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Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Map Rework and Removal

Hello warriors,

WG developer Riot_guy on RU forum confirmed: developers are considering removing North-West map from the game, it's possible that it will happen even in 9.7. Other maps currently considered for removal are South Coast, Sacred Valley and Hidden Village.

And there's more. Kharkov is doing fine for now according to developers, but Stalingrad is going to be reworked.

PS: Anton "Evilly" Pankov confirms: no penetration nerf in 9.7


  1. cheers to developers. i hate all of that maps.

    1. What? They arn't bad maps and I still want dragón ridge (or whatever it is) back

    2. Dragon Ridge is a crap map.

    3. Bin Lakeville as well and stop these small maps trying to do city and open fields Ensk should be made 1000m

  2. We need dis penetration nerf. AND dis goddamn Goldammo even more.


    1. Nerf gold OP rounds ? Definitely ! Nerf medium guns ? maybe some of them....But nerf standard rounds of TDs ? I don't think it's good idea. They should be unique by something and when they nerfed view range, camo, etc.... the gun is the only special thing about them.

  3. they should fire entire map department

    1. Until I saw who posted that I agreed. Now I have to disagree.

    2. Why? Disagreeing with something just because you don't like the person who said it is extremly stupid. So you don't think those maps were bad anymore just because Lipt0n said it. Wow, such clever, very smart.

  4. How about Lakeville? The center path cuts off all flanking possibilities via the west side of town.
    You can shoot into the center of town from the entrance of the center path on both sides AND also shoot anyone attempting to flank town, from a position that is practically base-camping.

    1. Then you obviously haven't actually used that path because it's also the most vulnerable position in the game.

      You get spotted there and you're fucked.

    2. True.

      What about the entrances to the path? From the 2 positions, you have a direct line of sight to the center of town, and also the entire western side of town. And they are so close to spawn that they are literally base-camping spots.

  5. Until they make more actual maps, maybe they should hold off on removing maps.

    1. True! And improve the rotation of maps. Old issue, but I hate getting the same map over and over and over!

      For the maps in question, I don't mind North West, but the others can go.

  6. They could always make them like World of Warships which looks about as exciting as a WoT game of 15v15 T95's on one open field.

    1. WOWS looks AWESOME!!!!! I predict it will be a HUGE sucess.

    2. +1
      But people must be aware that battleships are not tanks (some of the guns in WoWS fire rounds bigger/heavier than some low tier tanks), so you can't play with ships like with tanks... You need to use your brain MUCH more, which is good thing. I have reached tier VI and those games are really brain demanding, because if you go YOLO you'll burn and get sunk in a less than 30 sec :)

    3. It's all bells and whistles because the actual mechanics of slowwww warships is tedious and dull. If that's your thing though, go for it; it has great graphics on the ships.

    4. Playing the recent beta, I also found WoWs kind of... dull.

    5. If you want speedy gameplay, then stop playing WoT.
      Go for CoD. Better yet, go for Quake or Unreal Tournament.

      That is fast gameplay.

      I REALLY like WoWS.

  7. Stalingrad SUCKS. Its horrible!

    1. IRL Stalingrad was horrible for tanks too, so 'working as intended' in a sense. :P

  8. South Coast considered for removal, huh? Silly WG, just lower that retarded hill protecting the North base and leave it be.

    1. I hate SC and its so broken i cant see a simple fix. The whole east side of the map is completely useless and basically never used. Maybe knock both center hills down and it might be a decent map.

    2. Agreed, it is one of the few good corridor-ish maps.
      Height variances are not large enough to impede travel across the map, you can access most of the map, there are numerous positions where crossfire happens.

      It can't be that restricted as I managed a 5k+ dmg game on it in a scout this weekend.

    3. Honestly, I'm shocked that SC would be a candidate for removal at this point. When was the last time that SC was revised? I can't remember any revisions to SC in the time I've played this game.

      I agree that the hill that protects the north sniper's nest needs to go. Maybe replace it with a few more large boulders like those that protect the central approach to that area (as well as like those that protect the south's sniper nest). Large boulders are usable cover, but hardly 100% protection unlike that large hill that currently exists.

