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Monday, 16 March 2015

16.03.2015 Q&A.

Developers decided NOT to implement the penetration nerf in 9.7. It will come together with gold ammo nerf in one of the upcoming patches.

- Separating newbies from experienced players on lower tiers does not mean that experienced players will end up on top of their teams less;
- The above mentioned segregation is active no matter what vehicle do the experienced players drive;
- According to Storm the Jpz E-100 170mm gun penetration is historical;
- For now, received XP buff for arties is not being considered (related to the fact that earlier there was a piece of news that the artillery might get more XP per kill);
- The hissing sound HEAT shells make upon impact is not historical, it's there for players to realize they were hit by a HEAT shell;
- WG doens't have the option to release many things by mini-patches (they have to wait on big ones most of the time, mini-patches are reserved for critical issues);
- Storm checked and apparently the lower front plate of HD E-100 and Jpz E-100 is correct (cca 49 degrees);
- AMX-30 gun lengths are correct;
- The rule that premium tanks have worse stats than regular ones is still in effect (RG: And keep it that way);
- In the future, vehicle renders for PR purposes will be made from in-game hangar so players don't feel cheated that the vehicle on WG renders looks awesome and in the battle looks worse;
- Earlier, Storm announced that the matchmaker will be reworked for new version. Current state however is that this change will either not come at all or in very distant future as the person dealing with MM is very busy;
- 9.7 will apparently bring "new Soviet premium" (probably T-54 Model 1945);
- Storm confirms that WG will not re-introduce ultra-HD texture pack;
- For the purposes of nerfing, CW tanks (M60 and Object 907) do not count as premium vehicles (they can be nerfed freely);
- Historically, Super Pershing was "tilted forward" due to the weight of additional armor (stressing the frontal suspension greatly). In the game, the devs decided not to do this because it would make the upper frontal plate angle worse than it was;
- HD Super Pershing has wrong turret additional armor size, it will be fixed;
- Regarding the UFP additional armor angle of Super Pershing, there was a longer discussion, the result was inconclusive - some WG developers do not believe photos of the vehicle (blaming apparently perspective) and are sticking strictly to angles written in documents;
- Developers are currently discussing removing the North-West map from the game completely (RG: it's possible that this will happen even in 9.7).


  1. "WG doens't have the option to release many things by mini-patches (they have to wait on big ones most of the time, mini-patches are reserved for critical issues)"

    So, no possibility to log into the game via Facebook/Google was a critical issue? ;)

    1. You read my thoughts... :)

    2. I like it to some extent

    3. Ritka, take a look at dimabal100000's region changer. Really cool tool!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anything about WoWs? Fucking love that game. Beta was great.

  4. So what is finally happening to the SP?


    Can anyone confirm based on test server experience?

    1. I can tell you.. they nerfed the upper plate armor from 170 mm to 76mm.. i want my money back.. i just was on the test server...

    2. no, it has 2 plates of armour, it has in theory still the same armour thickness!

    3. Pretty sure spaced armor isn't meant to be listed as an armor value, so 76mm is correct in terms of hull IIRC, and what was listed was that value plus spaced.

      Having tested it, it's still the same.

  5. I don't think anyone will miss North-west. I, for one, sure won't.

  6. The SP's angle at the front is wrong anyway, what's their excuse for that?

    1. Perspective apparently, if you don't believe that then they can also roll out the 'game-play balance' card.

    2. It's either "historical accuracy" or "balance"

      WG in a nutshell ))))

  7. - The rule that premium tanks have worse stats than regular ones is still in effect (RG: And keep it that way

    E25 weak tonk )))
    pz S35 weak tonk ))))
    SU100Y weak tonk ))))
    SU-122-44 weak tonk ))))))

    Come on, I mean some are worse (T34 and Lowe comes to mind), but others are much more powerful than their equal tier counterparts.
    You can't show me the SU-122-44 then tell me with a straight face that the SU100M1 is a better tank.

