50M clearly doesn't need a depression buff, having no problem using that after-positioned -8 depression, but that DPM...

  23. WG said that there would be no time limit for individual missions, but now they're thinking of removing the first round when the second round commences. If they remove the first round, that would be deceit, plain and simple.

    1. No, it would be changing their mind and giving 8 mths warning, IDIOT!

  24. Q: "When will you give more XP to arty, it takes too long to get to tier 10"
    A: "So we have more arties as top vehicles? Not the best idea."

    Really? I don't see many tier 10 arties. The feeling I have is that people grind to use them in CW. And maybe lately for use in some persona missions.
    If they increased the exp gain to normal for damage you would se a lot less arty on all lower tiers

    Being top damage on team and being bottom 5 for exp feels wrong, is wrong and should be changed.

    1. Relatively few arties is no result of XP-gain or long grind, it's an issue of retardedly nerfed stats and RNG.

    2. The less fucking noob scumbags the better. I cant believe people actually have FUN playing arty. I would rather play bingo.

    3. ARTY in WOTs needs a massive nerf and it might come if AW nerfs their arty which right now is identical to WOTs.

    4. Mark west you really are one of the reasons i play arty. Just to piss off people that whine and bitch about them. If you don't like it than maybe this isn't the game for you.

    5. Mark west you really are one of the reasons i play arty. Just to piss off people that whine and bitch about them. If you don't like it than maybe this isn't the game for you.

  25. "Storm confirms that the first season of individual mission should last until the end of the year;" there IS a time limit to those missions? They said that there will be no time limit. I know they cannot be trusted, that would change a lot - I am not playing the last mission in order to get a woman crew when some new line will be introduced. So does it really means that after the end of the year it would not be possible to play Obj. 260 missions anymore?

    1. So they chgd their mind and gave u 8 months notice, wow, WG are evil!

  26. "- "Autoloader" IS-3 will not have an autoloader (will just fire faster) and it also is not a premium tank, but an event one (the autoloader version was just a test and it was scrapped);"

    So WTF is it then? A buffed IS-3 with a higher rof? Comes with a loader injected with crack by Soviet doctor?

    1. its an is3 with an automatc loading system that replaces the loader

  27. I honestly forgot the nation vs nation battles were once active... even though i was really excited when it was implemented. Now that i think about it it feels like in playing a different game than when i just started.

  28. I honestly forgot the nation vs nation battles were once active... even though i was really excited when it was implemented. Now that i think about it it feels like in playing a different game than when i just started.
