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Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Redshire changes on supertest

Hello warriors,

Redshire was changed in supertest like this - the areas 1 and 2 were raised to become hills now.


  1. I like the hill at 1 - breaks up that line and gives more options on that flank.

    Isn't the hill at 2 just reverting the map to something like the old, horribly campy, Redshire?

    1. Yeah was just about to mention that too. But the hill in 2 used to be a frekin mountain tho lol

    2. Don't think so... The old hill (on 2) was situated more in favor for southern spawn. Now is more in middle.

    3. Not steep enough, this just stops it from being the magical safe corridor that it is now.

      All fighting that happens there has no impact anywhere else on the map until someone breaks through and you can't give support fire or scout without being inside that hellhole.

      Death to corridors, down with heavy lemmings!

    4. Good they ruined the map by completely removing the hill at 2 anyhow, just like sacred valley

    5. Both chgs look bad and make the map more campy. This looks like WG ruining another map similar to Sevorgorsk, El Halluf and Murovanka which were all better maps prior to recent changes. I miss the magic forest and the old death corner on El Haluf. Both maps used to be good scout maps, but no longer.

    6. Old El Halluf and Murovanka where absoultly horrid, for El Halluf, if you didn't have gun depression, you were basically fucked, and in Murovanka was an utter camp fest, people hiding behind the forest, just sitting there, waiting for someone to spot. Sevorgorsk, while not as bad as the other two, was still not that good.

    7. Old El Halluf and Murovanka where absoultly horrid, for El Halluf, if you didn't have gun depression, you were basically fucked, and in Murovanka was an utter camp fest, people hiding behind the forest, just sitting there, waiting for someone to spot. Sevorgorsk, while not as bad as the other two, was still not that good.

  2. Um. So now what, everyone's going to just have to brawl in the middle? These will be horrible changes if implemented.

    1. Not really, considering those spots are massively advantageous for Northern spawn campers camping on the hill. Could be decent changes to the map.(just don't bring the old redshire back)

    2. Cant brawl in middle if being sniped from both hills. It looks like u pick a hill (left, right or middle), drive up it and snipe.

  3. Um. So now what, everyone's going to just have to brawl in the middle? These will be horrible changes if implemented.

  4. We need more tubes and tube hills, we need more instantly *irony

  5. didn thought it needs a change doh

  6. North will still be at an advantage as long as the spawn gives them the central hills, which gives them vision and map control, as well as sniping to the other contest areas. In fact, making the "2" area a hill makes it more likely North will snipe more as the south team will be even more exposed than before.

    I guess we will see what will happen.

  7. wow. Um, wasn't there Hilda there before? They bitch, remove them, bitch some more, then put them back. Ok.

  8. Area at '1' is a radical change imo, it's been that peekaboom alleyway forever.

  9. Don't really see why Redshire needs changes...its no longer the old Campshire, where every 3rd tank was pulling out the marshmallows, chocolate bars and graham crackers to cook smores over the campfires :p I don't really find the games too campy there either...there's manuvering room for mediums and lights, brawling areas for the heavies (mostly where the corridor is at 2), and hills for the TDs to set up shop on to snipe. Plus, arty has good fields of fire all over...what's the problem?

    1. I agree, looks like more WG micro-management of maps ruining them like Sevorgorsk, El Halluf and Murovanka which were all better maps before recent chgs.

    2. Not one of those maps werr great before changes and Sevor was a camp fest with the two hills

  10. You can bet the Bean Counters at Wargaming are doing this for a reason, which they will never tell us the truth as to why? Probably to force us to spend more money on each battle on this map so way on consumables? Shells? Damages? Module repairs? (fire ext. First Aid kits, etc.) I'm sure there is an angle behind costing us more some how or another? $$$ .... But they are never going to admit that to us? Squeezing all they can get out of us on each map.... Do you really think they are going to change a map to where it will hurt their bottom line?

    1. I think the WILD success of the game has gone to their heads and they just think theyre to smart.

  11. So the 1 area is made into a hill again... anyone remembers the OLD Redshire, where the 1 area was the sniping platform of choice?

  12. If I read the map correctly, most battles should develop into a counterclockwise spinning pattern, as area 1 is more readily held by North spawn and area 2 is more readily held by South spawn. Early game might favor North, but they would need a lead to win the endgame.

    or not.

  13. not sure how everyone thinks these chnages will promote camping
    #1 looks like more chances for flanking and more dynamics, rather than a prohorovka TD camp line.
    #2 looks like it will be brought into a cqb fight with room for more flanking,stuff,rather than the static gameplay we see now where ita juat gunnery duel

    1. 1) heh i tend to be one of those campers

      2) if it means more than "send heavies here, sucks if you have less" it'll be good

  14. Wow area 2 was a hill in the old version and they removed it because of teams camping there , now tehy are bringing it back, gg WG

  15. Why, why again WG are trying to destroy one good open map, by adding coridors? Yes, this two new hills will become coridors on this map. Always adding coridors, is this the WG idea for better tank maps???!!!

  16. So they are going to fuck up Noobshire

    Just when the map actually became playable and likeable, they plan to fuck it up.

    GG we're gonna get rekt. All aboard the Area 2 campsite

  17. Reminds me of when I was a kid. I'd fuck with things like computers until they broke.
