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Tuesday, 31 March 2015

31.03.2015 Q&A

Here it is:

- On supertest, IS-3 with autoloader previously was just a regular IS-3 with higher rate of fire. Now, it received a real autoloader for 4 shells with 9 seconds between each shell and 20 second autoloader reload;
- Render range will change from square to circle either in 9.8 or in 9.9;
- Tracks on armor will not be from now on modeled as zones of spaced armor, but as zones where the regular hull armor is simply thicker;
- Tank models that already exist in HD will have their collision models reworked to incorporate the tracks hanging on hulls slowly in following patches;
- IS-6 is very popular, there are no buffs planned for it;
- IS-3 with autoloader a special tank or some sort of reward? "For now, no comment. Will be published later."


  1. "- Tracks on armor will not be from now on modeled as zones of spaced armor, but as zones where the regular hull armor is simply thicker;"


    1. At least it's not logs...

      I'm looking at you, Fury.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. So that tanking with your tracks can finally contribute to 'damage blocked by armour' would be my guess

    4. It is not regular tracks, it is spare tracks which we can see on for example tiger2's turret sides, IS4's frontal lower plate and lots of tanks, from now on they will be modeled as thicker armor parts

    5. inb4 Churchill VII's 2nd turret armor

    6. Who shoots a Church VII's turret? Always go for the frontal drive sprocket.

  2. 9 seconds/20 reload? sound like a worse IS-3 already.

    1. Is this the part where someone points out that premiums aren't supposed to be better than fully upgraded non premium counterparts?

    2. Yes, if it would be like 5/40 seconds, that would be much more interesting.

    3. Please nerf all current autoloaders except the batchat and foch 155, since they are well established and balanced, to this level of performance or maybe similar to gotts suggestion (unlike most posters on here he seems reasonable).

    4. Have you ever played an American Autoloader? go try the t69 or t54e1. They both have sub-par pen and lack accuracy (like all american tanks). So weak spot shooting is right out from any distance greater than 125m. A "Autoloader Nerf" to All Autoloaders except the Batchat and Foch would destroy them. Every other autoloader OTHER THAN the batchat and foch 155 have sub-par pen. Meaning that their Theoritical Damage is about 3/4 or even 1/2 of their stated burst damage because you cannot pen with every shot.

    5. Actually the Batchat could do with a 10 meter less viewrange - BatChat right now is awesome and you don't have many reasons to use anything else unless you want armored mediums...

    6. Indeed, the BC 25t is so well balanced that it surpasses every other autoloader vehicle in DPM, damage dealt, kills etc. So obviously, it's the other autoloaders that need to be nerfed. With a logic like, you should apply for a job at WG.

    7. Im sorry but I cant be heard over the rain of arty Batchat autoloader that shits HE shells every 4 seconds.

    8. Really Andrew, sub par pen? The AMX 50-100 has 232, the AMX 50-120 and 50B have 257, the T57 Heavy has 258, the Bat-Chat has about 258 (can't recall exact #), the Waffle E-100 has 276. Really its only the T69 and T54E1 of the autoloaders that have less than average for their tier. Even so, the M46 has what 8mm more pen than the T54E1, and the Pershing has 7mm more than the T69. I'm not suggesting I agree with nerfing the shot to shot time for the current autoloaders, but they are hardly substandard.

      As for the IS-3 autoloader, a 5 second shot to shot time and a 40 second drum reload would be more interesting as gottyCZ suggests.

    9. It's not even sure the autoloading IS-3 is capable of 5 seconds reload... It all depends on the mechanism and how it copes with the recoil and heavy lifting...

    10. Landric, its just enough less pen to matter, and there is a reason i called out the american tree, they are barely playable as is. and yes i know the french have way op autoloaders. and i dont count the waffle e100, that thing should not exist, since its fake, and you can spam HE and deal the same damage as tier X heavy tanks (about 400 a shot). im just saying dont blanket nerf the weaker auto loaders and while not nerfing the french.

    11. I think using 50 120's shell reload and drum reload for auto IS3 is good enuff, but it all depends on its final tier. My suggestion is assuming it is tier 8

  3. Let tracks be as spaced armor, because tanks can still fire their guns without tracks...

    So get shot in the tracks.. in such a way that the shell won't hit the hull .. SHOULD NOT, cause damage to the tank..

