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Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Ramsomware targeting World of Tanks players

The old ransomware has now a new tactic for extorting money by targeting it's victims games.

They use a CryptoLocker malware on saves, maps, mods and other game-related types. After being infected with the malware a red window will show stating now your files have been encrypted and only way to obtain the key is by paying through a given sketchy link, the victims that fall for it usually end up with a bigger problem as their credit card info is now in the hands of the criminals.

There are over 20 games targeted from Single user like "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" to Online games like "World of Tanks", Gaming Software like "Steam" and Game Development Software have been also targeted.

So be careful when you decide to install a Skyrim sexy Lydia mod or your regular WoT's mods.

Actually, imagine if the criminals would only start targeting Warpack mod users, that would be sweet. *Wink Wink* Wargaming.



  1. That 'sexy Lydia' pic is terrifying.

  2. You don't pay with CC's, you pay with Bitcoins. So I am not sure where you heard that from?..

    This game has few (if any) real settings or user configuration data that is important. You can back up XVM configs to any directory you want and its not an issue. Replays might be a problem, but shorely if it was good or important you saved it on one of the few sharing sites to start with?..

    If anyone thinks their replays are worth $500 then I think there are more issues here than just malware ;P

    1. "If anyone thinks their replays are worth $500 then I think there are more issues here than just malware ;P"

      That made me giggle. :D

    2. Mate, they don't just lock your WoT folder, they lock your whole pc; though antimalware tools ofc exist to deal with ransomware like this, in the form of bootable Live CD's.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. WGN doesn't care a shit about Warpack - maybe it's even programmed by them, to make additional funds? ^^

    1. BTW "RaNsomware" is the word :)

    2. i belive that too , warpack is designed by wg or associate with it ,because that thing that say that u have to have a premium account it`s crap :)))

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. As if I would fall for a picture of a sexy woman......


  6. its a nasty thing to wish someone something like that ,even the owners of warpack to loss their moneys from CC`s ,in the end they dont force you to play with warpack,they just bring it ,like any other game in the world has hackers and they will be forever .

    if a competitive streamer wished you to get this nasty thing ,how would you took that hit ?
    and btw ,they cant hack wany mods illegal or not if you stick to the old installer , like for example aslain or odem mortis pack

    1. Warpack is illegal the way it asks for money for a mod for a game they dont own.
      Selling content of a game you dont own and without giving a part of the revenue to original game devs is stealing money, or if its not called that, it is illegal anyway. If WG wants they could sue warpack creators anytime they want unless warpack becomes free. I think :/

      So yeah, "wish people this is bad", unless peoples in question are bad themselves, then we would say that they "collected what they spread" (bad things). And I would happily see warpack creators dealing with this issue: users of the cheats wouldnt be able to use it and potentialy wouldnt understand how to vix the virus, and warpack wouldnt earn stollen money anymore. Less cheats in the game, easier than creating a cheat detector.

    2. So you lease a car, and you put 3rd party plastic door edge protectors on it... "Illegal"?...

      So you own a "Android" phone and put a 3rd party "App Manager" on it that lets you back up apps and settings... "Illegal"?...

      There are a couple of things here..
      1) Unless it is harming or intended to do harm to WG Revenue stream then it would be difficult for them to claim damages. A full on bot (no player at all) would probably pass the test. Warpack (Tons of player assisted scripts) probably is not going to get in too much trouble.

      2) Wargaming COULD close the system down to now allow 3rd party mods, Its not that difficult to do. I have mixed feelings on this because there are great points, and bad points. Bear in mind that even having a full sandbox game, you will still get bots!..

      3) Yes, generally wishing bad things on people is bad ;)... WG EU doesn't even list what things are and are not cheats. Reload timer, render range box, red ball, red pole, shadow last seen, direction indicators, gun direction indicator, arty mode for regular tanks... Some things you can do by zooming out, others you cant do, some are beyond reason.. Unless WG says what is wrong or not wrong then we shouldn't wish ill on anyone.

      BTW, I used to use a CycloDS card in my Nintendo DS to let the kids play all the games we had. Not allowing them to ever remove the card means that I never once had to dig around for a "lost" game. This is now "Illegal" (as in, not legal, the real deal not just against TOS) to sell and buy... So I am sure a lot of parents got to buy new game carts. I also did backups of every DVD I had onto a media streamer and low and behold I never once had another broken DVD to deal with (Disney Cases are generally made to Snap a DVD in half unless you damn near break the middle peg.. But guess who really hated the idea of backing something up in a digital form where the media never breaks?)... So just because you deem something "Illegal" or a "TOS Violation" it doesn't mean that it's fully negative.

      WG used to run events that said something like "Tell us what we scored" and "Win some gold"!... But pulling API Data for all WG players was not against the rules.. That is, "Legal".. So just because something is okay doesn't mean it isn't wrong, and vice versa ;).

    3. Car thing: it is if you're not an official and you make ppl pay to use it.

      App thing: it is illegal if you sell it for money without accepting android market's tax.

      I'm talking money, the mod itself isnt illegal really

  7. You mean there might be a problem with my sexy lydia warpack I just installed?

  8. Another good reason to keep your clients Vanilla

  9. They should put the malware in XVM, Battleasistant or Warpack. This would be the best way to be rid of "Oh, 15% we LOSE!" people and hackers as well.

    1. BattleAssistant is legal, and won a mod prize from WG, so the day you'll see this mod forbidden is not anytime close to now :)
      Deal with it, and prepare your roof for the incoming arty shell :*

  10. Pfft. Format time if that happens. Screw paying some Nigerian/Russian/whoever to unlock stuff.

  11. XVM and Warpack should be infected as shit with this poison made by CIA so they get extra funds for their coffee packs.

    1. you are so mad , i think ,no i`m sure your color is red ? :D

    2. It kind of worries me that tiny people like you somehow believes someone is mad by reading simple text on a screen.

      We actually have a word for it, its called being insane.

    3. So ur not mad -just insane? Kk

    4. So ur not mad -just insane? Kk

  12. To quote Homer...
    Oh an talking Moose asks for my crédit card number...sounds fair!
