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Sunday, 15 March 2015

Insider Talks: WoWs, Foch 155 Nerf and More

Hello warriors,

it's the Insider again with fresh batch of Wargaming news. This time, it's from World of Warships and World of Tanks.

World of Warships:

-According to Wargaming, the WoWs CBT is going very well, especially the PvE mode is very successful. There are some issues such as the FXAA mode and an issue with friend-list, but so far so good;
-Gold and pre-release bundles (the content of which the player will get when the game is released) will come soon;
-Russian and German trees will come "soon";
-Q: "Carriers are the arty of WoW's!" Developer reaction: "Keep your anti-arty jihad for WoT forums!" (RG: I actually hated playing the Carriers, they made a T92 WoT arty sound exciting);
-Generally speaking the WoWs forums are more polite and sensible than WoT ones (due to the fact the game is in alpha and the community consists of reasonable testers), they'd hate to see it infested with "arty hater zombies" (RG: Forums will be forums, open it to the public and you gonna see those undesired people flooding in like hamsters rushing for a cabbage! It's Internet.)

World of Tanks:

There was a small debate on what to do with Foch 155. Proposed solutions are the following:

-Keep the autoloader but nerf the gun stats badly (aimtime, bloom), by perhaps 20 percent;
-Simply remove the autoloader, keep the gun as it is;
-Replace the gun with tier 9 Foch's 120mm (but with autoloader) with "probably" a penetration buff.

There are major issues with these solutions however, as simply removing the autoloader would make Foch 155 a clone of the existing tank destroyers (it's the main feature that makes it different). Another major issue is its weak side armor and the vehicle would have to be buffed somehow not to make it completely obsolete. Nerfing the gun and keeping the autoloader would make the vehicle completely suck according to the developers and is considered the worst solution. Changing the gun to 120mm would make the vehicle more balanced, but other aspects would have to be buffed, such as mobility and handling. Also, 120mm alpha is kinda weak for tier 10 and the difference between tier 9 and tier 10 would be "bland" (Object 263 mentioned here as reference). There is no conclusion or solution to this discussion, it is ongoing.

-Despite what whiners say, Storm is completely right (meaning there's no ulterior motive) referring to the changes of the penetration of the guns since they (the nerfs) are meant to meant armor count for something. WG realizes there was an increased "power creep" every now and then;
-Gold shells will be getting a nerf too;
-The "explanation" of regular penetration shell nerf in order "to make players buy more gold" is just "whiners being retarded", Storm refers in his message that "tier 10 medium tanks are perfectly capable of delivering pain to any tank, they will have to actually aim now - as example, the projected penetration changes for the E50M are perfectly capable of damaging the lower plate of most tier 10 tanks, heavy or medium alike and any weakspots, otherwhise, why would they be called weakspots?"
-Penetration nerfs do not come alone, tanks will be mostly compensated with other buffs;

And next time, Insider will tell us about Wargaming's cancelled projects and who knows, maybe some breaking news as well...


  1. Any reason as to why the Foch 155's autoloader would have to be nerfed, as currently it's not very good (as in hardly ever seen them).

    1. I have played it on the TS and I also can't say it's that good. Mediocre at best.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. @Vlad Pomar I stopped reading at 'TS'... Every vehicle is great at TS, even the 121. Foch 155 is dead, the only reason they nerf it is because some 43 percent IS-7 players still don't get that you just don't drive out in the open in front of a tier 10 TD. But whatever... At least I will have a four skill crew left after selling it.

    4. 121 is good mate.
      All meds are though...

    5. Yeah that's why you never see a 121 in randoms / CW / anywhere... It's always a matter of taste but the point is: On the TS 95 percent of all players are noobs and that's why you can pwn with ANY vehicle you like. Calling a Foch OP because you drove it once on the TS is a very bold statement.

    6. +Flipped_Out

      Maybe you should have used your brain a little bit more and read the next 10 words too....

