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Friday, 17 April 2015

Super Pershing changes in 9.8

Hello warriors,

Storm confirmed that Super Pershing will come in HD in 9.8 and will receive a frontal armor buff. This is how it will look:


  1. How do you stream and post in blog at same time??

    1. Don't forget that women can do many things at the same time :P

    2. Because she can.... she´s Portug...

    3. yeah true, portuguese women...... hahahaha!!!!
      A Hawaiian, a Japanese and a Portuguese were doing construction work on scaffolding on the 20th floor of a Waikiki building.

      One day as they were eating lunch, the Hawaiian said, “Fish and Poi! If I get Fish and poi one more time for lunch I’m going to jump off this building.”

      The Japanese opened his lunch box and exclaimed, “Sushi again! If I get sushi one more time I’m going to jump off, too.”

      The Portuguese opened his lunch and said, “Portuguese sausage and rice again. If I get a Portuguese sausage and rice one more time I’m jumping off also!”

      Next day the Hawaiian opens his lunchbox, sees the fish and poi and jumps to this death. The Japanese opens his lunch, sees sushi and jumps too. The Portuguese opens his lunch, sees the Portuguese Sausage and rice and jumps to his death also.

      At the funeral, the Hawaiian man’s wife is weeping. She says, “If I’d known how really tired he was of fish and poi I never would have given it to him again!”

      The Japanese man’s wife also weeps and says, “I could have given him teriyaki or tempura!” I didn’t realize he hated sushi so much.”

      Everyone turned and stared at the Portuguese man’s wife. “Hey, no look at me” she said. “Da bugga makes his own lunch!”

    4. I am also Portuguese, and? I just wonder if she has the help of someone!

    5. I am also Portuguese, and? I just wonder if she has the help of someone!

  2. All of those values are way off, the strongest part atm is 282mm with no normalisation. AP's 5 degrees of normalisation slashes that down to 254mm, and anything that would shoot at a Super Pershing's hull in the first place gets normalisation bonuses due to the 2x overmatch rule. Against 105mm AP that would be 243mm.

    The abovementioned effect will also now be applied two times (because the second plate is not merged with the rest of the hull as a thicker zone) and at least the UFP angle is currently greater than historical. So if nothing unexpected happens, it will be a nerf.

    1. pfff
      All of you just crying constantly of the SP armor..

      That value is still too much for a fucking t8 medium tank and yet all of you still crying.
      Yes, I know it has bad mobility...and still i can use like a medium tank.
      I don't care how much dmg i block with my armor, I want to deal dmg, because this is my mission, deal more dmg to gain more credit.

      I only shot the SP weakpoints, no matter what pen I had, so I don't give a shit if the strongest part of the armor is nerfed...

      At the current state it's a good tank for this price.

    2. The Super Persh is a poor Tier 8 Heavy Tank. Deal with it.

    3. with a fucking name like platypussbill do u really think anybody listens to u? Go dig up some grubs to eat.

    4. How does this make it worse than what it is now?

    5. @Pmurder3- "Medium tank" is an invalid comparison if it has the mobility of a heavy.

      Guess what, armour helps you deal damage because you survive longer.

      "Shooting weakpoints" assumes you actualyl hit them, you're acing as if RNG and human error don't exist. By your logic the VK4502B has no armour because it has a 0mm driver's vision slit.

      @Mark West- My name could be FapsToPonies and it wouldn't make my points any less true. I laid out facts and you reply by ad hominem without adressing my arguments

      TL;DR you're wrong.

    6. Mark that's the stupidest argument I've ever read.

    7. Platypusbill I think you got the overmatch rule backwards.


  3. that isn't no buff, regardless of what they or the WoT fanboys say.. actually is worse now to be quite honst

    1. huge buffs to armor after 2 major SP nerfs. Still cries because even though tier 8s and 9, have almost no chance of getting through...

    2. WG knows SP needs buffed and will make it so. Numbers mean nothing.

    3. Wow Mark, you are super dumb. Numbers are the things that need buffs.

      If WG calls it a buff and it isn't, then it isn't.

      Just like if I drew a cat and said it was a cow, I drew a cat, no matter what I say.

    4. go find the T34 and tiger 2 video where they pen every part of the so called "buffed" SP coming 9.7

  4. SP buffed?
    In which parallel universe are we? ^^

    1. well the real T26e4 had 331mm of pen with its HVAP(APCR) at 100m. we have 258 :(
      the real T26e4 had comparable accuracy to the tiger II 8.8cm l71 we have .038m :(
      the in game T26e4 has the accuracy on the move of a tier 3 medium tank :(

    2. what does "real" have to do with anything? This is an arcade game!

