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Thursday, 9 April 2015

Armored Warfare: M551 Sheridan light tank Introduction

Armored Warfare just introduced M551 Sheridan, a light armored tank designed for flanking maneuvers with powerful weaponry that can deal massive damage to main battle tanks.

You can read more detailed information about this new light tank here:


  1. Is this what we call T49 Light Tank in WoT?

    1. The turret is called the XM551 (sheridan) test bed for a reason.

      It is a prototype Sheridan.

    2. Yip the difference is mainly that the one in WoT cannot fire the Shilleleagh missile system.

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    4. No, it is not what we call the T49 in WoT.

      The one in WoT is a pure test bed that was not able to, iirc, test the missile system. It used a modified M41 as a donor vehicle and a prototype test turret and gun.

      The M551 is a whole nether beast. The problems in development were so bad that at one point it was considered to drop the M41 standard turret on the M551 just to put the vehicle into service. That and several alternative guns were tested in the M551s turret at the same time the M41 turret was being looked at. As the 152mm gun was not doing so well at the time.

    5. Nice,thanks for the info mate:)
      Off-Topic:Does anyone know if Test Server is closed,because I can't enter it:\

    6. Yah, the real M551 was problematic at best. I had a friend killed in one at Fort Hood when it slid into a ditch and flipped over. He was in a open hatch and fell under the tank as it flipped over. bad juju

    7. @Apostolos Papagelos we had test weak in AW and next closed test will be in non specified future or if you like when its ready its ready and will be opened.

    8. HEY good news for every one in closed AW alfa
      "We are proud to announce the next round of Armored Warfare alpha testing that will start on 15.4.2015 and will continue for 7 days, ending on 21.4.2015. Participants of the test will be informed about the details via an e-mail."

    9. @Stanislaw Szczypula I was talking about WoT actually

    10. i want to play AW please let me play the test Im beta testing wows and i protect new players in wot.. please let me play AW.. vv please let me play.. i only play my t49 in wot i wanna play that sheridin.

  2. When is closed beta going to start?

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  4. @Rita Please, can You make when I select comments in the main site that it points me to the start of the comments and not at the end. It's REALLY frustrating when there are more than 10 comments.

    Sorry it I appear too bitchy, but I'm crying inside every time this happens

  5. I expect that one of the reasons I was selected to participate in the alpha test is due to the fact that I served for 6 years on Sheridans; '72~'78. We didn't get the laser range finders until '78 and were dependent upon the range ESTIMATION by the TC called out during fire commands to gunner. The main gun, depending upon bore-sighting and zeroing proficiency of the crew was NOT as inaccurate as depicted by the T49 in WoT and also not as slow reload either! It was the ONLY tank (ARAAV actually) ever to participate in an airborne assault; Operation Just Cause in 2006 invasion of Panama and was instrumental in securing the main airport to enable planes with non-airborne troops and supplies to land.

    1. "Senior moment" there; the invasion of Panama for the Noriega "regime change" :-) was in 1990 NOT 2006. I had some friends that were still in 3/73 Armor at Ft. Bragg that I served with in '73-'74 that jumped in after their Sheridans were LAPESed along with infantry and ADA units. They made history!

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    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. How do you move the Sheridans for the airborne invasion? Presumably not using an A-team style parachute drop lol?

    5. Hello Kenton Velomancer, couldn't find a way to contact you through Goggle+, could you contact me by email?
      Have some gentlemans that noticed you and would like to talk about some of the tank details. Thank you for your time.

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