    7. fair enough :D


    9. @Flipped_Out
      The entire Chinese line is unpopular. So 121 being not very popular says nothing really. Can it use a buff or two? Yes, I have made multiple topics on this. But it a machine with unique gameplay and game style. And is decent in randoms.
      CW is different anyway.

  2. -Penetration nerfs do not come alone, tanks will be mostly compensated with other buffs

    I am waiting for 268 buff

    1. why do people always bitch about the 268? if it has a gun laying drive with vents and a rammer then its dpm is about 3300 and its aim time is 2.3 seconds with insane accuracy wtf do you want? tortoise dpm on something with is-8 mobility? yeah because that wont be completely op at all.

    2. Statistically it's under performing. Perhaps it's a combination of poor gun handling (dispersion) characteristics, narrow gun arc, limited depression, so so mobility, so so armor, and worst shell velocity of any tier X tank. Regardless, with all the nerfs its received it's performing worse than the e4 or Foch 155, for example. Tanks that are not regarded as being particularly good atm.

    3. Meant to include that both the e4 and foch 155 got buffs in the patch, while the 268 just got yet another nerf.

    4. Because is one of the worst tier X TD's.
      marking 1-5 like in school
      armor - mobility - firepower - camo

      E3 _ 1-4-2-2, moving fort
      E4 _ 3-3-3-2, E-100 'light'
      JgE-100 _ 2-5-3-4, good alpha dmg
      WT _ 5-3-1-5, one clip almost every tank
      Deathstar _ 2-4-1-2, One-shoter with armor
      Fv4005 _ 5-3-1-5, One-shoter without armor
      Foch _ 3-2-4-2, miss, bounce, penetration
      263 _ 2-1-1-2, awesome dpm, good armor and accurancy
      268 _ 4-2-2-2, worse 263 with 200 more alpha

      What is 268 good for?

  3. I would really like to see the 155 without the autoloader as the default, and with the 120mm autoloader as a secondary option.

    You wouldn't need to buff the penetration much of the 120mm autoloader, and the alpha wouldn't need any change either. Just give its drum a decent reload speed so it has a comparable DPM to other T10 TDs. Buff this gun's accuracy and give the tank a slight mobility buff, and you've got a decent sniper that can deal more damage in quick succession than the 155mm, but will specialize in scoring hits on weak spots. That's something really skilled players ought to be able to take advantage of.

  4. -The "explanation" of regular penetration shell nerf in order "to make players buy more gold" is just "whiners being retarded", Storm refers in his message that "tier 10 medium tanks are perfectly capable of delivering pain to any tank, they will have to actually aim now - as example, the projected penetration changes for the E50M are perfectly capable of damaging the lower plate of most tier 10 tanks, heavy or medium alike and any weakspots, otherwhise, why would they be called weakspots?"

    That's the sound of the point passing above Storm's head.
    Decrease in penetration means baddies and statspadder will have a pseudo-reason to spam even more gold.

    Rework then entire branch.
    Bump up the Mle 48, buff the engine and armor, put the Canon d'Assaut Lorraine (Lorry TD) on tier8, and buff the Foch back to it's original armor state, with some sort of buff AP shells.
    If you're looking for a unique tierX TD, having a 400 alpha, very fast firing speedy tank with pinpoint accuracy is about as unique as you're going to get.

    1. "Decrease in penetration means baddies and statspadder will have a pseudo-reason to spam even more gold."

      You can't shoot more gold if you already play full gold - which most of wannabe-baddies and statpadders already do.

    2. "You can't shoot more gold if you already play full gold - which most of wannabe-baddies and statpadders already do."

      So WG should introduce special platinum armor with auto guidance. It's unrealistically to expect people with over 9000 WN8 to be able to both be mesmerized by their own purple stats AND bother with trivial things like aiming. Those are for red players.

