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Monday, 15 February 2016

Armored Warfare: Mail.Ru Speaks 2016


I usually tend to disregard AW's Mail.Ru due to their past actions, I see them as the Chinese server for WoT, they don't develop but still do whatever the F*** they want and frequently perform certain actions that I do not support whatsoever. AW EU and NA offices are the ones I care as far I'm concerned but haven't completely muted RU, specially because of content like this:

Mail.Ru has held a press conference in Moscow, among information like the third dealer that we already know about, they have confirmed that tier 10's are planned to be added this year, they have shown some screenshots:

Besides these, there will be also Challenger 2B and some others that haven't been disclosed yet, so far they teased saying that these vehicles will be two French, one Russian and one Polish (oh please on Polish! Make it PL-01!)

Also, there are plans for a ranked PVP mode (sort of an ambitious territorial CW mode) that players will be able to participate in groups but is still to soon to talk about and a lot of things can change.

I'm actually excited for these things, I've been and so my friends and some co-workers invested in this game more than ever, they are not perfect, no company is but I do want to see NA and mostly EU AW being successful as much as I wish for WG.

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