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Friday, 3 April 2015

03.04.2015 Q&A

Here it is:

- Spaced armor hits (even when the spaced armor itself blocks the damage) count towards damage blocked by armor only if the trajectory of the shell would cross the hull of the tank if it continued though the spaced armor plate;
- Tiger II in HD will come soon;
- Storm, regarding what "bad" maps should be removed: there is no unified opinion among the players and developers as to which maps are actually bad;
- 9.7 will bring not only the fixing of the issues that arose in the 9.7 testing, but also fixing of many pre-9.7 crashes;
- "Three caliber rule" will not be removed;
- Advanced anti-aliasing (instead of FXAA) is being developed;
- New Dx11 render is being developed;
- The reason the "fun" modes are not in the game constantly is that the developers would have to rework them each patch to work with new game features, it's a lot of extra work;
- XP bonus for tanking will come, soon (however, the bonus will be only to XP, not credits);
- No new info on Polish premium tanks;
- Soviet heavy tank viewrange will not be buffed;
- Currently there are no plans for gold ammo hardcap in battles;
- Storm denies that the main reason for gold ammo in the game is to make a lot of money;
- Dynamic tank characteristics in the garage are being constantly postponed since there are more important tasks to do;
- Q: "What about crappy (too hard) individual missions?" A: "Wait for 9.8";
- Some players were complaining about the light render on tracks (tracks lit up even though they should be in shadow), Storm states it's due to optimization and it's fine on higher details;
- It's possible but not sure that large caliber assault guns (Sturmpanzer IV and such) will be introduced in the game - the main issue with them is that large alpha messes up the gameplay;
- Storm commenting on why "league" system (special league for good players) is bad for random game: "The bad part is that when the noobs that are easy to destroy disappear and your opponents will be only skilled players, many "unicums" will leave the game because they will suddenly suck when faced with real challenge" (RG: If you don't reach Unicum without challenging yourself then that's statpadding, challenge is good, it would show the ones worthy of Valhalla! *Wink* )
- IS-6 will not be nerfed or rebalanced - there were rumors that it will receive better ammo but full MM, they are false;
- No plans to reintroduce Type 59 premium - but with full MM;
- The Konigsberg map (leaked long time ago) was scrapped completely;
- Regarding the French heavies (described as "guns with paper armor") - WG does not want to add more of that class of vehicles because there are too many vehicles of that type in the game already (same goes for Soviet TD line);
- It's possible that when it comes to autocannons, the price for one round (especially the gold one) might be replaced by the price for an entire clip to make the ammunition cheaper, this however has low priority;
- Regarding the skill sorting of players (players being switched around in teams to produce roughly balanced teams on average), Storm states that this is a complicated question and there is no one single opinion on that among the developers;
- Endless ignore list? "no comment";
- Gold ammo will not be nerfed to earn you less XP per damage than regular ammo;
- Developers will rework the tutorial system;
- It's possible T95E2 tank has wrong crew roles (the radioman should historically be the loader, not the commander), it will be investigated;
- Chinese tanks HD rework has low priority;
- The plan to introduce further bonuses to premium account was scrapped;
- It's not yet completely decided to remove platoon missions from the IM list;
- No plans to allow players to complete two individual missions at once;
- Developers are currently working on a complete overhaul of tier 5 to tier 10 shell penetration (both regular and gold shells);
- Storm is following Armored Warfare progress ("no comment");
- No ETA for new landscape render, developers are working on it;
- Storm confirms: the "arty mode" (with trunks and rainbows) on April 1st was actually a test of a concept, not completely a joke;
- It's possible the mark of excellence mechanism is broken, Storm will investigate;
- It's "completely possible" for multi-gun mechanism to appear in the game;
- The average XP statistics will continue to include premium account XP the way they do now;
- There were thoughts about a perk that would tell you when arty is aiming at you;
- The option to switch your premium tank for another premium tank will not be implemented;
- Object 430 buff? "No comment for now";
- Waffentrager E-100 replacement? "No comment for now".


