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Friday, 6 March 2015


Check out this site:

We can calculate the experience and credit costs of each tank, there is also a compare option so you can see which tanks are easier/cheaper more easily.

"Cheezix" (who sent the email) made some calculations with the help of this website and says: “It seems the German tanks are the fastest
tanks to grind and some Russians (if going a detour) taking the most time
and effort. I made this little summary in a table so it's easy to check.
I hope it will proof to you even though the game is made by Russians, they
do not always benefit the Soviet lines in every way.”

Image made by him:

(NPTA: Not paid to advertise) and thank you "Cheezix" for the errata!


  1. Quite useful. Especially that thing with calculating

  2. Only fools would seriously believe Soviet tanks gets special treatment just because the developers are Belarusian* (Not Russian)

    If that was the case the D-25 would have similar accuracy to the 88mm L/71

  3. Niceee. Bookmarked.

    (NSCEBBTA: No Shame, Can Easily Be Bought To Advertise)

  4. The site actual a little bit older :P

  5. Its actually quite old stuff, I am using it since 2012. But I appreciate the effort.

  6. I'm surprised that not all the high cost ones are arties. By xp and money loss for me are the biggest ones

  7. its great for researching weak spots on tanks as well..

  8. I would just like everyone to note that the IS-7 in the picture above actually takes you on a detour through the KV-13. Without that detour, it's significantly shorter

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. yea, I wonder how long it would take to get the IS-7 without that detour.

      actually, I'd like to see a list of tier Xs sorted from cheapest to most expensive (straight through, no detours).

  9. People play Russian tanks more so let`s make them to play more of the game.

  10. Thanks for mentioning this Rita, that tool can surely be useful in some situations, like a grindy mission etc.
