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Monday, 16 March 2015

"We Support Our Troops!"

Meanwhile in North America.... Pepsi is supporting the U.S. troops with... a stronk T-34-85!

"Pepsi, the taste of communism!"


  1. Soviet steel so stronk, now even 'Muripigs want to claim the T-34-85 is theirs

    1. Eat your GMO cookie 'Muripig and stop spending so much time on your grandma computer, shill

    2. Wow when will you Europeans stop being jealous haters? I'm constantly coming across you guys making nasty statements about us. Meanwhile your YouTube commentators are always saying that the North American server is full of bad mouth idiots. And God forbid you are from the US and try to play a game on the test server "TK city with some highly educated European calling our President the N word" I may just come to the wrong conclusion that the more evolved and compassionate tolerant European is truly just a closet racist and hypocrite. But if I did that I would stereotype an entire populace. Sound familiar?

    3. Thank you for calling me jealous hater. Not sure what exactly i did to deserve it. But i'm sure you know me better.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Removed last comment as it turned itno a bit of a rant... The act of tarring everyone from Europe with the same brush sometimes has that effect.

      That tank is a T-34 series tank, which is RUSSIAN... being used by an AMERICAN company to advertise its support for AMERICAN troops... who were recently being shot at by... RUSSIAN tanks in the hands of Iraq's military... see the irony of it?

    6. @PlayerDmoney: Ironically, you already come across like the stereotype American just by that response alone. But hey, at least I know not all Americans are like that...

      Maybe you shouldn't do the same to 'all' Europeans...

  2. I always wondered why I bounced way more shots in the T-34-85 than I should. Now I realize the armor is infused in stronk American Pepsi!

  3. I got to say, the T-34-85 is a pretty tank compared to well... pretty much any sherman. ( since hellcat is a TD it doesn't count ) Pershing is... unique looking and every other tank in the tree is either a prototype or less known due to not being WW II material, prettimuch....

    Still, M48 or M60 could have fit better.... meh.

  4. Why wouldn't it have a M1 Abrams? It's not like they were going for a historical feel anyway.

  5. Why wouldn't it have a M1 Abrams? It's not like they were going for a historical feel anyway.

  6. This is in a mall near Fort Benning. Where the Armour school is currently located.

    1. No shit? Lol, I guess the Pepsi dudes just googled "tank" and found this. That or it might be on purpose...

  7. If they've added vodka in their cola formula I would've understood that...

  8. Anyone remember Crystal Pepsi? Perhaps this is the new Vodka Pepsi.

  9. This isn't that unusual considering Pepsi at one point had the 7th largest naval fleet in the world thanks to acquiring a bunch of submarines, and other ships from the Soviets in exchange for selling Stolichnaya Vodka in the US and expanding Pepsi's business in the Soviet Union.

  10. Pepsi's CEO is anti-American and is best known for "giving America the finger" in a university commencement speech. The company blazoned their cans with Marxist Obama symbols after his election. So it's not surprising Pepsi would do something like this under her failed leadership. Pepsi was winning the cola wars until she came along.

    1. are you the nut bag that lives in the trailer with the confederate flag and the 4 cars on blocks in the yard thats always handing out ccc pamphlets and screaming on the corner with a bible in his hand? you sound like him. btw, 3 of your 6 screaming kids running around your yard desperately need their diapers changed. get on it.

    2. are you the nut bag that lives in the trailer with the confederate flag and the 4 cars on blocks in the yard thats always handing out ccc pamphlets and screaming on the corner with a bible in his hand? you sound like him. btw, 3 of your 6 screaming kids running around your yard desperately need their diapers changed. get on it.

  11. Maybe it's a lend-lease model sent back in exchange for the OP Valentines the allies sent to Russia ; )

  12. Just for giggles, may I present you the new russian MoD symbol:

  13. Maybe its a deformed M1A1 Abrams or the perspective is off.

  14. This appeared on the US Forums about a year ago, surprised it took this long to be picked up.
