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Thursday, 9 April 2015

Vehicles in HD - Type 34, Hummel, Leopard 1

Type 34


Leopard 1


  1. Why do they show pre-rendered tanks?..They wont even look like that in the game so whats the point?

    1. Nice icon you have there~

      They were probably already ready, only shown in batches. Or there was a miscommunication somewhere. Several mods and devs already confirmed they'll switch to screenshots instead of renders at some point.

    2. Wasn't it stated in one of the recent Q&A that future HD tank previews would be using the ingame render instead?

  2. Finally a Chinese tank in HD, rather have the WZ-111 1-4 though ;)

    1. T-34-1 and WZ 120 are my fav chinese tanks so far :) Not so fond of 110 though. Hoping that WZ111 1-4 will be better...

    2. 1-4 is a beast, Very good mobility.

    3. They already had the russian brother in HD, so half the work was done I guess ^^

      But I'm surprised to see hummel

    4. WZ111 1-4 is awesome if fully equipped

    5. and somebody recently said that arty will be done in HD last. Some loves Hummel in WG headquarters ;)

    6. Dang all those positive comments for the WZ 111 1-4 make me want to buy it... Too bad im saving up for the 121 chinese med t10. If it's the same as WZ-120 then i know im gonna love it :)

    7. WZ-111 1-4 is my favorite tier 9 heavy. It has what is basically the gun of an IS-7, but with a faster aim time and more gold ammo pen, the mobility of an IS-8, and solid frontal armor and turret to boot. It has the same alpha as the E75, but the reload is about 1.75 seconds faster, accuracy is about the same. It is a beast. It really could have been the tier 10 with a buff to hit points and some other minor buffs.

    8. Its not very armoured, but it is a super strong tank om flat ground when fully upgraded. Om having issues with penetration though sine you are shooting from a low position and low frontplate is huge...

    9. Its not very armoured, but it is a super strong tank om flat ground when fully upgraded. Om having issues with penetration though sine you are shooting from a low position and low frontplate is huge...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Interesting that they have removed the clothing between the Gun-Mantlet and the Turret of the Leopard 1

    1. yeah, considering the overall armor of leo, that clothing removal is a huge armor nerf. Something like 50% armor less. :D

  5. I thought artillery was not priority, yet here we have the Hummel in HD...

    1. I think it might have something to do with hummels real life battle history. Hummel is one of the most known german SPGs along with Wespe. But still... Why make a tank in HD, when you don't even see it most of the time, spending that time in satellite view?

    2. Some people playing the game are people who just like tanks, so think of this as a bunch of glamor shots. I will admit that when I get a new tank, I often turn it around and zoom in from different angles. This aspect of admiring tanks has little to do with the play, or that the spg (in this case) will be stuck in a bush most of the game. BTW, if you really hate arty, what you should advocate is HD models of destroyed arty. I bet that would also help those of us who like to pick off those pesky lights as they admire their arty-kills.

    3. "Why make a tank in HD, when you don't even see it most of the time, spending that time in satellite view?"

      For the TDs and unicums that camp behind them. :p

    4. Says the green shitter after 17k battles. Do you hate purple color irl because of WoT unicums?

    5. What's the matter? He hit a nerve there buttercup. If the truth hurts, most of the unicums I see are 're-rolls. 2k battle tier 10 tanks 2500win8. Lol

    6. Wow, I must have hit a nerve there indeed. And I thought unicums at least had a sense of humour.
      But hey, what do I know, I play this game for fun.

    7. It's supposed to be an exception

  6. still want the A3 turret for the Leopard

  7. Show me the M48 Patton HD model WG

  8. HD Arty - new low for WG.

  9. lame that the removed the clothing protection from the leopard 1. Hope this isn't the final model

    1. You're right, this looks weird. :/ WG didn't figure out how to make it pretty, too hard.

  10. Can't wait to play the Type T-34 in HD! Maybe I can make my way to the Type 58 then down to the IS-2.

    1. and you couldn't without HD model ?

      The fact that it is in HD doesnt change the fact its a crap. I'd rather drive M3Lee whole day than spent one match in that soviet-chink "tank"

    2. I recommend a pitstop at the T-34-1 aswell. Probably one of the best t7 meds and maybe one of the best meds tier for tier in the game. The t-34-2 isn't worth it though :/

  11. Datttttt LEOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Sooooooo goooooooood!!!!!!!

  12. They really need to tighten up the tracks on that Leopard 1, they would never be hanging lose like that.

    1. You are correct. Wargaming seems to have a problem with track tension on the HD tank models. I had to laugh when I saw the M56 Scorpion in the test server. The tracks were so loose that not only would they just fall off the second the vehicle started moving, I wouldn't be surprised if the doubled back and got all tangled up in the road wheels. The tracks on the M56 (and Leo and others I'm sure) in real life are actually pretty tight. I should know, I worked on restoring a few.

    2. Very much so. Was a Leopard 1 ARV driver some years ago, and those tracks were tight as a drum! Keept them from coming off in rough going, most of the time...


    3. Was in a Leopard 1 for 10 years, so this was of course the first grind I had to do in WoT. I know the game and reality can't always go hand-in-hand, but one thing that really bugs me about the WoT version; is the slow reverse gear. The Leopard 1 can do the same top speed in reverse as in forward, so that is a major nerf in comparison to be "historical" accurate as Wargaming also claims to be striving for.

    4. I belive that the danish model, of the Leopard 1 needed the gearbox selecter from the Nederlands model to do so.

  13. i want to see the tier 6 type 58 in hd because weirdly that was one of the most fun tanks to grind ive ever played but whys an arty taking priority over a tank like the tiger 2? or the jagdtiger? that to me is stupid considering how often arty players actually see their tank.

  14. CMIIW, Hummel is the first HD SPG? o3o
    oh and that sexy Type T-34 tho, abit better than T-34 (it was so dark >> )

    1. Edit: nvm, I dont read the next news. but, for historical reason, better HDing M7 Priest, Wespe, Bishop, and M37 because those thing used alots in battle

  15. I hope one day we will see the M4A2E4 in shop

  16. Now if only the T34 would get Buffed so it would be worthy of its reputation. They buffed the Tiger so why not the T34?

  17. They should focus on creating HD models for higher tier tanks,since those are the ones that people keep more often.I don't see why unimpressive tanks like the Hummel warrant earlier releases for their HD models.

  18. Did they say that Arty hd models were to come last in priority?

  19. What stupid designer, makes a Leopard 1 with loose tracks!
