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Sunday, 15 March 2015

Type 59/Patton Hybrid - Fake or Real

Hello warriors,

recently, it was leaked that the Chinese tree would get a new tier 8 premium tank, a Type 59 hull with Patton turret. Naturally, given how ridiculous this thing is, most people simply assumed it's a fake from "SerB's design bureau" (and a bad one at that). But is it really?

To find out, we contacted the best person for such question - Wargaming's very own historian, Yuri Pasholok. He confirmed that the vehicle is "real" - in a way.

As you probably know, China has some very specific laws and it is for this reason that the Chinese server is completely independent. In return, the Chinese server operator, a company called Konzhong pays Wargaming license fees and also provides some information on Chinese vehicles.

And here's the issue. Pretty much nothing coming out of Konzhong is verifiable in western sources, so stuff like T-34-1, T-34-2, 112, 113... all these could theoretically be fake. They were given to Wargaming simply as a DVD with a bunch of drawings (no historical documents or anything, just drawings) with descriptions and designations.

The Type 59/Patton hybrid is exactly this case as well. It comes from Kongzhong without any photo or proof. According to the Chinese, this project didn't exist other than as a proposal - it was a product of the "thawing" of relations between USA and China and never went anywhere, as it was significantly flawed from early on (the turret rings don't match and there is no real reason to put a Patton turret on Type 59, it's not like it is better or anything). Chinese "favorite" method of explaining absence of any documents is that the "prototype was destroyed during nuclear trials", so if something like this appears in the description... well, we'll just have to see.


  1. I hope this is the last we see or hear from it.

    It's so silly looking I can't handle it.

  2. Who needs yet another tier 8 Chinese premium medium tank? I would love to see finally a Russian one!

    1. a T44 hull with Patton turret? :p

    2. They need it to replace the T-34-3, because it has pref-MM

  3. well kongzhong wants more money why not

  4. Oh look, a Chinese business giving 0 sh*ts and sending out some ridiculous crap in order to keep making money.

    What a shock that they are completely untrustworthy and unethical.

    The only Chinese businesses I have ever trusted were the ones you could go see in person, and who could show you their products beforehand.

  5. World of Fakes.
    I really doubt that the T-34-1-2 existed.

    1. I dont doubt those. Nor the WZ-111 1-5A nor the 112 and 113. Nor the 121.

      But I do doubt this :P

    2. at least T-34-1/2's description sounds believable.... Fatton with stronk MiC hull is too bizarre :)

  6. he rita, there's an interessant video about WoWS and some other stuff like WoWP: (I find this video today)

  7. IMHO the only reason to do such a weird mish mash is A) You want to mount the turret on a vehicle for testing purposes. Maybe Chinese wanted a test and evaluation of M48 fire control and turret control system they may have received from Vietnam or Pakistan.

    B) You have M48 turrets and non working hulls say from lack of parts or mine damage and you have available Type 59 hulls. I could see this happening in Iran post Revolution.

    What if Iran gave China some M48's to test and evaluate for possible mating of m48 turrets left over from mine damaged hulls from Iran-Iraq war to Type 59 hulls.

    Also possible China took some ex-Pakistan or Iranian M48 turrets and simply "attached" them to Type 59 hulls for use as Opposition Forces training to simulate Taiwanese M48/CM-12 tanks?

  8. It's most likely just a specially made test bed for the turret to see how the American equipment holds up. They probably got from Vietnam.

  9. Well the other Chinese tanks can at least be backed up with freaking pictures, there are pictures of the 121 and WZ-111 for example but this is just an abomination its something foreign countries would do not China.
    Not even Taiwan because they could not receive Type 59's from China.

  10. When ever some guy mumbles about a tank... wg takes it as fact :)

  11. What did you expect? This tank is the definition of ''made in china''. No doubt that if this thing even existed it would have been the first to be destroyed during nuclear trials. Could this be the first tier 7(or 8) new-year-gift-tank ? I mean it doesn't make much difference than the T1E6 or the PZ II D in usefulness (except from the bigger credit income).

  12. This is your 112
    Your WZ-111

  13. Is it known if this is coming for all servers?

  14. Cant wait for AMX with Maus turret xD