  1. "the "arty mode" (with trunks and rainbows) on April 1st was actually a test of a concept, not completely a joke;"

    I bloody knew it.

    I'd also like to say, this system of warning the player to move is a hell of a lot less annoying than being suddenly struck from existence by the hand of god.

    1. Soccer, Rally and Winter were all fun. WG might release them in a seperate game at sometime in future.

  2. League system bad? *cough* LoL *cough*

    1. for numb-brained soviets, yes it is bad.

  3. - Storm denies that the main reason for gold ammo in the game is to make a lot of money;

    that statement right these just proves that this storm dude is so full of crap, its pouring out his ear.. I mean seriously storm, are you that freaking caught up in the WG bullshit lies and stupidity, that you have become delusional as well..

    1. - Q: "What about crappy (too hard) individual missions?" A: "Wait for 9.8";

      yea, like the nearly impossible spotting damage a light tank needs to do, which is all based on the team.. nothing you can do to make 14 other players do as you ask.. and god knows, if you ask for help, it will be consider rigging.. when mediums still have the same view ranks, if not more then a light tank, then it becomes only "luck"

    2. Main reason of gold ammo is to balance tanks even with +-2 spread and function as silver sink.

      Almost nobody buys gold ammo for gold anyway these days, I can imagine their income from this field is pretty small and they could switch to silver completely, but it's more of a historical thing and it still generates a small income.

    3. - Regarding the skill sorting of players (players being switched around in teams to produce roughly balanced teams on average), Storm states that this is a complicated question and there is no one single opinion on that among the developers;

      base it off of the PR system.. if you have 9 heavy tanks in the 30 players selected, then the MM system, will assign the closest match pertaining to PR that it can, with a 1 tank +/-.. then onto the next mediums, lights,TD and arty.. if the system can figure that out, i wouldn't mind waiting an extra 30 seconds for a match because atleast i know the teams will be fairly even when it starts..removes alot of the excuses in-game currently.. the team PR rating would probably need to have a +/- of 3 to 4 thousand.. PR isn't the greatest system, but its good enough to determine who is and isn't at a certain level of play.

    4. @Nya-chan Production - I understand that, but the spamming of gold/credit ammo cost a shit load of cash, which leads to more people buying premium time to make more credits, which leads to more premium tanks needing to be purchased.. in all boils down to money for WG, not mater what they say, they do things for their so called "economy / money" the part that really pissed me off about gold spamming, is when top tier tanks in the match use it.. if your a top tier tank in the battle, gold ammo should automatically be disabled.. this would really make you think about what you want as a load out, because if you load all gold, your screwed.. if you go half and half ehh..but top tiers spamming gold is just pathetic, and just proves that they are only there to farm WN8.. cracks me up when i go down to a tier 4 for giggles, and see noobs doing nothing but spamming gold, because why learn the game, or how to use a tank when all you need to do it load skill...

    5. I think even gold can't pad your skill if you get flanked or expose your sides.
      And top tiers... saying no gold for top tiers would completely change the meta at tier 10 for obvious reasons.

      I think that the idea could be polished. Currently the game is fairly balanced and whoever plays full gold will meet consequences eventually - playing premiums 24/7 to be able to fullgold doesn't help your WN8 anyway.

      And I have to admit, that moments when I run out of normal ammo through the battle (I usually carry about 10 shells, on some tanks at T6/8 half on half) and then have to kill low tiers with gold ammo and they cry about it is really funny. Happens to me a lot in Wolverine and T37, actually.

    6. “Storm denies that the main reason for gold ammo in the game is to make a lot of money;”

      If gold ammo did not produce capital and a lot of capital, it would not be in the game.

      I do believe that if this man was caught with his pants around his ankles, wanking he would still lie about it.

