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Wednesday, 15 April 2015

This is Artillery - WG Unlisted Video

Hello warriors,

back in February, Wargaming decided to make a "This is Artillery" video. It's hidden, you can access it only via direct link... it was never released to public, for obvious reasons. Check it out:


  1. "Look players, this is the class which destroys our own well design game in an very special way."

    1. look players this is a desgin that stops call of duty players from playing our game :D

  2. Let the arty QQ commence!

  3. Obvious reason being the game is already World of Arty, no need to put gas on the flame.

    1. Lololololololol idiot you are new here arent you? look up replays before 8.6 thats world of artys and it was fun very fun. now? its world of heavies

    2. Did you play anything else then arty and lights pre 8.6? I doubt it.

    3. I still get splashed to death by arty. They din't nerf tge splash idiots

  4. Gotta love that butthurt when you oneshot lemmings in first 40 seconds of the battle!

  5. Cause we all know how overpowered lazer guided arty bullshit is.

  6. This is how WG imagine 'fun' - getting one-shot from a bush on the other side of the map. And yep, very real, accoding to my stats application (going to be released soon, keep you replays, guys and girls) there are about 2-3 arty per game (depends on tier and daytime). 2 ouf of fifteen is 13%. So WG is trying to tell us that 13% of all armoured vehicles, represented in the game, were SPG in real life? That is ultimate bullshit. There were about 84K T-34-xx produced (Wikipedia, -76 and -85 combined). It would mean that they were accompanied by 10 900 SPG's (excluding towed guns as they aren't represented in WoT). This is historical bullshit.

    But WG has its own head, its own perspective on historicity. Thanks god some competition is rising. I immediately switch to AW as soon as it's out. I don't care about historical era of tanks, nor whether they are HD or if the LFP is 0.5 degrees more vertical. What I do care is the playability and fun - and WG fails in both lately. It started with stupid move of introduction of tier X arty (wouldn't M40/43 be enough even for tier X battles?), followed by huge arty nerf after players felt butthurt. All this clearly shows that WG has no clear concept how to develop the game further. The harder the will try, the trister the results are going to be.

    1. LOL since when does the amount vehicles per class is supposed to historical? Your argument falls apart when you consider all of the prototypes and only-in -blueprints tanks in the game

    2. one goal ruled WG all of those years. money. they CAN'T improve this already stale game.

    3. Perhaps you should get real numbers first. I´m germen, so I looked up the numbers of the german Bundeswehr. First we didn´t have SFLs any more. They have been replaced by the Haubitze 2000, but that is okay, SFLs are for area based attacks originally and PzH is for killing tanks at distances of 13 km with high precision. Our only tank is the Leo 2, nowadays 328 in active services. Of the PzH 2000 there are only 148 or one half. ;-)
      So hold ur horses.
      I agree that the arty is a little bit annoying. The rest got killed from above (without sixth sense this would happen by hits of all tank classes) and the arty drivers are cursing the waiting time for reload and the really bad aiming since last update. But really, do you all feel better if hit by a *183 or a FV4005 without seeing them or by an arty?

      I would prefer the arty mode of battlefield or arty with less central damage but highly increased splash radius.

    4. I kid you not - you wouldn't. I can see it every time I playleFH and permatrack someone into oblivion, it's even worse.

    5. in the battle of kursk there were 3x more artillery guns than tanks!!
      try that in WoT

    6. There's a difference between SPGs and towed guns.

  7. Someone get an extinguisher this will fan some flames

  8. i think the 3 main reasons for arty hate are:

    1. They punish you so harshly for doing well like if they xvm and you have good stats they will click you and only you that game if they dont 1 hit you also if your having a great game with say 5 kills then they can kill you from the other side of the map unlike with other tanks that would have to go somewhere to kill you

    2. there is no way of telling where arty is aiming until it hits you so you could be playing ultra defensive only to find out that the arty was afk as an example

    3. wow it is boring and no matter what people say i really dont believe theres any thought that goes into it because its ALL rng based

    1. correction on line 2: if they have xvm

    2. and again the pro whining starts. If you dont wanna meet arty then play no random, simply as that. But no, there is pro arty in CW and tier 10 fortress, too. Why should they use arty and win with it, ever asked that yourself?

      Or are you a chessplayer whining about the power of the queen but the rest is fine?

    3. Bert hates both artys and the cry babys so he permatracks you for his allies! bert is life bert is not an arty Bert is a light tank with a fireing arc! Bert loves yiur tears when beryt smacks you upside the head!

