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Friday, 15 January 2016

Armored Warfare Q&A


here is the lastest AW Q&A:

  • Obsidian is currently not considering an overhaul of the module system as a whole. The differences the modules introduce to the vehicles are significant enough – in some cases, upgrading a gun for example leads to a considerable change of play style because the gun misses a certain type of shells
  • Two module types that draw player attention are engines (some players feel there’s not enough difference to warrant their unlocking) and things like smoke grenade launchers that are there to help the situation where some vehicles don’t have enough historical upgrades. The first is currently being looked into, the latter will be reviewed after Obsidian introduces additional progression elements such as the Trophy system
  • Improved object and vehicle destruction effects will be introduces after the game becomes sufficiently optimized
  • The Developers will introduce the vehicle destruction reason (for example ammo rack explosion) to post-battle statistics
  • Regarding the “night battle mode”, in early stages of Armored Warfare development, Obsidian experimented with a thermal vision mode. It turned out to be confusing and monotonous, that is why it was not introduced and won’t be in near future. We might review this question after some time.
  • For now the visual camouflage won’t work on special (ICE, MERC for example) vehicles. Developers are considering adding this option in the future.
  • Garage player customization will not come soon (not counting the alternative garages such as the Christmas one). The developers are however considering introducing slots to garages where players could put their Trophies.
  • Update 0.13 will bring matchmaking mechanism improvements
  • The developers are planning to overhaul the rewards for AFK players in order to reduce the viability of such a behavior. The same overhaul might include reward reduction for poor players or for players who commit suicide early on in PvP.
  • Developers are planning to add a sound signal to the “spotted by the enemy” icon
  • One of the interesting balance features the developers are planning is armor decay. Armor might become progressively more damaged after receiving multiple hits, reducing its protection. This would help balance the tier 8 and 9 tanks with extremely thick armor nicely. This is however just an idea for now and many questions have to be solved first (for example how to make the system comprehensive to players). That’s why there is no specific plan to introduce this feature right now.
  • Adding platoon statistics to the player statistic window is planned for the future
  • Server-side Aim Circle is being developed and it’s possible it will appear in 0.13
  • The developers know about the issues of the T-80 tank and are working on a solution

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