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Friday, 3 April 2015

Tier 7 VK4502 Ausf.B on Supertest

Hello warriors,

supertester leakers confirm that the VK4502 Ausf.B might actually not disappear at all. A new tank is scheduled today for supertest - the VK4502 Ausf.B with its historical gun (88mm L/71) and historical armor (80mm front).


  1. 80 mm....ewwie. dont think ill be picking that thing up if it goes live

    1. Well it is tier 7. Plus it has more effective are than the Tiger and it also has a better turret.

    2. With 80/80/80 and current turret with L71 it's likely to be moved to T8 as a premium, I guess. You can still sidescrape with 80mm on T8 and you get to abuse T6s.

    3. What the hell are you drinking, it fits T7 perfectly fine.

    4. Welp. At tier 7 it will be very good, even.

    5. This thing would fail miserably at tier 8. There would be absolutely nothing going for it over the Panther 88, unless you massively overcompensated by giving it something like 3k DPM.

    6. Nice job WG, as usual!!! Now, nerf fv215b to a similar premium when its eventually replaced (no hurry on that).

  2. Not many people are noticing (Or seems like) but this game trying to be more historical and realistic. Such as replacing the the FV215B, WT E 100, T28, FV4202, etc. Also they are adding more realistic driving physics and such. Hope all these things make into the game.

  3. Buying
    Day 1
    I love how silly the tank looks, that's the only reason I got one in the first place, and damned be the expense I'll get the tier 7 version too.

  4. It would be a shame if a already tank asset is removed from the game. But compare this with the Tiger P? It's butter and it better have better Gun performance than Tiger1 and panther because it's a heavy with no armor.
    Most likely balance it the same or more HP than Tiger1. The same I could say with the future super heavy Japanese tanks, Huge, crap gun and lots lots of HP. The same as the Mammoth we had in the Winter special ; Crap gun but uber DPM if you pen lol.

    1. No armor ? Nope. 80/80/80 isn't bad on tier 7, abusive side scraping is real.

    2. Of course armor means little when facing higher penetration shells is the feeling when driving a Tiger 1 that is compensated(buffed) with high HP.
      Looking at panther 85mm armor and Tiger 1 with its "non slopped" 100mm armor gives at the average effective slopped armor 100-120 mm armor. The same goes for the New VK at tier 7 which will be the better new Tiger P since the Tiger P turret got nerfed and the armor layout overall is easily bested. Yet the VK with idk if it will have a better elite turret, but otherwise it will be the same crap stock turret as tig2 has 100mm armor. If it has that turret? Then it would be somewhat subpar with current Tiger P turret.
      Otherwise as you say, side scaping with 80mm armor at extremeslope which the VK can do, well it got that going for it. But the turret is butter and that I already feel when I am currently grinding the T9 VK with stock turret. It is like playing a maus and soon as you turn your turret you get shot on the weakspot on the cheek which is 240mm.

      Anway, headon with t7 VK effective armor at ~113mm , it will have RNG to bounce Sherman 128mm pen. Once angled when the t7 VK will be immune against t5 guns likewise I get with my Tiger 1 at more balanced front/side angle that will increase the bounce chance of Sherman shells, but not 100 %

  5. T28 is historical, it is a t95 without the double tracks

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You're wrong. Check the front of the T28 and of the T95. T28 has a huge fragment of metal under the gun that is nowhere to be found in T95 GMC.

    3. The T28 in game is not historical. Its mostly a WG fabrication. Among other issues, the actual T28 doesn't have that chin sticking out of the front. Its armor is also a lot thinner than it is supposed to be everywhere.

    4. Yes ottnis not 100% historical but the t28 did exist mayne not like on fame but still. He said tjey are removing all unhistoric tanks,

    5. They probably introduced the front plate for an actual weakspot for people to shoot at and limit its gun depression at the same time, balancing factor.

  6. If it doesn't move like a turd then it may be a nice tank at tier 7. Probably premium though, and I'm not wasting money on tier 7 tank.

  7. Forkliffter a wg propagandists? ???

    1. Nah, I'm just telling you what I think. You're entitled to your own opinion. This is just my opinion.

    2. Could very.well be wrong but your cheerleading for wg makes ot kinda obvious

    3. Nah, I denounce wargaming when they do stupid sh**.

  8. If the P2 prototype of Porsche's VK 45.02 is moved to tier 7, then what about tier 8 P1 (ausf. A) prototype? It was designed to have the same armour and gun as the second prototype. Ah, wait, Tiger P and Tiger I are set on too high tiers for them, that's why we have a problem with both Porsche and Henschel's branch.

    1. The VK4502P ausf A is a tricky one, since candidates to replace it are a bit... thinner than they are for the tier 9 slot.

      WG probably will end up doing something and replace it with something silly eventually, but I have no idea what.

      That being said, there's no way that the Tiger P can be made into a good, balanced tank at tier 6. WG will have to give it absolutely miserable handling or firepower to compensate for that armor.

    2. Maybe VK 100.01 or type 215.
      Type 215 A will be in the game soon, with wrong turret placement, as the new tier nine.

  9. IMO they could make it tier 8 with same stats as the Ausf A except more hitpoints to compensate for a design that would give many RL advantages but none in a game like this...

  10. lol like we didn't see this coming back in Premium tank form ;p

  11. Glad to see it saved from the scrap heap, since it's one of the oldest Tier IX tanks in the game.

  12. Meh, i guess i means hull-swap option is scrapped or something like that?
    More premius...
