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Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Tank driver dodges hit

Check out this T-55 rebel Syrian driver dodging a hit and possibly saving the entire tank crew (not sure about the commander):

The Storm Trooper in me cant stop thinking: Rebel Scum!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That 'commander', what an inspiration...

    1. Yeah...
      I understand his reaction, but....yeah.

    2. Hacker cheater report pls

  3. Ridge lines put to good use.

  4. That commander reminds me of that italian captain, who left the sinking ship first....

  5. That commander reminds me of that italian captain, who left the sinking ship first....

    1. Pretty stupid comparison. That Italian idiot had tens of minutes to decide or even to correct his decision. This commander had a split second to decide what to do when saw a shell approaching. And because he is not stupid as you he decided to hide behind a 40-ton-armored monster instead of crawling inside. Anyone would do the same, except the most idiotic internet armchair critics.

    2. Apparently he was killed by the shock wave (or something). Always safer inside the tank than out.

    3. Even if the shell had hit the tank, and he had been hiding right behind the tank, he would have still died. If not from shock wave or explosion, then just from the kinetic kick the shell would transfer through the tank and to him pressed up against the side of it.

    4. Even if the shell had hit the tank, and he had been hiding right behind the tank, he would have still died. If not from shock wave or explosion, then just from the kinetic kick the shell would transfer through the tank and to him pressed up against the side of it.

    5. commanders fine. he maybe have a sprained ankle but nothing to serious. also the shell was ment for him not the tank. as u can see the shells tracer. so he did the right move.

    6. The TC made a split second decision that NONE O F YOU have the right to judge as you sit in front of your computers playing games. He saw the signs of incoming danger, gave the warning to the drive which allowed him to back away front the round and SAVED THE CREW.

      And for those who are paying attention instead of passing judgement, if you watch closely you can see the TC starting to get up after the impact. Look at the right front side of the tank

    7. I like your sentiment, but the guy climbed out of the turret in about 3 secs, meaning he made his decision before that. Assuming a syrian army T-55 is firing at them, a muzzle velocity of 1000m/s (D-10T) and about 0.5 secs of decision time puts their opponent at roughly 3.5km. That's a hell of a distance to be worried about getting hit, considering inaccuracies at very long range. Considering he could've easily retreated in the turret (probably safer for the pressure wave reasons mentioned above) and his driver was doing what looked like a skilled peekaboo(m), his decision is curious to say the least.

    8. Furst off all that is not commander cupola,that is gunner coupola

    9. Furst off all that is not commander cupola,that is gunner coupola

  6. O.o dat was... not expected to be possible.

  7. IM pretty sure driver used warpack mod with laser sight, he knew what was coming.. lol

  8. with a crap tank like that i too would bail out at first chance

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Those are Al-Nusra. Google it.
      They are fighting for freedom to kill anyone non-Muslim, and to put every women into hijab. "Freedom fighters" my ass.

    2. Remember: Freedom to be a psychotic extremist is technically a freedom.

      What they call themselves is irrelevant.

    3. How about you idiots stop commenting ? First of all, there are a lot of muslim women who want to wear hijab but other idiots like the british for example are forbidding them. You people have no respect for other religions and races as well, so you best just shut the hell up.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Ninonaputu come back when you are able to show your opinion in a educated and adult manner without offending others, but for the meanwhile:

    6. @Stefan S. How bout you shut up and troll somewhere else. I am British and I can tell you for sure we ain't stopping anyone from doing anything. Get your facts right, and take your ill researched and inflammatory entries somewhere else. Muppet!

    7. i did not offend anyone, but you can keep deleting my complete replies and telling i wrote something offending.
      and you can educate yourself so you don't repeat same mistake that your people did in srebrenica.
      now, did that offend you ?

  10. Those are Al-Nusra, so rebel scum indeed.

  11. How can you id them as Al-Nusra? For all you can tell in the video the could be spetznaz.

  12. Wipe them out... all of them...

  13. Pro Jukes.

    Oh wait wrong game.

  14. Did he go AFK without commander or did just loose 6th sense?

  15. that sixth sense....

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. FSA scums, people saying they are moderate yeah lets just ignore all the people they are killed, its bad luck they missed this shit.
    But knowing Assad troops they most likely got the taste of a 83mm mortar afterwards.

    1. Even the "moderates" they train in Jordan run off to join ISIS or Al-Nusra as soon as they are trained. Nothing new. Assad an assface? Maybe. But a for all intents and pruposes a secular country with no sectarrian violence. Now there are rebels executing every non-sunni, eating the entrails of butchered civilians, and executing children. How is this butchering for a wahabi-like extremist hellhole a fight for freedom?

    2. Ehm, what the hell are you talking about? The first part I get but the rest?
      I am supporter of Assad against Imperialism. By no time in this universe did I call him an 'assface' or whatever.

    3. you must work in some of their's goverment service.
      just wondering how would you react if they locked you in jail or killed you in some peaceful protest.

  18. Rebel? You mean fucking ISIS?

  19. Seriously I dont care much for politics but people murdering other people for anything but self preservation should never have any influence in a free world. No man is truly free if he has a negative impact on other mens freedom...

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Just my 1/2c opinion...

    Looks like soft earth embankment behind the tank which would have absorbed most of shock. Commander probably survived but he would probably need help moving and have a loud ringing from his ears if not some blood.

  22. For anyone saying these are Nusra or ISIS, they're neither. They're the Southern Front . They're essntially 30,000 FSA in the South of Syria, while the other 30,000 are scattered around the country. Anyways, as far as I remember, the tank commander lived. Also rebel goPro footage of a tank:

    1. finaly someone who knows the difference. if they are fighting against same enemy doesn't mean they support each other.


  24. The commander was yelling "MOVE BACK MOVE BACK!" It was the commander that saved them.

    I can speak Arabic so I know.
