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Monday, 23 March 2015

RU Social Network Group Rejects Wargaming Ultimatum

Hello warriors,

this post is a followup on the recently published issue, where Wargaming threatens social network groups with bans, if they publish content from other games (specifically Armored Warfare).

The large group (145k subscribers) in question in the wake of this incident announced they would not submit to Wargaming pressure and that they will rename the group not to include the words "World of Tanks". Other such groups (with 770k subscribers total) have joined this effort, announcing that next step is on Wargaming.

As someone who can see the scars of no freedom of speech, that has many familiars that were alive and struggled during Portuguese dictatorship when they could not even talk their minds at their own table, including my great-grandmother who I had the pleasure to have near until her 90's and who had to raise 6 kids by herself because PIDE (International Police and State Defense) hunted down her husband for information, yeah, I do support this group decision at 100%.
I understand Wargaming is a company and has to protect their interests, I respect that, but this is not the way to do things.



  1. Wargaming's interaction with the community is a total failiure. They should stop doing it in fear of losing even more players.

    1. Well, this is in Russia so my guess the PR isn't as good as it is in the Americas.

    2. This makes no sense and I don't think we have the entire story. How can WG BAN anybody from doing their own thing unless WG is funding them in some way. If WG is funding them, then YES, WG should ban them from talking about AW, but if it's someone like Jingles who gets no money from WG then he can do whatever he wants. If WG was paying Jingles or if WG owned his channel, then yes, WG could tell him to shut up about AW or shut him down, but how can a "company" shut anybody down who is independent?

    3. WG is acting like a child in this case. They saw something that they didm't like and now they're lashing out not caring or thing on how they look to the gerneral public.

    4. correction: thing=thinking srry

  2. Bad PR WG... bad PR.

    There is more then one way to scrub a cat. And you chose the worst one. Reap the punishment now :P

  3. I support these guys( and Gals) 100%. I hope they come out on top of this.

  4. Here's a good review comparing WOT's and AW:

    1. that's not a good review. it's just a huge bullshit.

    2. How can u compare game that is in pre alfa and already finished game?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm so sorry about your Past Rita, But your present seems Good :) War gaming are strange people....attacking there own community.....

  7. PR in Russia. Top quality as everything there.

  8. Revolução dos Cravos

    Longa Socialismo Vivo!!

  9. WG's behaviour is absolutely disgusting and is a sad commentary on large companies these days (regardless of nationality) Games Workshop operate in a similar distasteful way.

  10. Wow WG you are burning your bridge to players in a very wrong way. This will for sure gain you no benefit.

    The PR guy or lady who started this should be fired.

  11. They DONT serve ANY corporation interests with this. Thats no excuse at any point.
    If they are your fans - than support them in some way and win them as "friends".

    Talking about AW in a wot group is probably not the best ground to have a conversation anyway .... a lot of fans will defend wot... and so some might leave hands of AW to begin with or just go with both because of that < (both ye thats possible! duh) ... almost like i do with WT/Wot right now.

    if you try to fuck them just because they talk about it... i wonder why anyone of them should stay in wot and now feel pissed on.

    In a group this can escalate quickly - symbolism has a rly big power and if WG shows that they try to kick their rights / fans / and things they have fun on .... WELL.............

    gg... you lost the war after your first shot.


      i love the rule he picked out "senseless themes" ...
      thats what they think about the topic "nobody gives a shit" lol. i bet 770k+ ppl disagree

  12. As someone who had familiars living during the times of the Brazilian dictatorship (and was born during those times), i support those guys too!

    1. Luckily i didn't had that issue my self like that. Grandfather served in war but after that we were free... [germans tbh]

      Still i do know to good how its like to get screwed by corporations, be it from work... or like right now: my mother, which fights to get her "move" payed (they try to force her out without any rights!)

      It rly doesnt matter who they are, as long some big ... idiots (and thats nicely put) try to force their will onto others... ofc without ANY legal base.

      I would like to take such ppl and well.... *use imagination here*.
      I have no faith that such "things" (sub humans) are able to learn...
      they might pretend it at some point... but face it - only $/power is their boss.

  13. WG finally shows it's true ugly face. This has been coming for a while now.

    AW, here we come !

    1. Please, get the fuvk out already. Nobody wanted you and your tomato friends on WoT anyway.

  14. Its not that surprising, sadly. Companies use this sort of pressure all the time to silence speakers they do not like. Youtubers who follow the "Jimquisition" reviews will have seen this recently with a DMCA takedown that was used spuriously against him to take a video offline because the review was unfavourable to a steam greenlight game called "skate warrior" or somesuch similar.

    Previously game companies have used copyright threats against reviews that were entirely spoken and which could not have included their property in any way - purely to affect google searches and such at what they saw as an important time.

  15. Wait you're portuguese?The name Sobral did seem familiar...I had some colleagues he in Brazil with that name.

  16. Wargaming is protecting it's intellectual property, not trying to limit freedom of speech. You want to promote AW or any other game, don't do it while using trademarked/copywritten names and logos.

    1. Actually, it is. It's a third-party, so WG has no right to tell them to remove anything related to other games. As for them using WG logo material, the best they are allowed to do is send a cease-and-desist, but they have no authority over the actual content other than that.