    3. Mark, your torrent of dumb comments are embarrassing.

      It's first nerf, that made it shit, was made on the basis of historical accuracy.

    4. That mark is a known in-effective trolls in somewhere else
      Where's our Woras :(

    5. @FLYBOY805 You want those values? Then the SP should be a t10 tank not a t8, you want that SP in t10 with 240 dmg and a 331mm gold pen with that speed?

    6. @Pmurder3 Rhm borsigs 15cm heat has over 300pen and its a T8... so does the Obj 416 and I dont see X next to its name.., but i think the gun overall should be buffed, gold pen is ok, but moving disspersion is terrible for a tank thats that slow, also 0.38 is worse accuracy than on the T34s 120mil 248pen and 400dmg, and it does less dmg, has alot less pen and is less accurate

    7. TD's are different, all of the t8 td has a t10 gun.
      SP is fine, the gun is has to be weak ap pen and not so accurate, because the sp has a very op armor as a t8 medium tank.

  5. Even if they buffed it the heat and apcr meta right now would still nullify it

    1. actually. Heat ammo gets absorbed by spaced armor more effectively .

  6. I laugh at the people that sold theirs 6 months ago.

    1. Got the exact amount of gold back, I don't really see it as an failure eve though I found the SP was slightly above average T8's.

    2. That was almost 2 years ago mate. Aug-Sep 2013. I know many people dont realise the time they've spent on this game.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I love when people cry about the SP beeing killed by apcr and heat "meta"...when majority of SP players also use gold ammo in their SP to nullify armor of others. The irony iof WOT I must say....

    1. While the "Super Pershing" has the ap pen of the 25/2 you mean when in reality its pen was on par with the KT, truly the irony of wot. That being said I have about 1k games in the sp and hardly need use apcr unless it is being spammed at me. The fact of the matter is no matter how much they buff the armor on any tank at least 40%-60% of the ammo being used right now will make it useless.

    2. A SP driver declaring 170mm pen is good enough for T8-T9 games.

      Go on, lets see a video of you trying it on against an E75 lower plate.

    3. maybe try not to confront an E-75?

  8. So they will buff premium tanks but not nerf it, for example the unrealistic size of the E25

    1. Cause the E-25 totally needs a buff...

    2. Cause the E-25 totally needs a buff...

    3. Hey idiots, it's unrealistic size is called being too small.

      Making it larger is a nerf you retards.

    4. Lol, Finally someone understands I was reading these guys and thinking they are idiots XD
      But don't touch my E-25 XD

    5. Yes even in this blog you get Retards.

  9. Fucking awesome. I can't wait for 9.8 to come out now!

  10. Fucking awesome. I can't wait for 9.8 to come out now!

  11. ...who cares about the frontal armor, everyone with 80+ IQ shoots SP in its turrets weakspots...

    1. Yes but 90% of EU server has IQ below 80.

    2. Its 99% on NA Server below 50.

    3. Oh come on. Dont exaggerate! ... its way lower...
      also... bots... bots bots....

    4. How about SEA ? is it 99.9999999999999999999% full with retards and bots ?

    5. In Soviet Russian server, we need no IQ. Stalin guides our shells... or Warpack.

  12. SP is my most hated tank ever played. hope this is good news in practice, not only on paper.

  13. At least its gun handling+pen doesn't shine...And I will be glad if they dont remove its turret weakspot.

  14. The NA Server is 90% noobs who dont know weakspots.

  15. beter change this fuking engine is to slow with engine tier 6 whi no put tier 8 engine fuck wot

    1. would you lot desire some cheese with your whine?

      ohh i know i know, you would never like this tank unless it had a nuclear reactor strapped on its arse, thats the kind of people you must certainly be in order to "like" something

    2. Yeah, and give it twice as much penetration, because fuck balance, let's just have a SP that has the speed of a CDC, the armor of a tierX heavy, and having APCR as standard ammo !

  16. Looks like a pleasant surprise for my SP


  18. What about turret? Does it still have narrow space armor on mantilet?

    1. As I understand it they will also be increasing the size of the spaced armor on the front of the turret too.

    2. As I understand it they will also be increasing the size of the spaced armor on the front of the turret too.

  19. I will still be shooting it straight through the turret. That weakspot ought to be dealt with, forget about the hull.

  20. Just wait 1 second.... where is the UPPER HALF? :D
    nerfed to hue white (1mm armor) :D