    7. GOLD makes the game more dynamic. Without it, games r more boring as lower tier tanks have less chance to carry.

    8. @Nya

      Bullshit. Premium ammo are nothing more than pay to win items, barely changed from their gold only purchasable past. Their main reason for being in this game is not as a credit sink OR a tier spread equaliser. Just a premium pay to win item. Just because you can buy them now with credits doesn't change what they are.

      But as they are now, they are screwing up balance. So much so now that armour is useless. That is why the devs now are nerfing penetration of normal and premium ammo.

      If they were for dealing for tier spread, why make them purchasable for credits after the devs reduced the matchmaking from a 4 tier spread, then to 3 tier spread to the 2 tier spread we have now?

      And credit sink? Credit sinks are for regulating the ingame economy. There is NO ingame economy. The inability to trade credits is proof of this. Who cares how much credits a player has in his account?

      Don't delude yourself with convenient excuses of dealing with tier spread or as credit sinks.

    9. Gold ammo does NOT make the game more dynamic. All it does is encourage people to sit on their asses and camp. What's the point in taking a risky flanking maneuver when you can just press 2 and slam through your enemy's front armor? Why should anyone risk moving up and pushing a flank when they're just going to immediately get slammed by a HEAT or APCR shell?

      No, when I'm driving a Maus and a TD slams a HEAT shell straight through the UFP, I'm going to park my ass behind a rock and sit there for the rest of the game. Fuck moving up.

    10. Wait, wait wait. So now gold ammo makes you camp?... I thought it was arty that made you sit at backline in any tank you play?.. oh no wait it was high tier TD's wasn't it?

      lol some folk just need excuses to run to for thier crappy passive bush humping gameplay

    11. If you camp using Maus when you were being hit by gold rounds rather than angling your hull in a way that render the gold useless (and then failed in doing the most important job of Maus : protecting allies) then you are simply doing it wrong. Don't blame gold rounds for your noobness.

      I mostly agree with Nyaa. IMHO what WG need to do ASAP is simply nerf some broken gold ammo pen significantly and it would solve a lot of issues already. Actually, killing T-54 spamming gold with Obj. 430 II is the current hobby of mine, since its superior slope and most of the turret is pretty immune to gold (when what they should do instead is shot me in the LFP with any ammo). Meanwhile I just laugh and kill them with better movement, lower profile, higher ROF and silver ammo of their beloved gun.

    12. Yes it encourages camping. When there's a massive overabundance of high-pen shells flying around everywhere it hugely discourages people from trying to take initiative and moving. It encourages camping for the exact same reason that the TD overabundance encouraged camping.

      And no, angling with a Maus doesn't always work against ludicrously powerful tier X TD HEAT shells. Against pretty much any other type of gold shell? Yeah it works brilliantly, but against 420-penetration? Yeah, no, not so much.

      Arguments that gold ammo makes the game "more dynamic" are completely idiotic. Reducing the value and utility of armor doesn't make the game dynamic. It makes the game much more simplified and idiotic. Its astounding how badly over-dependent people have gotten on using gold ammo as a crutch. Just listen to all the whiners who think the VK4502B is overpowered because you can't just pay through the front hull.

    13. Frankly, when I have trouble penning a Maus's lower glacis (which is supposed to be its weak spot) from 50 meters away in my T95, I'm going to load a couple of gold rounds, because flanking just isn't an option in that tank.

      It is irritating, however, when I get hit by gold right off the bat. Happened to me tonight on Prokorovkha. (or however you spell it). Very first shot that hit me was gold; I could hear that shit sizzling.

  4. "- Storm confirms: the "arty mode" (with trunks and rainbows) on April 1st was actually a test of a concept, not completely a joke;"

    Was actually pretty disappointed - was able to avoid hits from that even in Maus. Either the times will have to be shorter for this mechanism to work (you notice the shell in the highest point or something, meaning half the time), or the splash has to become larger. Currently using this mechanism will render artyalmost completely useless.

    1. "Currently using this mechanism will render arty almost completely useless."