    IS-3 Autoloader, 4 shots in mag, 9 seconds between shots, 20 second reload, that is already worse than the DPM of the normal IS-3 .. Either make the reload 4 or so seconds.. maybe 5, or don't get an autoloading IS-3 in the game..

    1. The post means spare track links that are mounted on the armour of the tank, not the tracks themselves

    2. 9 seconds is less than most tier8 105mm guns.
      I'll let than sink in for a while.

      For 4 shots, you have the same reload time as all the other tier8 heavies, but with 20% more alpha damage. And with around 1600 damage to dish out before you need to reload, it's safe to say 20 seconds of reload time isn't much of an issue. Especially not at tier8.

      This isn't a "burst down you opponent then flee" autoloader, this is a "sustain the RoF of a smaller gun as you attack a target" autoloader, all while keeping the powerful alpha of a bigger 122mm

      You can be dismissive about it if you want, but I'm seeing a tank that has 20% better DPM than the equivalent tier heavy.

    3. Agreed, this is more reasonable than getting clipped in an E100 by a Waffle before u can even shoot twice which is absurd.

    4. @Mark West; Oh, so additional tracks that are mounted On the tank hull/turret itself? That sounds logically and fair enough :) Thanks for explaining that

    5. It would be very good in tier 8 stronghold where burst dmg is more important. Personaly i don't like any autoloader with more then 30sec reload. It's boring to wait 40+sec to reload and it's not fun to be cliped by a single tank before you can load a second shell either.

    6. Thanks for the track link explanation guys!

  4. >4 shells with 9 seconds between each shell and 20 second autoloader reload

    hahaha no

    1. i think this is a HT with autoloader that CAN Take hits and sidescrape

  5. 9 seconds beetwen shells and 20 seconds cooldown.... F**k logic WG. IS6 has 9.66 seconds reload lol. (rammer+vent+BA)

    1. IS6 doesn't have 221mm pen as standard.

    2. People arent capable of reading or comprehending.

    3. I might take the additional pen and not shoot as much gold.

    4. Why would you compare base reload to reload (rammer, vents, BA)?
      Maybe learn to apply logic before you dis the logic of others?

    5. Time between autoloaded shots cannot be modified, only the magazine reload. That's why.

  6. I'd rather have the IS5 with a normal reload 221 pen gun.

  7. "- On supertest, IS-3 with autoloader previously was just a regular IS-3 with higher rate of fire. Now, it received a real autoloader for 4 shells with 9 seconds between each shell and 20 second autoloader reload;"

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! What's next, Obj 704 with autoloader ? Stay tuned, more grossly OP russian vehicles coming.

    1. Its just an April Fool, chill :D No IS3 with autoloading will come, just sit and relax :D

  8. IS-3 can deal 1570 dmg in 27 secs. What is so hard to understand ???

  9. 9 second intra-drum reload is stupid when the Batchat arty can fire a much bigger a heavier 155 mm shell every 5-6 seconds.

    It's a psuedo-auto-loader at best.

  10. IS3 with autoloader is just a hoax :D April's Fool got u all :D

  11. This autoloading IS-3 confuses me. Speaking strictly from a practical point of view, where would the mechanism fit? For a heavy tank, the IS-3 actually has a very small and rather cramped turret to begin with. Where would the whole clip system fit? There is a reason most other clip-fed autoloading tanks had big/tall turrets. The IS-3 would need a taller, less flat turret to fit the necessary machinery. Sure, I can see a automatic loading mechanism in a slightly modified IS-3 turret, but not a clip-type autoloader. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    1. This article posted a few days ago might help:

    2. Also, it's more like an IS-7's autoloading mechanism; it isn't a drum-style autoloader, but it sequentially loads the shells without the need for an actual loader in the crew.

  12. My IS-6 reloads around 9,8 secs, but he does not have to refill an autoloader. This autoloading IS-3 will suck hard.

  13. The IS-3 sounds very interesting to me though.

  14. WG should do something about their shit MM fu the rest

  15. Reward tank....
    1 more time i hear that and i shoot my self.... With autoloader

  16. Auto-loading KV-2 CONFIRMED

  17. Has anybody else had really bad experiences with Wargaming tech support, I've been fighting them for over a month about changing my email

    1. Oh yeah I've had a ticket open since Feb 13th with several replies but they still haven't tried to fix my issue it's pretty easy too.

  18. I dub the IS3 autoloader "The Pussybuster"


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