    1. They are pretty equal, to be honest.

    2. Indeed, especially the E-25 and the SU-122-44. Actually, they could use a buff to make them a bit more competitive, WG even had to withdraw the poor E-25 from the shop because it was so underpowered. /sarcasm

    3. Some T5 prems have a lot more HP than their non-prem counterparts.
      For example, T-25 vs PzIV is a bit unfair :)

  8. After the view range clobbering the Dickermax and FCM36P40 are also definitely up there.

    The SU76i was also one of the worse lapses in judgement that WG had recently.

    1. mine loves harvesting the tears of the pros so they cant seal club. and i laugh and salute a newbie when he uses his brain and kills me without gold or useing mods aka useing HE shells and detracking. and relocating. if i get killed by a pro i call em gold fags. when its a newplayer i say good job.

  9. Is there any info out how WG will define "experienced" players for the segregation? I like the idea but more details would be fine.

  10. There are certainly far worse maps than North West in WoT. The excrutiating camp fest map Prokhorovka is coming to mind.

    1. You can only hate Prokhorovka/Fiery Salient if you're a bad or terribad player.
      It's one of the extremely few truly open maps where camo & view range still matter (not to mention possibly the only map that doesn't downright pander to Hevi Tonkers) and thus good players can play more freely and use their MTs/LTs/TDs to their full strength

      Unless there's arty in the MM. Then it turns to one of the shittiest maps in the game.
      Conclusion? Remove arty!

    2. It's also nice for heavies with good turrets. The T29 can really rock that map.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Meds can rock it too, but it still is a fkn boring camp fest with continous quick spotting / pot shotting runs until one team has been ground down enough to allow mopping up the rest. I can do tons of damage on that map with an even half way decent medium tank, but it bores the hell outta me. There is no room for quick repositioning to locally overpower enemy forces or to disappear and reappear where nobody expects you to distract and divert the other team. It's just that boring peek-a-boo / silent scouting and hoping the other team moves first, revealing their positions and making them targets.

    5. Yeah, one of the few maps without those beautiful corridors where you can suddenly be ambushed, where camo, scouting and especially brains still matter and where players can't just rush around from cover to cover with impunity and play peek-a-boom around corners. It should definitely be removed.

    6. They will need to remove Highway,one of the most ridiculously one sided maps in the history of this game.And no Prokhorovka/Fiery Salient does not need to be removed,its fine the way they are,its only bad if you lack the patience to wait.It is the maps that most accurately portrays tank warfare as it did in actuality in the game in that it has large open spaces,I mean tanks never actively fought in cities or anything like that.If anything we need more of such maps.

    7. But it's the best from the already few maps to farm spotting damage mission.......

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    1. "There is no tactics involved on Prokhorovka (consider that "spotting" isn't tactics)"

      Baddie confirmed

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hm, so what are we having here?

      Making claims without backing them up. Insulting other contributors.

      ==> Troll detected.

      Come on kid, what are your stats?

    4. Go away FerdinandPorsche, you horrible bastard, still calling others "kid".

    5. Roflmao, this dweeb is the FTR troll FerdinandPorsche?

      A pox on him for taking up that brilliant designer's name!

  17. Rita, mind adding an editing feature to the posts here?

  18. "You can only hate Prokhorovka/Fiery Salient if you're a bad or terribad player."



    At least now you know what kind of player I am without having to investigate or ask. Prejudices are so convenient: They save you the effort of thinking.


    Apparently you belong to the group of the people with a very clean and tidy picture of the world, and of other people. Tidy to the event of barren and void. In my world an opinion like yours ranks under "stupid".

    Did you know that the human physiology is geared towards saving energy? Now the brain is the most energy hungry organ in the human body, and you have perfected the art of saving energy, obviously.

    I know very well how to play Prokhorovka. It turns into a camp fest even w/o arty, and gets even worse with arty present, exactly *because* it is so open. Who gets spotted first, dies. Therefore it is a long drawnout game of scouts and meds quickly peeking over the east-west ridge in the middle of the map and the hill in the east.

