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Thursday, 12 March 2015

Extra Free XP on RU Server

Hello warriors,

and another interesting and unusual mechanism appeared in the events on Russian server. From 13.3. to 16.3., among all the other discounts, players will receive 10 percent of the battle XP as free XP instead of the usual 5 percent.

Additionally, being in top 7 in XP in your team will grant your 500 extra XP and doing that 20 times will grant you 10k XP bonus.

Your turn, EU.


  1. 20*500 + 10.000 = 20.000 xp
    That's a lot of xp

    1. especially since you can do it in 20 gmaes, cause it doesn't matter if you win or lose :P

    2. Seems great, currently stacking up free xp for my t-54 (before buying it) and it takes AGES, and I don't feel like grinding a tier 9 with the t-44 gun :/

  2. Starbuck is too cool for WoT Rita, she wouldn't care about XP, she's a unicum anyway ;-)

  3. Another "Fuck U" for the EU Playerbase. :-/

  4. "Your money is falling fast, your buying-power is in the shitter, but look! An event !
    Give us money, because this game is totally rad and we really care about you ! This event where we give you stuff totally proves it !"

    An incentive to regain more paying users to compensate for a crap economy since certain embargoes.

  5. WG EU's turn? Well. I do believe we're due for another chance to win a camo net.

  6. I miss the "no more xp for you eu capitalists"

    But i like rita too cus ya know, shes hot