  9. The main problem I have with arty is the insane amount of RNG it adds. Huge damage, terrible accuracy and reload - there is already too much randomness in the game. And arty is the ONLY tank class that has to be limited by numbers (max. 5 per team) so this sort of admits that arty does not fit into the game well.

    1. Bert is the only arty that requires Skill

  10. @0:10 , all the arty boners ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  11. My issue with arty is this, I was having a great game. I was holding a corner against 3 bad guys. I knew that I was going to die at some point, but I was going to make them pay first. It was going to be epic!! And then I got hit by the artys and I was dead. What was going to be an awesome match, became a mediocre one. Arty takes a game that could be great, and makes it's mediocre.

    1. If you don't take arti in to account, whaen you choose posisiotn, you will never be epic

    2. If you take arty into account when you choose position, you camp in base.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Almost puked after seeing this abomination created by wargaming

  14. I wondering why they wouldnt release this to public..... hmmm hmmm hmmm... Its not because 90% of players have a small hate on art is it?

  15. I wondering why they wouldnt release this to public..... hmmm hmmm hmmm... Its not because 90% of players have a small hate on art is it?

  16. The worst thing of all is, that I have to play arti to get my female crew members and it fucking kills me to play arti -.-

    1. Do like me and some few other, keep your dignity and play with 4 out of 5 class to get the tank reward, will be harder but it don't makes you feel like shit for playing arty

    2. Do you even understand what you read?

      He's writing about female crew members, possiblit giving no fooks about reward tanks.

      By finishing arty missions, you can get additional 4 male crew members.

      This single thing makes whole unica hating arty play arty. Because the reward is that good.

    3. If only more players would try playing arty, there might not be so much whining

  17. This is supposed to be a fast paced mmo. You shouldn't be able to fap and play at the same time. This is why arty is broken and wrong and ruins an otherwise decent game.

    1. Come on, you already know the answer: arty is designed to punish those that stay forever in a bush. If you want to keep fapping in your heavy/TD, arty stops you from doing that.

  18. ofcourse, they only show the good of the actual gameplay...

  19. for those who dont know,,,,,,,arty has been nerfed 3 times. 7.0 was a big nerf on arty, 8.5 was a nerf, not as bad. 8.6 was way too much, making low and mid tier artys NOT WORTH PLAYING. all this belly aching is moot, cause mm gives both sides an aprox equal arty. but because people who play this game, think that they are the next panzer general, they have an over valued sense of their capabilities. therefor they lose cause of big bad arty. the only arty worth playing is tier9-10.

    1. 9.6 accuray nerf
      Now the A15SP is unplayable unless gold all th way.
      Only those high spread high arc arties survived. I respect arties who one shot me. First I have given him the opportunity. Second RNG is on his head. Third the tanks I played need to be compensated by arties e.g. T29, Conqueror. Hull down brawlers. Four the arty guy would like to spend 30sec plus aimming time on me.

      Higher tier arties are much stable but not all of them. Grillie with stock gun, Bishop, Bert, they are alright

    2. Jay, that's nice bunch of the big old BULLSHIT, sir.

    3. "First I have given him the opportunity."
      Read: "I didn't camp like a bitch."

      "Second RNG is on his head."
      And that's some how a result of the arty player's skill?

      "Third the tanks I played need to be compensated by arties e.g. T29, Conqueror."
      Or, you know, playing as a team.

      "Four the arty guy would like to spend 30sec plus aimming time on me."
      Which means pointing at you and then waiting. Plus there's a significant overlap with reload. So much skill right there...

    4. Camping like a bitch is also when you find that spot where your T29 is invulnerable by hull-down.
      Now if only they would give a purpose to the spotter lights, so no JgPz or wallet-warrior E25 could fire at you forever invisible...

    5. P.S.: arty misses a lot because they don't fire where you are, but where they estimate you could be. And if you stay put, well... F*ck off, camper ;)

  20. for those who dont know,,,,,,,arty has been nerfed 3 times. 7.0 was a big nerf on arty, 8.5 was a nerf, not as bad. 8.6 was way too much, making low and mid tier artys NOT WORTH PLAYING. all this belly aching is moot, cause mm gives both sides an aprox equal arty. but because people who play this game, think that they are the next panzer general, they have an over valued sense of their capabilities. therefor they lose cause of big bad arty. the only arty worth playing is tier9-10.

    1. Going though patch notes, I can't find a single thing that could be seen as nerf to arty in 8.5.
      If you think 8.6 was a nerf to arty (in general; there are exceptions like SU-26), then you are absolutely clueless.

    2. Arty is the scourge of this game. Arty is not ok from the starts, the very fact of so much nerfs indicates it.

  21. So many tears my cup runneth over...