    There is no tactics involved on Prokhorovka (consider that "spotting" isn't tactics). The team making the first (or more) mistakes, loses. Get spotted? Die. It's that simple. Entertaining? Sure, for an energy saver like you it definitely must fall into that category.

    Überhebliche Besserwisser wie Dich habe ich gefressen.

    1. Should have stopped at "spotting isn't tactics". Playing peek-a-boom, on the other hand, requires a truly Napoleonic grasp of tactics.

    2. Shhh, wouldn't wanna irritate our Hevi Tonk Master Race Supreme Leader more than he already is...

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  20. How to fix Northwest in 3 easy steps
    (only the bottom right corner needs fexing)
    >rework the 3-level corridors where heavy tanks go into one big corridor with progressive obstacles/cover
    >make it accessible from the middle of the map
    >get rid of that massive gradient, its cool to go down but it sucks to go up.

    RG: I need edit buttons ;)

  21. Who cares about angle? WG buffs or nerfs all tanks anyway so historical accuracy is garbage. WG, just say, we r nerfing it or buffing it. If they nerf the armor anymore I will never play it again. Its a hvy tank, really, with less armor, less pen, and less speed than IS6/112 so its already bad but nerf it more and forget it.

    1. Apparently there are still too many Russian noobs who cannot handle the SuperPershing (U.S. tank, d'oh) when facing it, and who need to compensate their small penisses with IS-6 troll armor.

    2. I agree with the super-pershing statement but you basically contradicted yourself with the is-6 you can't have it both ways. Both tanks have there weak spots which are relatively easy to hit if you know how (or just change your play style and flank them.

  22. North West was ruined by WG just like Sevorgorsk. Both were very unique maps that WG turned into CORRIDORS. I liked the old NW and the old Severgorsk much better. The toe to toe battles up on that narrow trail on NW used to be epic just like that little plateau on El Haluf. WG ruined Sevorgorsk, NW and El Halluf. The old versions of all 3 were much better.

    1. And Tundra, don't forget Tundra!

      While it was "meh" at first, it became one huge brainless pit with one tunnel on one side where you get nuked by arty (and by TDs if you're attacking from South) and a remote hill that is won by the team with the fastest meds (heavies again get nuked by arty if they're trying to fight for the hill) - and just like on Karelia, the team that wins the hill/vantage point is most often the team that wins

      Northwest & Tundra have got to go, preferably along with the "new & improved" version of Murovanka

      @MaterielDefender: Fedaykin89 on EU server. And yes, I make assumptions because most good & very good players enjoy Prokhorovka, especially as a break from the Hevi Tonk domination on the rest of the maps.
      Also, I don't see why I should justify myself to someone who admitted that he/she considers that "spotting is not a tactic" (especially when VISION CONTROL used to define a good player)

    2. I agree, the new Murovanka is a very good map for lower tier games because in a tier 5 its huge and u can really flank in a medium and stay invisible, but i hate it for higher tiers and YES I miss the magic forest!!!!

      WG is ruining all the maps.

    3. I love prokoravka for lower tiers but hate it for higher tiers cause its a camp fest.

    4. If you believe "spotting" is "tactics" you have only proven that you haven't understood the term tactics at all. Go read the Wikipedia entry about it. Recon isn't tactics, good recon supports tactics. Camping is tactics. Ambushing is tactics. Forming local dominance is tactics. Diverting the enemy and surprise attacking at a different spot is tactics. You couldn't have proved more how much of a pompous, loud-mouthed smartass you are.

      You believe that because you are good at a computer game, you can teach everybody else, when all you said here only displays how illiterate you really are. Btw, I have a higher winrate (+2%) and higher average tank tier (+1.2) played than you, and a WN8 > 2000.

      So STFU and GTFO, because you are making more of a fool of yourself with every post you are entering here.

    5. Spotting in WoT (using your view range & camo values) IS a tactic, in terms of invisi-sniping (OR providing info for your team), especially since it requires you to take certain tactical positions on a map and use them with care.

