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Tuesday, 24 March 2015

My 0.9.7 New Premium Vehicle Impressions

As most of you may know there are two new premium vehicles that got introduced during the second testing phase of 0.9.7, I finally got time to check them out in more detail so here are my impressions:

M56 Scorpion 
-Country: U.S.A
-Tank Destroyer
-Tier VII
-Purchase price: (?)



Really like this TD, its small size gives it a very low profile and is also quite mobile so its easy to relocate (avoid driving reverse as will be hard to evade even other TDs with bad gun arc in time, going forward to escape is the best option), Its gun has one of the best penetration values in comparison with other premium and non premium tank destroyers of same tier and its extremely accurate the damage its deals and the fire rate are decent too. It feels like a less view range/slower E-25 but with better gun elevation/depression. Definitely will be acquiring it.

T-54 first Prototype
-Country: U.S.S.R.
-Medium Tank
-Tier VIII
-Purchase price: (?)



I'm not a big fan of this one, its top speed is quite nice but the acceleration isn't that great, gives a feeling of being a heavy tank but with no armor to make for except the frontal part of its turret but like most soviets the gun depression is not the best so will be hard to use it as advantage. On the positive side, the gun was very reliable, didn't had any issues with its accuracy, penetration is decent, view range is not bad and signal range is quite good. Not sure if will acquire this one, maybe only for collection purposes but that's it.


  1. Scorpion looks like a td/arty hybrid; a darty. I'm in.

  2. too bad this game is becoming worse with the second. i would love to have this tank, but i will just wait for the warthunder version to come out.

    1. Oh Warthunder... where even AA tanks can camp, snipe and kill normal tanks....

    2. Do you even War Thunder?

    3. What's Warthunder? U mean the WWII fighter game?

  3. I tried the M56 scorpion january during a gaming con. Had 2 games in it, both defeats. The TD is really sluggish, its like an American Borsig but without the turret or monster gun. I wasnt used to do the laptop they had in the con, so i couldnt really do well. The M56 just gets murdered quickly if spotted, its thr American glass cannon alright
    Not sure if they made any changea since then tho

    1. Test server is still available, go and take it for a spin. :)

    2. Test server is still available, go and take it for a spin. :)

  4. I wouldn't say stupid things like T-54 has no armor. That 120mm UFP is angled very well, it can bounce even T8 heavy guns even without angling.

    1. I loved playing it too, first game I played I directly got a kill or 2 (a lot by my standards). It seems to be quite a noob friendly vehicle. I already love that gun on the IS and this tank only makes the gun better, so why the heck not?

    2. WOW, She's CLUELESS. Scorpion is a piece of shit, but the T54 is awesome. I am just praying the T54 does not get nerfed or I will buy it on day one. I don't want the Scorpion for free.

    3. These are just her impressions from playing the test server, friend. Until these tanks are on the live server, everything is open to change. She may just like the M56 playstyle more than you do.

    4. Just that it doesn't bounce everything. 120mm of soft cheese, if you ask me.

    5. Thanks Necrofear, you stole the words I as going to type. :)

    6. Thanks Necrofear, you stole the words I as going to type. :)

    7. Always nice to see people resort to insults as soon as someone has a different opinion...

  5. i will love to derp this tanks to death !

  6. "a feeling of being a heavy tank but with no armor"

    are you high rita? 120mm@60 degress=240mm against HEAT and around 220 or so against AP, for a tier 8 medium that is excellent.

    i assume you based your opinion on the test server by itself. dont, everyone is firing gold ammo, meaning most guns have over 250 pen.

    1. "120mm@60" thats UFP ... people still shooting there ? I'm aiming for LFP even on stupid StuG... its just habit.

      It could have 750mm@60 and it wouldnt change a damn thing.

      But the biggest fail with this tank is, it's been in the game for over 4 years now. sure "new" premium. But hell its WG. Look at chinks. Whole tree is clone-brushed soviet tree with some low tier americans and frenchies.

    2. "I'm aiming for LFP even on stupid StuG"
      But you should not do this against T54 (or Type 59). If you are on same level with that tank (not below it), then its LFP has slightly greater effective armor than the UFP. The weakest point is the UFP close to the peak - simply because the vector of you shell hits at best angle there. It is very easy to check this with Tank Inspector if you want.

    3. Just to explain why (if not obvious) - T54 has same LFP and UFP armor of 120mm, but LFP is at better angle so it is stronger. Same with Type 59, but 100mm armor on both UFP/LFP.

      About this new T54 first prototype - have no idea about its hull armor layout.

    4. She's fucking HIGH or CLUELESS. The Scorpian is a piece of shit, but the T54 is very good. Almost as good as the IS6, but no pref MM. I just hope WG does not nerf it or I will buy it on day one. Rita does not understand it has no armor on TS because everybody spams GOLD, but on live server, it's armor will be awesome.

    5. She's fucking HIGH or CLUELESS. The Scorpian is a piece of shit, but the T54 is very good. Almost as good as the IS6, but no pref MM. I just hope WG does not nerf it or I will buy it on day one. Rita does not understand it has no armor on TS because everybody spams GOLD, but on live server, it's armor will be awesome.

    6. Yeah we got you. Now GTFO

    7. Rita welcome to the toxicity of the wot player base. Pls don't let it get to you. They may be right about the armor but i am also right when i say they are a bunch of hate filled cunts.
      Now lets strive to better the community.

    8. And again, the same *** resorting to insults, simply for having a different opinion...

  7. 1 mm armor, could you kill 2 of them with one HESH shell from the FV183?