      -A T95 driver

  5. type 59 but with limited MM, don't you mean "not even" with limited MM?

  6. "- It's possible but not sure that large caliber assault guns (Sturmpanzer IV and such) will be introduced in the game - the main issue with them is that large alpha messes up the gameplay;"

    Um, SU-152 anyone? But no, Germans can't have a weaker version of that...that would imbalance the game! (What a bunch of Bolshevik).

    1. SU-152 still shoots fairly straight and so hits enemy armour. Sturmpanzer aims UP and would hit roofs quite often, like arty, meaning full pen and stuff like 3k+ damage.

    2. It might aim UP, but that also means longer shell travel time. While I've seen SU-152s hit mediums going full speed, good luck doing that with a Sturmpanzer or Sturmtiger that would propably have a shell travel time of 2-3 seconds.

    3. "SU-152 still shoots fairly straight and so hits enemy armour. Sturmpanzer aims UP and would hit roofs quite often, like arty, meaning full pen and stuff like 3k+ damage."

      lol like arty?

      "...the main issue with them is that large alpha messes up the gameplay;"

  7. I don't mind the platoon missions - I think it's fair to make people play as a team for some missions. But some of the missions are too difficult. I'm stuck on one where in a tier 6+ medium I have to kill 3 arties (that's a Pascucci's Medal, BTW). I have 30K games and a 1400+ overall WN8 and have done this only 4 times in a qualifying tank. I might have to play thousands of games before I can tick off this mission, and that's ridiculous.

    1. Why is it ok to force me to platoon? I have never platooned and never will. I have done all IMs for Stugg up to platoon requirement and stopped there. If WG gives alternant path i will keep going, otherwise, im done with IMs since i dont platoon.

    2. Best tank for that is VK at tier 6.

    3. WG should remove the tier requirement. Killing 3 arties is easier in lower tiers.

    4. Because it is easy to do. Just don't be so anti-social.

    5. I have 26 Paciccis but most are at tier 3-5.

    6. U dont know me!, lol. To me, WOTs is an individual game. I dont have time or patience for clans or platoons.

    7. It's not an individual game. You go in teams of 15 in random matches - all other modes require you to be in even tighter teams. But even if you are anti-social, if you want the mission you can hold your nose and do it. My point is that a reasonably good player (which I believe I am) should be able to accomplish even the toughest missions after at most a few days of trying. Setting the bar so high that it takes months to achieve a single mission kills all the pleasure in the effort.

    8. well they introduce platoon finder that counts skill to make these missions work

    9. I agree with "Mark West", i don't platoon either, and its the reason i don't bother with Individual Missions. Also, lets be honest....the whole IM thing ruins battles as people selfishly do X Y Z to complete a mission even if it means throwing a win and losing the game to do so. Personally i would like to see a "no-platoon" battle mode for regular Randoms because i see no benefit of the times when you get 2 or 3 platoons per side, or more and then its like 8 teams doing their own thing instead of 2.

  8. DirectX 11? What is it supposed to bring?
    Why don't they target DX12 directly with the expected huge boost of API performance?

  9. - Endless ignore list? "no comment"

    Yes please! Still baffles me how the ignore list uses the same spaces as the friends list. If it's a resource thing... They're not the same, people don't have to be kept up to date on the status of those on the ignore list while in the garage, on the contrary. Only affects in game really.

  10. - "It's possible but not sure that large caliber assault guns (Sturmpanzer IV and such) will be introduced in the game - the main issue with them is that large alpha messes up the gameplay"

    It's completely possible to balance this. Thing is Sturmpanzer, Sturmtiger etc is actually assault tanks, so in WoT they would have to work and play as SPGs, but be driven as TDs. They might have high alpha damage, but the bad accuracy and long shell travel time would make direct hits as rare as exploded ammoracks. These tanks should rely on their splash. My suggestion for Sturmtiger (Sturmpanzer follows same patters but with lower values ofc):