      Furthermore, how convenient that you haven't supplied YOUR in-game nickname as well...

      Higher average tier doesn't mean much to me, especially since I never bought Premium Account and had to rely on Tier 5/6 tanks to generate credits (until I got the IS-6, WZ-111 & Super-Persh, courtesy of WG's generosity)

      Furthermore, my recent 1k battles have been mostly at Tier 8+, with 3k WN8 & 59% solo play (btw, I platoon extremely rare as well).

      Not to mention that if both teams camp, it allows you take the initiative for your team; in 8/10 times or more the team that camps the most loses.

    6. He has supplied his nickname in an earlier post however I agree with you that even by MaterielDefenders definition scouting is a tactic. Since if you see the team as a whole then the tactical advances of a scout (good scouting) can win or loose a match even on closed maps. I would like to also point out that Prokhorovka is often won by the scouts and how they compliment the teams tactics. for instance a scout could make it appear that there is a far greater force one one side than the other or distract an entire flank long enough for them to be flanked. Overall there are many flaws in MD's statement, however he does make a good point that mostly the scouts in WoT do not act with tactics and do a relative mediocre job which has to be picked up by the MT or even TD/HT.

      PS.: It would however be nice if you didn't try to insult each other and leave the schwanzvergleich (dick-measuring contest) it really doesn't matter how good you are as long as your arguments are well thought through.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. el halluf is far better now , old el halluf was just get fucked by arty 24/7 , at least there is some cover now.

  23. WG is balancing on a very slippery slope if they bring skill MM to tiers 1-3. If it works there why not have it at all tiers?????

    Take my advice and ban all players from tier 1 with more than 2,500 games and tier 2 with 7,500. Once U hit 2,500 games all tier one tanks are automaticaly unlocked, and once U hit 7,500 all tier 2 tanks r unlocked, but u cant play them.

    WG should also offer HUGE rewards if U play 100 games in all 7 tier one tanks such as 200K silver and 200 gold. This will mean most new players will have at least 700 games under their belts and exp in 7 dif tanks before they leave tier 1 which will make them much better players farther down the line.

    1. and why veteran players should be ban to play the low tiers tanks gifts from wargaming?like the tetrarch ltp and others?

  24. First part doesn't work. There are veteran players who love to play low tiers because it is fun for them.

    Part 2 sounds very good to me (reward for playing each tier 1 tank in 100 matches). Maybe offer a reward for eliting all of them instead.

    1. The premise is to remove seal clubbing. If u like seal clubbing u can just keep starting new accts after 2,500 games and keep clubbing away. I dont think most would do that, since they lose stats and free xp. Once u have over 5000 games u should not play tiers 1 and 2.

    2. I dont play tiers 1 and 2 anymore. I find it to tedious and slow and also unpredictable, but tier 3 is still fun. To me, the tier 3 tanks feel like the first real tanks.

    3. So better/older players should be banned from playing low tier games, but it's not problems for a 10 battles wallet warrior to buy his way to Tier 8 and start ruining high tier matches.

      Sorry, but cut the hypocrisy. As long as noobs and terribads are allowed to ruin Tier 8+ games (for instance, by not allowing anyone under 50% WR to get over Tier 5), then we should also be allowed to relieve stress by smashing them in low tiers

    4. mark west first thing is forbidden to have multiple accounts.second.why should i be banned if i play tetrarch or another gift tank from wargaming.they should not give us gifts then.

  25. Regarding Prokhorovka, quoting Scuka from the official forums (

    What's bad about it?

