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Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Second April Tier 10 Discount - Batchat Arty

Hello warriors,

as per the Russian server, the second tier 10 vehicle on discount on the EU server (since it's now unified with RU) will be the Batchat French artillery branch.


  1. so basically in that time period dont play anything but scout tanks because everything else will meet death by the autoloadng clicker. you can be the biggest arty lover in the game but even they must admit that an autoloader arty is pretty bulllshit.

    1. ..........I so want this arty now. Best advertisement ever.

    2. Said as only someone who never played it could say. The autoloader is one of its worst features really. Anywhere from 50-400 damage per shot and 4x the RNG. What makes a bat great is the speed and turret which allows you to have full map coverage with minimal reticule bloom and from crazy angles people don't expect. A 261 on the other hand can reload every 28s and hit you for at minimum 750( hard armor), more often than not 1500 (thin armor). Let it catch a WTF in the turret and good night 2k one hit. The Conq and M53/55 both do better damage, and one even has half a turret. The bat is reliably the worst damage per game of the arties. If you are still enough to allow a bat to put all 4 shells into you the odds are he will only do 1200-1300 damage. I repeat, that is awful, any other arty does better. And now you're out of the match for 72 seconds!!! Bat is still loved for CW because it is superb at tracking crap for the other arty you brought who is actually there to do damage.

    3. platoons of those 155 58s are the biggest pain in the as in this game because they all focus on the same target i have been focused by this before in my maus on prokhorovka (the worst map in the game) they fired simultaneously and what the fuck do you do in a maus in that situation? theres nothing you can do.

      theres also what you described above which is arty platoons which have the 155 58 as their detracker and the t92s and cgcs as the damage dealers and often the 155 58 comes top of the xp list because of assistance damage.

      i remember 1 match in particular on the first version of severogorsk where my team had a maus platoon while they had a platoon of 2 t92s and a 155 58. i was in my tiger 2 and the maus drivers spawned on the suicide part of the map which was on the west from the south spawn. their only option was to drive across the map to get to the heavy tank side where they where 2 of them died trying to get to the side of the map they should have spawned on and the last 1 was left on about 600hp and was killed by a heat firing e 100. that 155 58 left that game with the least damage of the platoon but with by far the highest xp.

    4. that should say where they should have spawned in stead of where they where

  2. Yes, 175k exp with the tier 9...

  3. i cant say how underwhelming this is<.<

  4. i cant say how underwhelming this is<.<

  5. ohpiss off arty haters without arty we would not have won ww1 or ww2 or even in todays war with iraq. not to mention the people that fight for us love arty because its fun. you cant hate something that was a key goal in wars. without it we wouldent be here today.

  6. Awww, thanks for the birthday present WG, Too bad I can't make use of it since I'm only at t6 arty :(

  7. Nice, today I will get discounted ST-I and after two weeks a BC 155. Me likey!
