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Monday, 30 March 2015

9.7 Delay Possible

Hello warriors,

it's possible that the 9.7 patch will be delayed. Wotleaks published an unconfirmed information that a serious bug was uncovered on the supertest that causes crashes of the game when the map is loading. Currently it's being discussed and fixed. It is for this reason that the 9.7 patch test was stopped recently.


  1. A bit early for April Fools Day ?

  2. Bit late for that.

    That bug has plagued the game since launch.

  3. Nevermind, , gonna use the extra time to grind more Exp onto my 13 90 ... Good Night peps.

    1. oh 13 90, I loved playing it and I sucked at the same time. Enjoyed it anyway :D Now I'm struggling with the school bus (lorr.40t)

    2. lorr is awesome although weakly armoured

  4. ...and im 110% sure, that this bug will appear either way -_-

    1. exactly what I thought

    2. Have some confidence!
      They will fix it as usual.... and make another new bug (or two) :p

  5. I hope the new unique premium T-54 wont get delayed.

    You know, WG is always bitching how they cannot provide better textures because of client size, so adding more copy-paste tanks instead sounds reasonable.

  6. What? You mean like the bug that's been here for nearly 3 patches already? :P

    1. I only had that upon battle ending. Not the start.

    2. I have only had one game crash in the past 500 games or more. My game runs flawlessly on maximum settings.

    3. Why are we not surprised coming from Wargamings #1 fan boy. IF WG exec's came by your place and took a dump in the middle of your living room rug, you'd erect a shrine around it.

      The bug has been around for a LONG time. Ever since 9.3 it's gotten worse and worse.

    4. Mark West seems like WGs anti-woras

    5. Well guys, not that i love wargaming but i must be very lucky my game has never crashed in the 16k games i had. Am encountering lag spikes now and then but dont know if thats my wifi .

  7. Surprised they don't just release it and then blame mods like they usually do.

    1. They probably will but that excuse has been used too much.

  8. ...that bug has been around since i started playing

  9. If they just spend half as much time on the game, rather than f****** the community... the game would be unbreakable- running at 300 fps...


  10. Its amazing how no matter what is written in this blog or what Wargaming does, all 95% of the people focuses on is finding negative things about it. If you hate Wargaming and think most thing like arty, fps and other parts of the game is so crap, go play another fucking game then...

  11. We are waiting for armoured warfare u mong

    1. Like they were all waiting for War thunder ground forces! almost 1 year on and they are still in WOT as warthunder GF did not live up to the hype!!!

      PS before you all jump in i quite like WF ground forces! but it still needs a lot of work to fix things, not least the built in cheats.

      As for AF lets see if its hugely hyped Skilled based Match maker lives up to expectations! Or will it be dumped like warthunder dumped theres

    2. Noobs want skill MM so they can fight other Noobs and never get better at the game.

  12. Oh, an answer with an insult, why am I not surprised :-)
    Yeah I know most is waiting for AW, which looks like a promising game, but why wait until then, why spread negativity in game and here if you hate so much about it? Why not do something else with your time until AW straight away, focus on positive things? If all you can do is replying with insults, don't bother...even though I'm sure I'll get them anyway below...

    1. Today's society! We want MORE MORE MORE for LESS LESS LESS.
      so many people Feel intitaled..
      Is WOT perfect No! but please some one tell me any game out there that is perfect?

    2. In my line of work (I work as chef at a resort in town) we go by several sayings "le client n'a jamais tort" (the client is never wrong) or "der Kunde ist König" (the customer is king) and as such I believe that we as consumers have a right to complain/critique/bitch about a product. Which one it is varies on how well you word or how much thought you put into but they are all the same to me and as such WoT is a product and without the consumers complaining there wouldn't be any improvement in the game.

      With that said some of peoples complaints do lack any thought or basis and most lack a decent solution to said issue (when it comes to things like balance as most aren't capable of figuring out coding bugs). You will never have a perfect game as one game that could be perfect for one will never be perfect for another. Finding that medium where both are happy enough is WG's job and I think they are doing good enough (except the ridiculous arty rng sometimes -__-). To answer your question Homeworld remastered and Cities: Skyline have been perfect games for me so far.

    3. Well, that depends on how much you pay for in WoT, if you are soley f2p then you have no right to an opinion, and a lot of people complaining contribute ef all.

    4. Homeworld was perfect the first time round! they could not possibly improve it!!!!!!!

    5. Homeworld?????, never heard of it. Why ru noobs talking about a space game on a tank website?

    6. @Mark If you can't read then please leave..... "but please some one tell me any game out there that is perfect?" is what he asked and I was only answering. Now go google Homeworld and enlighten yourself.

      @dan13lmalan while I sorta agree with you it wouldn't be good business practice if they only catered to their paying cause they are trying to entice their nonpaying consumers to be paying consumers and if the product isn't good enough for them to want to pay then they lose out on money.

      @Tim this is very true but they have done some very modern tweaking graphically and ui changes that have made it even better. Making it very relevant to current gamers. Plus it was gearbox at the helm of the remaster so if it was better then shit they made with Colonel Marines it is a miracle.

  13. Should i take amx 30 or lorr ?

  14. Idk whats better
    ..thats why ask u :v

    1. there is no better or worse, both have their strength and weakness. Go to the testserver and test em

  15. I m really excited. First time they considered the fault not in mods but in their own program, hooray

    1. ...which can mean only one thing - its big and its really bad, more than usual...