    Every part of the map is relevant, there aren't any parts of the map where you get those 10 v 10 peek-a-boo brawl fests, while the rest of the map is basically empty. There aren't any parts of the map from far east to far west where you'll be useless/irrelevant, depending on the vehicle you're driving.
    Every class is relevant. There's scouting, there's heavy tanking, there's opportunities for meds to use their mobility, there's places for TD's to be sneaky.
    You can provide crossfire and flanking shots as opposed to those sh!t corridor maps like Stalingrad, Hidden Village etc. where the only possible thing is to engage frontally.
    All your tanks characteristics are relevant. Your viewrange, camo, mobility, accuracy, aim time, armor, gun depression, everything comes into play...
    Your knowledge of vision/camo mechanics is relevant.
    Your line of sight isn't limited to 50 meters by tall corridors and walls like on beforementioned sh!t corridor maps, i.e. you don't have to stick your gun into enemy tank's face before you can shoot them. In other words, there are short, medium and long range engagements as opposed to just short like on most other maps.
    Map control is important. Control hill to put shots down to the middle and have a place from which you can advance towards the enemy base. Control middle so you can put shots up the hill and into the bushes on the west, have vision control in the bushes so the enemy doesn't wreck your team from stealth (as opposed to sh!t corridor maps like Pearl River where controlling one part of the map gives you absolutely no benefit, because you're surrounded by stupid walls and hills in every direction)

    Prokhorovka is one of the only few decent maps left in the game. I'd dare to say second best map, after Malinovka.

    The only bad thing about this map is that arty can be too effective on it. And that says more about brokenness of arty than it says about the map.

    In my experience, most people who hate Prokhorovka know nothing about vision/camo mechanics, map control and providing crossfire.

    (Also interesting to see which kind of players enjoy Prokh/FS, ain't that so, MaterielDefender?)

    1. Of course the map sucks. Remember all those attempted brawl feasts on the hill, ruined by "camping cowards" firing from the other side? No fun when you have to maneuver, use sparse cover and generally think instead of safely staying behind an obstacle, wait to reload, pop, shoot, maybe hit, maybe get hit, rinse and repeat until either you or the other guy dies.

    2. malinovka is one of the worst maps in the game,Prokhorovka is good but with more than 1 arty say goodbye to a fun game.

  26. what about the soft stats buff (along with aim time and RoF buff on some) on tier 10 and 9 meidums? These will also not be implemented along with not implementing PEN NERF or what?

  27. '..... as the person dealing with MM is....' banging his head against a brick wall after being teamed up with 14 tomatoes against 15 greens for the last 30 .....years.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. - According to Storm the Jpz E-100 170mm gun penetration is historical;
    didn't i read about a NERF... so wouldn't it be unhistorical then!?

    - gold ammo nerf? i
    hope they talk about DAMAGE taken away, not penetration - or its just pointless.

    - the person dealing with MM is very busy;
    ........ 500mil revenue.... hire fucking some one?

    -discussing removing the North-West (which is quiet nice)
    but fucking prokohrovka (worst camper map ever!) stays...

    reading this i get a picture in the back of my head... chocking my self :|

    1. You do realize that the most important factor in deciding the potential damage of a shell is the caliber of the gun, right?

      1.050 damage for a 170mm gun isn't really that much considering that
      a) 150-155mm guns do 750, so it's a rather normal increase
      b) it comes with a 24.5s reload time.

    2. "but fucking prokohrovka (worst camper map ever!) stays..."

      How to automatically disqualify yourself as a WoT player.

      Git gud, scrub!

  30. "Developers are currently discussing removing the North-West map from the game completely"

    June 2013 vs. October 2013 - copyright lawsuit by Kanye?


  31. Alright Wargaming is now just not making sense.They introduced a global accuracy nerf and penetration values of certain AP shells of some tier 10 tanks are slated to be decreased to encourage us to fire more premium ammunition.But now they are considering a nerf to premium ammunition in future patches?They must be joking,I fail to take this seriously.Premium ammunition has only made certain tanks' armor useless,take the IS-7's per se,even the relatively feeble 12.8cm gun's APCR can penetrate it reliably when aimed at the upper glacis,but the E100 can't be penetrated by the superb HEAT fired by the Obj 268.The Maus when angled at 45 degrees is impregnable,just a few examples.