    Alpha damage: 5000 (HE only aviable)
    Penetration: 400 mm
    Splash radius: 35 meters
    Reload time: 80 seconds (100% crew)
    Accuracy: 0.75
    Aimtime: 8
    Shell travel time: 1 second + 1 second for each 100 meters
    Shell cost: 12000 credits

    Yes, ofc these values are not perfect, but its a general idea of how this wonderfull tank can be implemented into the game :)

    - "Storm confirms: the "arty mode" (with trunks and rainbows) on April 1st was actually a test of a concept, not completely a joke"

    Would be great to have like an addon for light tanks. They should be able to call in artillery barrage each 60 seconds, and the damage from it would count towards their assisted damage. But please just remove that warning that the enemy gets. As soon as the targets see it they just runs away, impossible to hit anything.

    - "There were thoughts about a perk that would tell you when arty is aiming at you"

    I really hope they don't add this. I'm not a fan of getting hit by arty, but lets be really honest; arty would be totally useless if this was implemented. The moment this perk would activate everyone with atleast a little sense would climb the walls, making it impossible for the arty to hit anything.

    1. Your Sturmtiger idea sounds interesting but:
      The disadvantages of the sturmtiger can be countered by just closing the distance. Also, imagine how much teamdamage would happen with a 70m splashdiameter?

    2. We'll call it supercancer and call it quits, the mere fact that you think this is balanced in any way at all makes me want to strangle you.

    3. @ApeWatchingTV: Yes, but it would require a lot of skill to actually find the "optimal" distance. Imagine a closed map like Himmelsdorf for example. If you get too close, your shot will splash on yourself (possibly even oneshotting yourself) and you won't get away after you've shot. If I recall correctly, Sturmtiger was based on Tiger II chassi, so if Sturmtiger would be a tier 10 it would not have so impressive armor. On the opposite, if you stay too far back, you'll have difficulties on hitting things. Open maps are a bit different where you can use bushes while you aim, but then again, bushes don't work on close distance. I think that the splash itself will force the Sturmtiger to atleast keep a distance of 100-200 meters, in which it will get easily spotted. So it will be like a game of risk, survive entire round and do less damage per shot, or fire 1 or 2 shots with much damage and then get blown up. Yes, team damage is a problem, but I still think it would work. After all it would be tier 10, and ofc the tiers below wouldn't have such huge splash. I'm not saying that T92 and GCG works flawless, some bobs tend to splash allies too, but I guess it works "decent" atleast :)

      @Saw Se: I just think that you're one of those guys who have decided to hate arties and high alpha damages. Let me put it this way; A hidden T-62A will easily chew of 320 hp from you each 6 seconds, while a Sturmtiger has a reload that is more than 10 times longer, and will most likely not even hit you, just splashing you for maybe 1000-2000 hp. After 80 seconds, the T-62A will have caused 4160 hp damage. This means you're already dead, he dont even have to shoot all 13 shots on you. On the other hand, even if the Sturmtiger would be so lucky and hit you stright on, you'd also be dead but he can't do anything for 80 seconds. You just look at the second you get hit and then rage "ah mah gahd he hitz me for 1500 hp arghhh!!!11!1!", but what you entirely miss is the fact that that dude is completely defenceless and can't do anything for the next 80 seconds, will another "ordinary" tank can continue to attack more targets. Please note what I wrote, Sturmtiger should be driven like a TD, so there wont be any splashing you for 3000 hp from the other side of the map.

    4. i think the high caliber TD balance idea is great. but another 1 trick pony that relies on 1 shot, like FV 4005 st2?

      BTW I remember strumtiger does have 152mm sloped armour on the front, and it was based on a tiger p, but eventually built.on tiger 1s after tiger 2s enter production

  11. "There were thoughts about a perk that would tell you when arty is aiming at you;"

    "Storm is following Armored Warfare progress "

    And this is why healthy competition is good for positive game improvements. I am pretty sure Jingles mentioned this in his AW review that the game warns when one is being painted by an arty. And now WG devs are discussing it as well.

