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Friday, 6 March 2015

Toxic Behavior

Wargaming just published the following video, describing how they fight with toxicity.

"We are all very excited that Wargaming is so tough on toxic players and that the support service is so very competent."

 On that note, I am pleased to report that Milkm4n_PL, a Warpack tester who publicly admitted his Warpack use was not only not banned, but he has found a new clan.

We all wish him all the best and long, fruitful cheating career!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice SS-like trolling. I will love it here :)

  3. Interesting seeing this after the Sirericbreheny malarkey.

  4. Hi Rita.

    Love the SS-like trolling as well.

    Been following your youtube for over a year or so. Thanks for filling SS's big shoes... I sure you will be do just fine. All the best.


  5. New clan? Surprised he doesn't play by himself, twanker.

  6. WG Minsk and WG NA are doing their job in an acceptable matter, as we know that mods and packs as WarPack are illegal and players have been banned (yet they still could do better). it's the incompetence of WG EU that bothers me.

    1. That's why if we keep on making noise there is a big chance things will change for the better! :)

    2. I hope WG EU doesn't go apeshit whenever they hear of you like what your predecessor was railed with Rita XD

    3. Yeah keep telling yourself that. FAIL PLATOONS are OK in WG minds. Way to drive off the player base. WoT can kiss my ass as soon as Armored Warfare Beta opens

  7. And again gg WG EU. Arghhh... Help! I'm having a Fail overdose!!

  8. It's more than 24 hours since that video was published on WG RU. Not to mention it was featured on The Armored Patrol blog ( yesterday.

  9. Funny how they rant about bots while showing EU server hall of fame, when there's a big case right on the top 2, a guy with 90k games and 250 wn8

  10. What is the A78_M4_Improved at 0:30?

    1. New premium tank. Will be implemented into game with some patch (idk what patch)

    2. Rita add this into both comment:
      It's M4 Improved

  11. Plz Rita investigate before posting anything about that guy.
    You will find that a lot of players made an smurf account to see whats all hype about watpack.

  12. How is spamming T18s full gold in tier2 games not toxic behavior?

    I started a new account with absolutely no gold, no premium time, full stock to elite grinds with no shortcuts, and even with the newbie protection, I was thrown into high tier matches constantly. Stock FT-17 vs 2 platoons of T18s full APCR.

    Or T-70 against KV-1s using 122mm full HEAT.

    How is not low tier MM and bullshit sealclubbing not toxic behavior?
    The absence of tier1-2, especially during holiday season, is a clear indicator of a complete lack of new players. And I understand those new guys, if I were totally new, I wouldn't have gone past the tenth fucking match.

    WG is more toxic to itself than players are ingame.
