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Tuesday, 24 March 2015

24.03.2015 Q&A

Not much for today:

- There might be an issue with the way the gun barrel marks (for damage done) are awarded, numerous players have complained that they do not work well recently. Storm will investigate but later - currently, the developers are busy with "stabilizing the 9.7 client";
- Wooden logs on Soviet tanks will not be reworked to work like spaced armor;
- In the future, the track lings hanging on the HD tank hulls and turrets will all work like additional armor (RG: I'm actually excited for this);
- It's completely possible that the current batch of premium vehicles removed from sales will not be the last one;
- The shop vehicles removed will be replaced by "new, unique vehicles".


  1. - In the future, the track lings hanging on the HD tank hulls and turrets will all work like additional armor (RG: I'm actually excited for this);

    AMX 30 indestructible!

  2. Marks of Honor don't seem to be consistent. I just got third on Stug, but have none on KV-220, even though it's WN8 is higher and I had several 10,000 WN8 games in it. Same for Pz IV, my highest WN tank, no marks yet. I'm wondering of there's a game minimum you must pass for it to come into effect or something...

    1. There is - it averages your last 100 games in it since the marks were added, so if you are below 50, it's pretty much impossible to get the mark. The best players start to get them around 50 - 60 games.

    2. WN8 is based towards damage done / tank hp..
      It is also mixed with how others do. Bear in mind that spotting, hitting at range, hitting close up, killing, win rate, death rate and such all change your resultant wn8 score. If your eager and dig into it, you can also understand how to pad it if you want to.

      The honor marks are a bit skhewed.. In fact, I think WG puts in some random data, I only say that because on the day some new tanks are released you should get people getting 3 marks (playing 5 good battles, vs 1000 players who got 1 crappy battle) easily. So I think some tanks have a padded stat value put in place to help avoid manipulation. The M Badges work like this too... I remember one day getting a 2nt class badge for a win of like 1300xp (I was shocked), but a few days later I got a M badge for a 800xp win.
      That's the thing with stats... They work really great as a ROUGH guide, but unless your resetting them after every server and tank change then you cant compare. Now that hit % is less then you should see less 3 mark tanks, give it a month and they should start appearing again.

    3. On my american tanks I just choose the camo paint that puts two white rings around my gun :) Works for me, I'm even deadlier :)

    4. The funny thing is... I received my first mark at about 25 battles and my second after ca 50 battles on ARL44, SU -152 and KV-1S...

  3. Track lings? What are those?

  4. Track lings? What are those?

  5. "- The shop vehicles removed will be replaced by "new, unique vehicles"."

    Ah, more T-54 clones...

    1. Don't forget the German tanks with the 8.8cm gun on every single flipping tank...

    2. new lol tractor. Now with 8.8cm gun. new tier 5

    3. And more D-25T clones too :D lol

    4. And the 17-pdr for the Brits.

  6. And how will they determine which tanks get extra track links? I sense tears ahead!

  7. Talking of marks oif hono(u)r... I'm wondering whether they still plan on implement more XP-earning for "marked tanks... would be nice for my lights... :-)

  8. I don't expect this anytime soon:

  9. maybe upgrade for more track links, but slower tank.

  10. - Wooden logs on Soviet tanks will not be reworked to work like spaced armor;

    will you stop to make ppl think in wot!?
    also its not fair for cheaters using white skins!!
    those ppl... shesh... also to Quote WG: its not histori... i mean "gameplay wise good" ...

  11. The second logs become spaced amour, all of the USSR tanks become moving log houses

    1. Every russian needs a dacha :P

  12. Storm is an arrogant arse. According to him some of us who provided feedback on this were wrong. I wrote down my average damage for 100 games and for several tanks the average damage went up while the MoE percentage went down and vice verse, checking against overall statistics (for that tank) showed near no change.
    This has not broken down lately it has been broken from the start either in it's description or on it's implementation.

  13. Tracklings, the shorter, metal-core and harmless version of the Zerglings...

    1. Apply tracklings to zerglings, proceed to take over the galaxy.

      Spaced armor Zergs > Terran

  14. "- In the future, the track lings hanging on the HD tank hulls and turrets will all work like additional armor"

    As long as shit like this doesn't start happening in WoT...

    1. so you're telling me my Pz 1 c gets more armor on its back than on the front now?

    2. It's what I thought as well :/

  15. "- Wooden logs on Soviet tanks will not be reworked to work like spaced armor"

    People have watched too many movies. Yes, I am talking about you, stupid Fury movie. Just imagine, a log blocking a 88mm shell. Good grief.

    1. Well, it could happen if the log is of ample thickness, density, and overall stalinwood

    2. "Just imagine, a log blocking a 88mm shell. Good grief."

      Oh ffs, here we go again.

      In case you don't remember, that was a very shallow angle with which the Tiger hit the side of the Fury. Because auto-bounces are legit only WoT, right?

    3. spaced armor is not supposed to block a birdshit. Its supposed to detonate a HE shell before it reaches actual armor. And wood should be able to do that.

  16. Storm can go a do what he does best, make excuses for everything in the game that's wrong, after this many years..pfft, can't wait for Armored Warfare.. atleast they listen to the community, unlike that heaping pos.. still love how MM is so borked, that the guy responsible for MM is off doing other things..

  17. - The shop vehicles removed will be replaced by "new, unique vehicles".

    No tank is more unique than TOG. TOG is the only one, TOG is the life.