    1. And it was already implemented (tested?) with 1st of April mode.

  12. - Storm, regarding what "bad" maps should be removed: there is no unified opinion among the players and developers as to which maps are actually bad;

    MAKE A FUCKING POLL? ... how dumb are those guys!?

    1. they are soviets. being dumb is their native condition.

    2. As long as Prokorovka (and even Malinovka) still comes out regularly on playermade bad map polls when they are two of the few remaining open maps left, I would not really take poll results seriously. Good riddance.

    3. Some maps are better for various tanks than others.

      For instance, Himmelsdorf is horrible for artillery and low-armored TDs that rely on distance for protection, as well as tanks that mainly rely on hull down positions, but great for urban brawlers like the T95.

      By the same token, Serene Coast is a great map for hull down, snipers and decent for artillery, but sucks for slow moving vehicles with low maneuverability.

      Some maps just suck entirely however, like Highway.

  13. - Storm commenting on why "league" system (special league for good players) is bad for random game: "The bad part is that when the noobs that are easy to destroy disappear and your opponents will be only skilled players, many "unicums" will leave the game because they will suddenly suck when faced with real challenge" (RG: If you don't reach Unicum without challenging yourself then that's statpadding, challenge is good, it would show the ones worthy of Valhalla! *Wink*)

    I think developers don't want to make computer game, that was meant for wide audience, dedicated to small circle of hardcore players. You can see in every second stream both streamers (who boast gazillion+ WN8 in stream descriptions) and viewers shedding tears and cross swords about "gold spam". Should leagues come to pub matches "CW loadout" would become "pub loadout". I don't know about "unicums", but i would be much less inclined to play a game that requires to work my arse off. Some people have real life work for that purpose.

    1. that is why stadpadders, unicums and other purple monkeys have their inflated WN8. because they fight tomatoes. where is THE CHALLENGE in that?

    2. Want "survival of the fittest"? The options include Clan Wars, esports and bunch of smaller tournaments.

  14. Storm commenting on why "league" system (special league for good players) is bad for random game: "The bad part is that when the noobs that are easy to destroy disappear and your opponents will be only skilled players, many "unicums" will leave the game because they will suddenly suck when faced with real challenge"


    1. that struck a nerve didn't it?

  15. "XP bonus for tanking will come, soon"

    What does this mean?

    1. is when you block enemy shells and protect allies.

  16. What was the Konigsberg supposed to be like, again?

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Why the T95E2 has different XP bonus than other premium tanks? According to encyclopedia, It only has 10 percent XP bonus and none crew XP bonus. Frankly Its XP bonus is quite low than other same tier premium tanks.

    2. Because the T95E2 isn't a premium tank it's a reward tank.

    3. But the IM reward tanks have also lots of XP bonus.

  18. Well if players would constantly meet better ones when they get better, what advantage would they have over the enemy? Todays people who have what ever stats they have only have them due to this current MM. Inclusive you Rita, you would suffer alot from meeting better players more often.

    People dont realize that they can only be considered as "better" when performing better than those who are worse (majority). And hence result in better stats.

    If all players would constantly meet equal ones the stats would even out and be mediocre at best and this would have a serious impact on the xp and credit system.

  19. - Regarding the skill sorting of players (players being switched around in teams to produce roughly balanced teams on average), Storm states that this is a complicated question and there is no one single opinion on that among the developers;

    Why is it so complicated? Wouldn't "balance" benefit everyone? And it's not even difficult to implement, you dont have to change the matchmaker, leave it as is (even if it sucks), but right after the the 2 teams have been selected and are ready to go, you just do one more pass to make sure there aren't too many tomatoes/unicums on one side or the other.

  20. "arty is aiming you" perk

    Well this fucks artys up. i remember the perk which allows changing shells without reloading process resetting has a limited chance of kicking in, so maybe add like a 20% chance to activate thingy?