      On the whole, SC seems like a good map, conceptually and visually, that only requires some tweaking to knock off its rough edges.

  9. OK, there is the 2nd confirmation about penetration staying the same. But what about the BUFFs that were anounnced for: Leopard PTA, Leopard 1, STB-1, M48 Patton, 121, B-C 25t, Foch 155, T110E4 and Object 263 ?
    -will they come to live server or NOT ?!? does anybody know ?!?

  10. All 4 maps suck, but i hate Swamp the most. Instead of removing these maps just reduce their rotation so we see them less and we still have some variety. Please bring back the old Severgorsk, El Halluf and Murovanka. WG ruined all 3. Also, get rid of the water on Tundra so meds and lights can flank. Why do all maps have to have water? If U get rid of wtr on Tundra it will be a great map for flanking, but as it is now its CORRIDOR city!!!!

    1. I agree, the original Severogorsk was a decent map, but the second one was the ultimate corridor map, thank God they removed it.
      -But what i really wanna know, what about the T10 buffs they announced?

    2. The old Sevorgorsk had CHARACTER. It was unique. We need more variety even if the maps arent perfect. I like the chgs WG made to the middle of it, but they should have left the big hills. I really miss the old El Halluf. It was such a fun tank for scouts.

    3. Please bring back the old Severgorsk, El Halluf and Murovanka

      So true... Murovanka got bigger and that is a good thing, ther other 2 were good before fixing and got fucked up.

    4. LOL. Old Severogorsk was a massive camp fest.

    5. I think that Murovanka was greatly improved with its revision and enlargement. I won't say that there are some things that could use some tweaking, but overall, IMO it was improved.

      As for Severogorsk, I also wish that they'd return to the previous version of the map with a couple of tweaks. A. Keep the caps/spawns near the center line of the map like they were on the latest version. I always hated how the spawns were positioned on the previous version. And B. keep that super OP snipers nest at A6 blocked from use as it was in the final version of the map. With those two changes, old Sev. would be improved.

      El Halluf, honestly, I'm no fan of either the old or new version of this map. Both versions are ridiculously predictable, which in turn means that both are incredibly boring. I wouldn't mind a version of this map (or a new map) that took the concept of the current map's NW corner and extended it to the entire map. But on the current EH map, it's nothing more than an overly predictable magnet for 75% of each team, which is why I find the map too boring.

  11. Well, I won't miss any of those maps in the slightest.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I dont care, i am more intrested in the results of the acuracy nerf, especialy arty..

  14. I just don't understand why wargaming introduces a map that is good, removes the map, introduces a crappy version of it later on and then remove it again for example old severogorsk. It used to be a really fun to play map and now its just gone completely..

  15. North-West isn't SO bad, but it is one of the more "corridory" maps, agree on that.
    But WTF is wrong with South Coast and Sacred Valley? South Coast is one of the most fun maps with multiple strategies available.
    Ok, old Sacred Valley was better than the new one, but the new one isn't so bad either.

    1. The new sacred valley is boring. They created that brawl zone in the NW and it's made the map too predictable. What WG should have done on SV was to lower the old high road but without otherwise changing the NW area. I also wish that they'd left the central area as is.

  16. Sacred Valley is crap, But all the rest are ok? I agree with Stylez that South Coast is a GOOD map, dont get rid of it ffs. Scrap Stalingrad completely, its boring as Batchat

  17. 1 . All maps are made for MT, HT. TD? we just made for you to lose money...dooh.
    2. Penetration nerf - if WG wants armor to be usefull, then why does gold ammo exists? When you have 350+ penetration(gold) , why the f*** is Maus for? A big damage cow for milking?
    The correct use of gold is : you want MORE penetrations? You get less damage. ex : normal ammo - 500dmg/250mm pen , gold ammo - 350dmg/350pen . That is fair. The rest is bullshit...