    3. A thing that a noticed recently in my garage is that now WG has implemented a system of recommending you which is the next module you should research on a tank. I will give you my example: for Aufkl Panther I needed the top engine. My free XP + tank XP were not enough to research it yet the button was bright green as if I could reasearch. When hovering mouse over the module it said I was laking ~few K XP (can't remember exactly). When clicking to research, a window appeared to convert the remaining XP for gold. Well, that explains it why it was green. I actually submitted a ticket thinking it is a bug but a customer representative confirmed they are now doing this. :)
      Back to the fact that this standard ammo penetration nerf will lead to more premium ammo being used is "whiners being retarded" I don't think so. WG will never admit it but it is what it is.

  5. "Gold shells will be getting a nerf too"

    I'd rather have this implemented correctly than Havoc and Physics. Now, if they could re-work the hole arty class and limit the MM spread to +/-1 the game would become so awesome.

    Also, are there any news, or does anybody know, when will the Tier 9 VK be replaced with the Maus?

    1. ive heard its coming in 9.8 which will be nice im gonna rebuy the vk4502b just to get the maus prot when it comes out :) who doesnt want a 150mm cannon?

    2. Good news

      I'm quite excited about this change. Tier 9 Maus with 15cm cannon, how could I say no? :))

      Also, the VK is a very fun vehicle, borderline OP and with the current 30% discount is a no-brainer to re-buy it. I also have to research the KT gun on it.

    3. Gold getting needed. Plz I'll believe it when I see it. Till then he's full of crap

  6. "Generally speaking the WoWs forums are more polite and sensible than WoT ones"

    like in Game Chat. it was great in Alpha, now in open beta the niveau "sank" very fast and I see worse for oben Beta and release...

  7. Why in gods heaven name are they talking about nerfing the foch 155 again?
    Like it didnt receive the nerfbat last time, Foch was one of my top 3 tanks played, after the last nerfbat i stopped completely playing it. They nerfed every aspect of the tank, speed armor and gun. With no compensation for the gun nerf while other tds did get compensated.. Yes nerf it more wargaming because it really needs that............

  8. yes lets nerf pen on meds to make it easier on those poor is7 and e100 drivers, the only thing that ruins `heavy game play is arty. There was nothing wrong with current pen values , no one bemoaned the pen levels and yet WG are changing them to create yet more problems in the game. Here's an idea , fix the existing problems before creating more.

  9. "Object 263"

    Why does the 130mm Object 253 have 550 alpha, yet the 128mm JagdTiger and WTF E 100 have 560 alpha.
    I want 580 for 263!!!

  10. Please don't tell me that the WoWS British are going to be dumped behind the Germans as well as the frigging Russians? FFS. Memo WG: there was a nation that basically ruled the oceans from the early 1800s til mid WWII. If you're making a frigging naval game, maybe pay some attention to them, perhaps?

    1. Unfortunately, what the market says is what we get.

  11. gold ammo nerf, best news after years of crappy and useless changes.

  12. Seriously, who's the idiot who thought the Foch 155 is so much OP that it needs yet another nerf? Next we'll find out that the St. Emil needs a huge downgrade because some idiot KV driver got destroyed while camping in the middle of the road. Hence, "TD OP".

    And I can't wait for the gold ammo nerf. I'm sure that changing the Obj. 140's HEAT pen from 330 to 325 will really make it more balanced. Compensate this by adding 50% more accuracy on the move and/or another 50mm of turret armor.

  13. Foch 155 should get a single or double shot cannon and both Foch TDs should have a buff to the rangefinder armor. Makes it better for the player and more balancer for the enemy

  14. E 50M hasn't seen any buffs or compensation for all the nerfs it got for no reason at all. It never was OP in the first place. Gun mantlet nerfed twice (smaller then smaller again with no armor at all) because of whining autoaim russian players. Lower plate nerfed (upper buffed, but there was no reason for the nerf in the first place and the buff didn't help as much as the nerf fucked things up) and now nerf of the penetration which was the only thing that the E 50M had as an advantage. Maybe the engine should be nerfed next, 1200HP is making the tank mobile enough and we don't want that. Let's all drive Obj. 140, T-62A and B-C 25t

    1. Of course, I have seen a buff for the STB-1 in the patch notes FFS, nothing on the M yet.
      It would be a travesty if this enjoyable and by no means overpowered tank were to become irrelevant and forgotten.
      A sensible dpm buff should do it.

