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Saturday, 18 April 2015

Storm's Q&A

Hello warriors,

a few answers from Storm and Evilly, includes the missing Q&A from yesterday (translator was not available).

- as a reaction to Armored Warfare video about the role of armor in AW, Storm states that armor does play a role in WoT even now and that its role will improve in the future
- Storm does not think that the War Thunder engine is better than Bigworld by the entire order of magnitude
- Q: "Check out how few battles Storm played." A: "Yea yea. That's the reason for all the problems in WoT." (later he adds that the has over 15k battles in WoT beta)
- +/-1MM will not be introduced
- BL-9 and other unhistorical top guns will not be removed from vehicles
- gold ammo will not become cheaper
- it's possible tier 9 and 10 guns will receive a penetration nerf
- Storm confirms: Super Pershing hull itself will have the angles partially changed and the additional plate angles will be changed as well
- according to Storm, all the versions of Super Pershing model until now had wrong armor angles, he hopes that this time, it will be correct
- unfortunately it's not possible to add AMX-50/100, IS-3 and Pershing HD models to the 9.7 patch despite all the delays
- final build of 9.7 is already made and is being prepared for release
- it is very possible (confirmed by Evilly as "more or less correct") that the tier 8 Kanonenjagdpanzer will replace the Jagdtiger 88, which will be removed from sales


  1. Why would they remove the Jagd 88??

    1. They will remove/replace all premium tanks with preff mm I think.

    2. It looks like it. Even the popular IS 6 will get replaced if it continues

    3. JT88 is the best thing u can get for money making
      and overall a rly fine thing!

      the replacement is ... pathetic? ... no ... laughable?... no... uhmmm...
      AH! ... its "kannonen jagdpanzer" ... always mix those up :D

    4. It's a tier 8 E-25. Calm your tits

    5. It's a tier 8 E-25. Calm your tits

  2. Wait, if the K-Jagdpanzer will be added in 9.8, does that mean the JT 88 will be removed in 9.8?

    1. Probably so , WG is fast on removing good stuff from the players.

    2. Watch.. All pref my tanks will disappear from sales. They screwed up MM by introducing these pref MM tanks, and tried to fix it by removing battle tier 12. That made things worse so now removing them from sale and selling non pref MM premiums will be the norm.

      By screwing it up I mean tier 8 standard tanks see tier 10s way too much now.. Especially after bt12 was removed.

    3. Do you know how often normal t8 tanks see t10? Roughly 1/4 of the time.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. First TOG, now Jagd 88...
    This makes me a sad panda...

    On the other side, I have a lot of lowtier premiums like the Church III, the Excelsior and the SU-85I (The rest has no pref. MM). I'd love to have those 3 tanks being seen as 'rare' tanks in the future...

  5. WG realized that premium tanks sales have come to an end. replacing current premiums with different new ones will enrich them once again. milk the cow WG, while you can...

  6. - Storm does not think that the War Thunder engine is better than Bigworld by the entire order of magnitude
    So that's why WoWp runs AND looks worse than War Thunder. Good to know.

    - according to Storm, all the versions of Super Pershing model until now had wrong armor angles, he hopes that this time, it will be correct
    That's what they said the last time they changed the exact same thing.

    - it is very possible (confirmed by Evilly as "more or less correct") that the tier 8 Kanonenjagdpanzer will replace the Jagdtiger 88, which will be removed from sales
    Replace as premium T8 TD or replace the vehicle itself? Along with the KV-5 the JT88 is the most efficient credit grinder (250cr. per AP round plus limited MM).

    1. Engine=\=optimization
      Look at WoT before 7.5, the graphics were awful but it used the same engine as today.

      No it will only replace it from the shop, not the vehicle itself

  7. - gold ammo will not become cheaper


  8. - gold ammo will not become cheaper


  9. - BL-9 and other unhistorical top guns will not be removed from vehicles

    But the unhistorical T-50-2 was removed from game...

  10. Most of the Q's answered nowadays are just completely redundant because they were answered already hundreds of times in the past. Just because you whine about it won't make it any different. It's not like your whine has magic powers....

  11. - ....Storm states that armor does play a role in WoT even now and that its role will improve in the future
    /// thanks to your overmatch rule. side scraping is almost gone.

    - gold ammo will not become cheaper
    /// make it balanced. high pen AND same dmg?(less dmg plox)
    MONEY is NOT an balancing factor... its economy idiots! *facepalm*

    - ...Jagdtiger 88, which will be removed from sales
    /// ofc - because its good... nobody want good prem tanks... gosh.
    shouldnt that fuck KJP be replace for e25? no... now i hate it even more :)

    - .... Storm played ....15k battles in WoT beta)
    /// so if he doesnt care, why he gives that intel... also it makes it even worse he told us that - since BETA there is not 1 thing the same... literally...
    so yeah. good job in getting deeper into the "ur not up 2 scratch" pit :D

  12. they removed e25 but just from sales i still have it.
    same for jgtg 8.8

    1. Me too, so? (like on any prem... no matter how OP (ausfJ/Su))

  13. Storm is nothing but a liar, who completely ignores the truth about WoT, which has become worse over the last two years (bad design decisions and overall stagnation).

    I have no respect for a person like Storm who refuses to play "the bad guys" in GTA V and on the other hand is a sympathizer of the biggest villain and most brutal dictator of our planet Putin.

    1. Most brutal? While I in no way am a Putin supporter but there are more vicious dictators currently than Putin.

    2. LeL, another one brainwashed by television. Stay tuned folks, next on Fox channel : how 'murica built the pyramids. How 'murica invented democracy and gave it to the greeks 2k years ago. How 'murica colonized Europe and most of all how 'murica won the wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afganistan. All hail the mighty 'muricans, the bringers of freedom and democracy to any corner of the globe in just the time it takes a B52 to take off fully loaded and get there...

  14. better remove the AMX 13 57 with freaking ads banner from the game.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Can the Ukrainians please go over and shot up Wargaming HQ? Please? Blow these stupid fucks to bits before they ruin the game more

    1. game was ruined when you idiots nerfed arty to shit in 8.6 your getting the flood gates coming in now. I say revert everything let arty be undone with that nerf and let them coneback and take the cryibg blows again. there the reason why wot was so good because they stoped the whiners from whining about lights, tds, prem tanks. tanks in general.. Press the reset on 8.6 put the t8 artys as the top arty teir once more. thats the only way wot will save it self..

  17. id rather hear babys crying about arty again pre 8.6. rather seeing the game destroyed by idicy.