    1. 350+ pen still can't pen a properly angled Maus you numpty :'D

    2. I always see T62As and Obj.140s shoot gold at me in E-75 or 121. I've even experienced Tier 10 medium shoot gold at my tier 8s. WTF

  18. I just hope they fix the Map Rotation - on the Weekend i played about 4-5 Maps only, and astonishingly almost always the same Side. This is rather annoying and leaves a bad Taste - cos certain Tanks just work better on certain Sides (have Advantages over others).

    And since a time i think this Game is trying to balance way more than most People think (in terms of WinRate and feeling of Success).

    Strange enough i encounters such strange Behaviour in combination that XVM shows me on the other Team more decent Players - and i gather right at the beginning the Feeling that it just "looks bad" again.

    Funny i have such "Streaks" also often after a Day when it went good again, and get (lets say i that way) challenged badly the other Day. Just kinda suspicious!

    1. Wondering if Wargaming is just pushing us to see how much we'll take.

      They better hope and pray that Armored Warfare screws stuff up. If the competition listens to the players, and makes a better game, WG will lose a LOT of paying customers.

      I love the game but am getting increasingly fed up with the shenannigans.

      They have said that the servers can only handle a few maps per day. Well guys, you made $500 million last year. I think that's enough money to fix the problem. Buy more servers. I mean really? You can't figure that out. They are showing us that they don't really care.

      The nerf and buff cycle is getting old too. Can you not just leave things alone for a while? Spend tons of time grinding a tank only to have it made un-usable?

      There are tons of issues that don't seem to be resolved:

      Arty - everyone knows the issues
      Map Rotation - 33 maps, 3 per day
      Matchmaking - How many games does my team need to be 29%?
      Gold Ammo - Stop being greedy and remove it or fix it
      Missions - Do they put me in games with no TD's when I need to kill td's on purpose?
      Tank Removal - Don't you guys test things? Why remove tanks after people have worked long and hard to get them?

      I've spent considerable money on this "free" game in the last 2 years. WG needs to address these issues before the competition makes abetter game or they will lose tons of paying customers.

      I know I'm not the only one pissed off, all you need to do is play the game to see the frustration.


    2. Honestly i can't wait for Armored Warfare to appear ...
      All i see from WG is : NERFS ,REMOVALS , PREMIUM TANKS
      So why should i play ?

  19. Northwest isn't a bad map. I kind of like it. If they want to remove any "corridor maps" they should look at Ruinberg, Abbey, Lakeville, Mountain Pass, Ensk and a few others. They are horrible maps. Mines and needs to be fixed and Province needs the "Murovanka" treatment.

    PS-Malinovka is still and will always be hideous. Why is it and some of these old, really bad maps still in the game?

    1. Ruinberg and Ensk ''corridor maps'', sure...
      -nobody at WG probably gives a damn about Province, cause its map for tier 1-3

    2. All maps are corridor maps. They are all designed to channel you through a limited area of the map directly at the other team. Even an "open map" like Steppes is a corridor map. On Steppes you have four options, follow on of the two map borders, go down the middle road or suicide across the open field. So, the vast majority of player stick to the corridors.

  20. Stalingrad is quite fine :(
    I really enjoy it :(

  21. 30 maps... 3 at a time. Why remove good maps? Get rid of that damn Westfield. That's a dumb corridor map if I've ever seen one. What are they trying to do? Give us all shitty city maps or wide open arty maps?

    1. All maps are "corridor maps".

    2. Westfield ''corridor map'', sure, why not. The surface of the Moon or the Sahara desert can also be considered a corridor

    3. Someone doesn't know what a 'corridor map' is...

  22. I want to remove Prokhorovka, Bullshitcopy salient and Hidden village. South coast? Wtf? Sacred valley? Wtf? They are all good maps now. Stop just looking at statistics WG. Play your own game or hire a couple of people to evaluate (proffesionals)

  23. I'd leave South Coast and remove Stalingrad instead. Stalingrad is a horrible map design.

  24. On ftr was a vote which maps u hatte most
    .. Prokorovka was high.. Like place 5 or so out of 20.

    Will beg for it every day
    Or an rework .soon(TM)

  25. Sweeeeet. Wargaming came to their senses... at least some of them