  15. 1. I think "foch 155 debate" is to give him a specific niche role, since right now it has a very weird one.

    2. Support the "remove 155 AL, put both 120 AL and normal 155, buff mobility" idea.

    3. I hope they nerf gold ammo quite significantly. Won't nerf will bring benefit to both since gold spammer will keep spamming either way (they want every little advantage they could get) and since gold penetrate less, they will be shot more to compensate damage 'lost'.

    4. Nerf for med pen is good, they have to use mobility. Fine for TD, but give them acc buff (same aimtime) so they could perform better in role they should dominate in. (Long range encounter. Yes, it's not really relevant in current meta, but they need every advantage they could get in them)

    1. why would they nerf normal ap then badly nerf gold ammo? they will nerf it slightly and maintain its effectiveness so that they sell more premium account time.

  16. E50M are perfectly capable of damaging the lower plate of most tier 10 tanks, heavy or medium alike and any weakspots, otherwhise, why would they be called weakspots?" its all good unless one drives a centurion 7/1

    -Penetration nerfs do not come alone, tanks will be mostly compensated with other buffs;
    Do tell this sounds like someone caught in a lie and making stuff up.

  17. cool, they gonna nerf Foch155 even more? Until it doesnt shoot anymore? Nice - i giggle about it, cos i sold it since they cut off it's balls in the huge Nerf it got..

    1. They`ve ruined an unique TD because of noobs that whine about every decent tank in the game. But who the fuck is so fucking bad to complain about the actual Foch!? I've never used it again since the last nerf, it's totally boring and average.

  18. Does the last paragraph mean that they are going to give us info about the T-44-85?

    1. you mean that the tier 8 medium tank T44 with the stock gun? or a premium version of the T44?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. "-The "explanation" of regular penetration shell nerf in order "to make players buy more gold" is just "whiners being retarded"
    "and any weakspots, otherwhise, why would they be called weakspots?"

    The accuracy nerf already took care for that. So first accuracy then penetration. Honni soit qui mal y pense ;)

  21. why don't they try T10 Foch with 120mm, better pen, and a 5 shells autoloader which has around 35-38secs... sounds quite balanced to me... and keep the hp/t ratio from t9

  22. Present : Tier 10 MT fire 50% gold ammo.
    Future(pen nerf) : 90% will fire gold ammo.

  23. If WG wants me to believe that penetration nerf is only for "armor to count" ... then WG is stupid.
    If they WANTED armor to COUNT , gold ammo would not EXIST.
    So it's bullshit. They wanna sell more gold ammo.

  24. "-Despite what whiners say, Storm is completely right (meaning there's no ulterior motive) referring to the changes of the penetration of the guns since they (the nerfs) are meant to meant armor count for something."

    not sure who the hell they are trying to fool, but we aren't a bunch of idiots that can't see their hidden agenda. they want people to get the mindset of an E-100 driver... as soon as the match starts, load gold, because as you know, 238 pen in a E-100 is just so....................pfft

    1. E-100 is not a good example.
      People shoot HEAT with it because everyone else does and says so.
      I played my E-100 on full AP and may be the only person left alive with a 9.5k dmg battle on WoT replays with a 150k profit, plus a couple others with around120k profit.
      The E-100 gun is a high caliber gun sitting on a very tall tank and as such it has the luxury of negating sloping on armor as well as, the most important, overmatch armor found on turret roofs and engine tops.
      It is ridiculously effective on AP but the question is why would anyone bother to educate himself on how to use it effectively when all he has to do is load 335 pen HEAT.
