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Thursday, 12 March 2015

12.03.2015 QA.

A lot more going on today:

-While it's theoretically possible to generate objects on random spots in Bigworld (for example randomized bush placement), it won't be done due to map balance issues;
-Average time of battle is 7 minutes, although it varies from tier to tier. In last 6 months, it hasn't changed much (RG: As long it's not a tier 10 battle, those take almost the entire time and often end in draw);
-The option to "crush" a tank by ramming it into a solid object (house, wall) will not be added;
-Apparently the T95 specifically will not be buffed in order to compensate for its poor mobility on WoT hilly maps;

-There are no plans to compensate players for the accuracy nerf of premium vehicles ("we might as well compensate for removing their favorite camping spots on maps")
-All tanks or at least classes having the same view-range would be "boring";
-The goal of Super Pershing HD rework: "we are trying not to change the armor";
-Firepower-wise, LT7 and LT8 vehicles are much like MT7 and MT8, "only the MM spread is different";
-Developers are working on making the classes more diverse;
-After the TD viewrange nerf, the nerfed vehicles now do less damage with their own spotting, but overall their damage output was not reduced;
-Q: "There are too few brawler tanks!" A: "Play more brawler tanks then.";
-Q: "What am I supposed to do with long range support vehicles on maps that force me to brawl?" A: "Be inventive :)";
-Individual missions did not reduce the average battle time significantly (RG: "significantly")
-Soviet light tanks are doing very well statistically, maybe too well;
-There are plans to add a spotting point to the end of the gun barrel (RG: No more bush hugging!)
-Regarding spotting points on your vehicle, nothing changed recently;
- MM doesn't take into account whether you just played the map it puts you on or not (RG: It should, pretty I'm not the only one that has the same map three time in a row once in awhile).


  1. Replies
    1. Fixed! <3 ( hides the fact that Im living in the future) :P

    2. "-Firepower-wise, LT7 and LT8 vehicles are much like MT7 and MT8, "only the MM spread is different"

      I beg to differ. the current LT7 + LT8 have much greater firepower than MT7 and MT8.

      Shall we start comparing ? T71 + M41 autoloader with 175mm pen and 750/1500 burst damage vs ... let's say VK30DB with 132mm pen and 220 alpha ? T49's nice 152mm gun vs MT8 ? Do I need to go into that ?

    3. Yeah but the reload time of the auoloaders and that 152mm more than make up for the disparity.

      If the T49 misses, then it must run as fast as it can because it will be shot to death before it can reload.

    4. You are smart enough to post here, but not to understand what you read...

      Difference between mt7 to mt8 is similar as lt7 to lt8.

    5. Yep, let's use the worst T7 MT to show how bad MTs are.

      How about comparing 13 75 to A-44 or T-34-1?

    6. LTTB is better then the t-43 (still a pretty good tank though) and t-54 light has better armor and RoF in exchange for less ammo and worse accuarcy in compersant to the t-44

    7. Who gives a damn about the reload time when you can kill in 1 shot or 1 burst ? Why do you think KV-2 is the best T6 heavy ? Or AMX-50-100 the best T8 tank ? (both in the right hand ofc) It's all about maximizing damage inflicted while minimizing the exposure time, that's how you inflict more damage than you take. A skilled player would know that and wouldn't ask stupid questions.

    8. They were not comparing LT to MT. They were comparing the t7 to t8 ffs

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. idont think they were comparing the difference between t7 to t8 because they say "MM spread is different"

      the battle tier spread that MM makes on MT7 and MT8 are both 3 while LT7 and LT8 both have the same 4 battle tier spread.

      since "MM spread is different" its obviously the comparison between LT and MT.

  2. -Q: "What am I supposed to do with long range support vehicles on maps that force me to brawl?" A: "Be inventive :)";

    Ahem.. And that is why I end up playing Sturmgeschütz with all my TDs. It is very rare the occasion when I play pure TD.

    1. Well, it may just be me, but I can't think of very many maps anymore that allow you to actually play your TD as a TD...

  3. np Rita, this will be for tomorrow, don't delete it please
    write another post with other great news for today

  4. WG still a bunch of arrogant jerks...

  5. what is with the common test 9.7 ? will it be today in the late evening ??

  6. is the spotting points on the tank for observing or for being observed?

  7. Rita, there is typo
    "While it's theoretically possible to generate objects on random spots in Bigworld..."
    It should be Bugworld.

  8. "pretty I'm not the only one that has the same map three time in a row once in awhile). "

    turn off encounter and assault.

    You are getting same map 3times in a row but each time its different game mode.
    With encounter and assault its erlenberg 50% of the time.

  9. "We're trying not to change the armor of the Super Pershing"

    Because making its armor useful again would just be horrible, wouldn't it WG?

  10. The tanks with the longest average battle time are high tier campy TD's (T95, 183, JGE100, etc) at seven and a half minutes. So perhaps a minute or minute and a half longer than mid tier battles. Usually seems really slow though because early game ppl are generally better and more cautious. Don't want to get surprised by any of those absurd alpha guns.

  11. The tanks with the longest average battle time are high tier campy TD's (T95, 183, JGE100, etc) at seven and a half minutes. So perhaps a minute or minute and a half longer than mid tier battles. Usually seems really slow though because early game ppl are generally better and more cautious. Don't want to get surprised by any of those absurd alpha guns.

  12. -There are plans to add a spotting point to the end of the gun barrel (RG: No more bush hugging!)

    ANnnnd panther II is dead :)

    1. how about E50 with 88/L100 ?

      When you spawn on Malinovka, end of your gun is in enemy base.

  13. "There are plans to add a spotting point to the end of the gun barrel"

    ...because it is so easy to notice a little piece of pipe sticking out of some bush 400m away, when you are going full speed. Right. Even more "realistic" than sixth sense. ;)

  14. instand spotting by poking your gun arround a corner.. or use your gun elevasion to spot from behind hard cover.. sounds like a smart move

  15. "-Soviet light tanks are doing very well statistically, maybe too well;"

    Been harping that since inception. It baffles my mind, why they are not more common.

    "-There are plans to add a spotting point to the end of the gun barrel (RG: No more bush hugging!)"

    As a frequent and avid light drier, I can say only one thing: WG CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES!