    1. The AP nerf is necesary for game balance - go build yourself a new tinfoil hat...

    2. Yes,game balance.So when the tier 10 FVs fire and miss with AP shells or bounce,and wait another 30s to reload now giving the best hypothetical DPM of ~1150 for that particular minute,it is very balanced indeed.These TDs feed on overly aggressive players,particularly the mediums.

    3. Actually I agree the Fv215b 183 deathstar doesn't need a penetration nerf on the AP, but all the tier 10 mediums and a few of the TDs do...

  32. "Current state however is that this change will either not come at all or in very distant future as the person dealing with MM is very busy"

    Fair enough.
    So can we start a Patreon and pay a programmer to work on matchmaker?

  33. "- The hissing sound HEAT shells make upon impact is not historical, it's there for players to realize they were hit by a HEAT shell;"

    Unfortunately, it's this and the name that cause people to incorrectly assume that HEAT ammunition works by burning through armor : \

    "- In the future, vehicle renders for PR purposes will be made from in-game hangar so players don't feel cheated that the vehicle on WG renders looks awesome and in the battle looks worse;"

    On a *free* HD upgrade, regarding a minute amount of detail that will go unnoticed 98% of the time anyway.

    " - Developers are currently discussing removing the North-West map from the game completely (RG: it's possible that this will happen even in 9.7). "

    They're willing to leave the boring, linear piece of crap that is Hidden Village in until they finally get around to their cleanup project, but North-West is suddenly enemy #1 and must be eliminated NOW?

    Why? What prompted this? The map is far from perfect, but it's hardly the worst offender in the game at the moment.

    1. Doesnt heat work by creating an explosion within the shell to cause a hot jet stream burning through armor? More or less like people believe?

    2. No, it's about the sheer pressure of the plasma generated, not the actual temperature

    3. Yes, this. It's the same basic idea as APCR, taken to an extreme using a different mechanism; get a bunch of energy, focus it into as small a point as possible to punch through armor, causing spalling inside the tank and wrecking what/whoever is unfortunate enough to be in the way.

      The heat from the reaction probably does help a tiny bit, but I'd imagine a lot of it spreads into the surrounding metal (heatsink effect). The main AP component is definitely the pressure of the stream.

  34. but pressure creates heat - if it didn't I doubt it would penetrate?

  35. Nord-West map removed?!!! Why?
    It looks good map for me. Not f******* city map. Somehow open, but not too much. There is place for all machine classes.
    My be developers want to replace it with one more City map, where never tanks had battles?

  36. Just wanted to alert you to another WG EU fail. The special St. Patrick's Day missions/discounts are no longer appearing in the client. The official announcement stated, and I quote, "This special will be available from Saturday 14 March at 06:10 until Wednesday 18 March at 06:00 CET (UTC +1)." It's now Tuesday 17 March and they are gone.

  37. - In the future, vehicle renders for PR purposes will be made from in-game hangar so players don't feel cheated that the vehicle on WG renders looks awesome and in the battle looks worse;

    So they give a sh*t about that, but put off the MM fix? typical WG idiots that once again, prove they could give 2 shits about their "CUSTOMERS"

    - Earlier, Storm announced that the matchmaker will be reworked for new version. Current state however is that this change will either not come at all or in very distant future as the person dealing with MM is very busy;

    Yea, Because the Guy responsible for MM isn't actually doing his job, FIXING MM

    - For the purposes of nerfing, CW tanks (M60 and Object 907) do not count as premium vehicles (they can be nerfed freely);

    Thanks again WG, for screwing the people who put the time and dedication into your game, once again.. WG says screw the CUSTOMER

    I swear, I could give a damn if armored warfare is bugged to hell, I will still drop WoT regardless, uninstalled and all, and never look back.

  38. Good news! in 9.8 patch tanks lose their cannons, and the spotters will be a pedestrian, each tier 10 TD also vulnerable with rifle, 1 match 1 shot, more time to count at the start, say, five minutes to... and other great fuckin things...that will make sure that even more people will stop playing this nerfed shit...