    1. is this really historcial ?
      I mean, fine, but my car has more armor than that. How come the vehicle wasnt bent under the weight of the gun ? And if there was a metal frame to hold it, it should be in the hitbox model :P

    2. The "armor" is actually aluminium alloy/composite, not steel. So yeah, 1mm roughly fits.

    3. Shells that enter a target tank do not leave it, no through and throughs in WoT.

      There _was_ talk of ricochets resuming their trajectory in an upcoming patch, but only once (i.e. no extremely elaborate trick shots, a second ricochet would make the shell disappear).

    4. That is actually in game. You can see some funny ricochet kills on youtube.

  8. Well if they add the M56 Scorpion, that gives me hope that one day Wargaming will add the M50 Ontos. The Ontos is just so ugly, that it's cool.

    1. No recoilless rifles allowed in the game I think was the reason.

    2. What I'd actually want to see is the FV 4401 Contentious. An Alecto on steroids, with either the 20 pdr or the 105mm L7, and an AUTOLOADER. Loving my british tanks as much as I love them, this would be awesome to have (and, actually, much better than the FV 4005 Stage 2, and would play rather differently).

    3. >> No recoilless rifles allowed in the game I think was the reason.

      Presumably anything that requires new physics rules, i.e. the ballistics and general trajectories of rockets and RPGs will be different and would probably need extensive balancing.

  9. what happened to that teir 7 german prem TD that they previewed

    1. It's in the super test, will probably come in 9.8

    2. It needs buffed either big gun buffs or a buff to tier 7.

    3. It needs buffed either big gun buffs or a buff to tier 7.

  10. So they dont give a shit about HD T-44 instead of that they add something which looks almost the same and make it premium. I would be happier if they worked on stardard tanks in game and also interface and things like platoon finder more then adding so many new prems. I wonder what will happen with 112 and T-34-3 in the near future, it is known that IS-6 will be replaced by IS-5 but what is interesting that the SuperPershing is getting HD model alhought it has premium MM.. I am cunfused about these changes..

  11. the very strong UFP will become the next hate pet I tell you...
    because LFP is often hidden by terrain and on long ranges it is hard to snipe at all with recent nerf to accuracy... and UFP is the biggest "hit area" frontally...
    I predict the new t-54 variant to become decent contender for the "t8 prem med" marketplace - lets look at comparable tanks:
    amx cdc - better gun and maneuvrability but no armor whatsoever and large silhouette
    panther 88 - better gun, but worse maneuvrability, and much worse armor
    Slow Pershing - similar gun, worse maneuvrability, somewhat comparable armor
    sta-2 - similar gun, slightly better manevrability, much worse armor
    ofc nothing gets even close to the type 59 level of effectiveness, but that one is not coming back, unless WG will be really desperate to grab money

    1. You forgot T-34-3, better gun, better turret, worse hull, similar mobility

    2. "Slow Pershing - similar gun, worse maneuvrability, somewhat comparable armor"

      Well, the SP has the huge advantage of preferential matchmaking

    3. Mentioning the T-34-3 is very apt.

      The gun depression is what will make or break the new T-54 IMHO.

    4. Mentioning the T-34-3 is very apt.

      The gun depression is what will make or break the new T-54 IMHO.

  12. How many unhistorically buffed T-54 versions they plan on adding to this game whilst also removing tanks on the premise that they are not historically accurate?


    Gun should be around
    230 dmg 175 pen... with 0.35~0-39 accuracy.
    So ... "meh"
    Cant see that go well in tier 10... especially with the mentioned low mobility.

    1. 90mm of the TD
      same source

      240 dmg 173 pen 0,36 accuracy
      1 tier lower and ... given camo and turret... sure why not

    2. It is like T-44 with first 100mm gun, better armor and worse mobility.. and that is pretty same case like Fury and standard Easy8.. One is better in something and the prem in something else. However i dont like wg tactics to make prems and standard tanks similar..

  14. U.R.S.S or U.S.S.R? I think you got a typo there.

    1. In English it's U.S.S.R. but in other languages it's U.R.S.S. so it's actually a mistranslation, not a typo.

    2. Here:

    3. Yep let me correct that, sometimes my brain likes to throw some Portuguese words/abbreviations into the pot, didn't even had noticed it, for us Portuguese we read it "União das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas". Thanks. ;)

  15. Don't even try to compare this with E25

    Less armour
    Less viewrange
    Much less camo (E25 never got the TD camo nerf)
    Worse matchmaking
    Worse damage per minute
    Worse gun traverse

    What it does have is higher base pen and damage per shot, so while you get run over by any E25 out there and have to face T9 tanks you can think how much that helps you.

  16. T-54 1st prot. should be fun to play vs tiers 8 and tiers 9 with using some APCR, for example 22AP/10APCR/2HE, ( it's my setup with Type 59) but goddamn it this tank faces tier X tanks! and it has only 360m view range. Indeed, those who buy it must have 4+ perk crew from soviet top tiers but this won't solve the problem. Mobility is quiet ok, just like the type 59 but with less top speed. The issue with this prem that it won't farm credits well just like poor STA-2 which is pretty useless vs tiers X without gold ammo. My own verdict: The new brand T-54 prot. is a decent well armoured med to play well vs tiers 8-9 but when you'll face the 10 tiers - do not expect a good income of credits. But for those who own the Type 59 there is no reason to spend their money for this tank.

  17. The Scorpion looks like a very interesting tank. Does it play close to any of the existing tds? I haven't had time to get on the test server.

  18. To me the Scorpion was a British 1970's era scout/light tank. Wouldn't that be a better addition to the game?

    1. The british scorpion would look basically like an amx 12t and have a single shot 76mm or 90mm gun.

      In other words it would have to be buffed up the wazoo to be turned from a recon tank into a fantasy light tank. Its rate of fire in reality is 6rpm on the 76mm gun. Imagine how much you'd need to twist facts to make it able to "fight tanks".
