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Monday, 23 March 2015

23.03.2015 Q&A

Here it is:

- Somua SM (which was planned as a French premium vehicle) will not be introduced due to the fact that Wargaming didn't manage to obtain enough information on it from French sources;
- Overall, 9.7 Test 2 saw the FPS drop from test 1 fixed;
- Storm investigated the sizes of the Conqueror and E-100 models - they do not fit and by a LOT (what that means is one of the model or both definitely have the wrong size);
- According to Storm, the thinnest part of the HD IS-4 turret front has effective thickness of 285mm;
- Apparently frontal part sides of IS-4 in HD might not have the correct thickness, but Storm states it's a small thing and it won't be fixed;
- IS-4 in HD will get a collision model rework: the track licks attached to the sides of the frontal armor will become a part of the collision (24mm extra armor);
- Storm confirms: yes, the 9.7 test 2 removal of some vehicles from the ingame shop is intentional. Following vehicles will be removed from all sales: M10/Panther, FCM 36 Pak 40 and TOG II* (perhaps S35 739 (F) too) (RG: The "Frenchies" are worth getting).


  1. Thanks GOD, now just totally remove all TOGS from the game. They are the most USELESS tanks in the game. Normally, at tier 6, the game is over before they even fire a shot.

    1. Unusual reason for removing a premium tank... There are a few grinders in the tree that I'd love to see removed, but if you don't buy a TOG, it'll just be a hitpoint mine for you :)

      And as the cliche goes, the landship operates best in fleets. A platoon of three TOGs played by at least decent players will be able to absorb anything short of a full on lemming train on their side of the map.

    2. TOGs are far from useless - they are very good for assisting pushes, where their massive ability to soak up damage enables other tanks to move forward unscathed. They also have a quick firing, effective and accurate gun that makes them good at ranged targeting.

    3. A gun in the wrong hands are useless - I imagine you don't know how to drive a TOG since you're dismissing it so readily...

    4. Probably only met terrible TOG drivers bro. I love my TOG, have 217 games and 55% winrate with it :)

    5. I love my Tog, I also have a 62% win rate in it, so its not bad.

    6. either shut up and dont review or just buy it
      TOG is a damn great tank bro. i got 50%+ wr on it
      (check assidiq178 ASIAserver)

    7. You must be very, very bad at TOG.

  2. RIP TOG

    Good thing I already have one...

  3. Yeah, going to be restoring mine with 700K creds, just out of curiosity, what did you guys name your TOGs? mine was the USS Arizona.

    1. HMS Hood, pride of the Royal Navy.

    2. HMS Pointless
      nah joke
      HMS White Sub :)

    3. Elusive Harbinger of the Apocalypse :D

    4. I call my TOG the TOG...I know, a real fit of imagination there.

    5. HMS Fat Cat

    6. USS Jake from state farm :D

    7. HMS Bucket (in honour of a certain aging battlestar) :P

      When you play your landship, make sure you use plenty of naval slang... I tend to start my battles with 'anchors aweigh' and 'hoisting mizzenmast', and if any enemy TOG is spotted the obligatory 'landship ahoy!' of course. And if the dastardly enemy fleet does manage to destroy you, make sure you go out with a 'you sunk my battleship!' :)

    8. HMS Nicki Minaj's Matilda....hehehe see what I did there.

  4. HMS Improbable, and I still love using it! ;)

  5. - Apparently frontal part sides of IS-4 in HD might not have the correct thickness, but Storm states it's a small thing and it won't be fixed;

    historical! yay

    1. Who wants to bet it's thicker....I bet my life savings....

  6. No more tog sales :( I already got mine :D #rektbyroyalnavy

  7. No more tog sales :( I already got mine :D #rektbyroyalnavy

  8. - Somua SM (which was planned as a French premium vehicle) will not be introduced due to the fact that Wargaming didn't manage to obtain enough information on it from French sources;

    Is it possibly connected to a nasty romour about one Richard Cutland f**king it up? And is there a chance that despite this, works on alternative French Heavy branch (sans autoloader) will continue? Also, please someone tell me that there will come a day, when I won't have to buy AMX 13/90 to get my AMX-30 Proto... Pretty please...

    1. I hope the story about how bad those with WG EU mucked up the French line (and got banned from doing future research) gets out there. Unfortunately now that SilentStalker has moved on I doubt that will happen.

  9. people the wording says from the TEST2 NOT FOREVER!!! THE CDC was not in the first test but is back now, it says nothnig about gone forever !!!!!! please read carefully

    1. Read the rest. "Following vehicles will be removed from all sales: M10/Panther, FCM 36 Pak 40 and TOG II"

  10. TOG will be transferred to WoWS

    1. Nah, they wont make any submarines ;)

    2. They might make an exception for the TOG II. :D

  11. Will the premiums not be sold as of 9.7 then, or just not around for the test?

    1. Probably for patch 9.7 and onwards. It's a shame; the TOG is such a funny little (well, big, but you know what I mean) tank, and the M10/Panther is surprisingly more historical than the regular Panther when elite...

    2. Oh, and the FCM is an absolute gem

  12. They don't talk about it in the test patch notes

  13. So, no Somua SM as T7 Heavy in the second French HT branch, only as probaly T8 Premium. Great, they just tear possible branches apart and then give players "branches" like AMX 30 Proto and AMX 30b.

    1. Call that a commentary on WG EU's apparent talent for making enemies and annoying people

    2. I will never understand how the heck, some people can be so dumb and just plain stupid, darn it. Curse you WG EU!

  14. No, Please don't take the TOG Away... NO !!!

    Not our Beloved TOG... :(

  15. I have 895 Battles in the TOG II *..... You must not take him away... Oh,, NO....


    The TOG* II is on the Endangered species list... NO...

  16. NO I love TOG II,Pls do not take away from my garage!!!!

    1. They wont be removed from your garage only from ingame store and online shop like the E-25 or type 59 etc.

  17. Dang, I want to buy TOG just because but didn't have the money for it. Egh, I guess I will just play its sisters in WoWS...

    Btw, IS-4 will lost its frontal turret super weakspot now? Good.

  18. Do you think they will do the same thing with those premiums as they did to th e-25 removal?

  19. Not nuff data on the Somua? prolly WG Paris.

    Always blame WG Paris.

  20. I understand why the Tog and the Panther M10 is getting removed but I'm surprised about the FCM 36 pak 40, that thing has full mm and I do get tier 5s maybe its op is the reason its getting removed. Glad I got my tog in new years eve last year but maybe we can see the Tog again in a limited time offer in Christmas maybe. and I won't be surprised if the T34 heavy gets removed from the sales because of its popularity

    1. "and I won't be surprised if the T34 heavy gets removed from the sales because of its popularity" They don't remove tanks because of their popularity. They remove tanks if they threaten the balance of the game or the MM. The T34 doesn't have premium MM, isn't OP and will happily continue to be a money maker for WG.

    2. "and I won't be surprised if the T34 heavy gets removed from the sales because of its popularity" They don't remove tanks because of their popularity. They remove tanks if they threaten the balance of the game or the MM. The T34 doesn't have premium MM, isn't OP and will happily continue to be a money maker for WG.

  21. Seems like is4 getting a well deserved buff, at least lower plate frontal cheeks might even get a nerf
