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Wednesday, 28 October 2015

WoT's Incriptions NOT Refundable

Hello Warriors,

the upcoming inscriptions in World of Tanks have become a tad too controversial, after arriving from London my first step was to download and stream the 10.0 Test Server and ended up having the same conclusion as The Mighty Jingles (and even QuickyBaby), take a look at this video:

The inscriptions at the moment are a clearly pay-to-win system. I personally, who plays World of Tanks for a living cant afford for all the Exterior consumables, how can you, normal players who usually have just 1 or 2 hours to play after coming from work/school afford it as well? This is just insane...

But wait there's more!

Diego Longo who was a long time Patron of RSR has contacted WG's support team asking for a refund, this is what he emailed me:

"You see, I have 286 tanks with 636 emblems+Inscriptions that gives 3% bonus to radio operator !!! (I want to cry). This is worth 51945 gold (yes, I counted).
So I contacted WOT EU Support to ask them for a solution and that I wanted to change the emblems or a refund ...and they told me that there was nothing they could do."

Support ticket:

In French I know, these are the important parts translated for those who don't speak it:

To the question "can you give me back the gold I invested in emblems and inscriptions they answered:
 (Laure Tristan 23 octobre 2015 10:00)
"Malheureusement je ne peux effectuer un remboursement de vos emblèmes puisque nous n'avons pas les outils techniques pour les retirer."
  • "Unfortunately,I cannot do a refund because we do not have the technical tools to take back the emblems"
  And then in the following post (Laure Tristan 23 octobre 2015 11:31):
"Malheureusement, nous ne sommes pas en mesure de vous fournir un remboursement quelconque pour le problème survenu. Sachez que de nombreux joueurs seront dans la même position que vous, une fois que cette fonctionnalité sera mise en place sur le serveur."
  •  "Unfortunately, we are not able to provide any refunds for the current problem. Know that many players will be in the same position as you, once this feature will be implemented on the server"

An then (Bashar Atreides 23 octobre 2015 11:44) :
"Je comprends tout à fait votre frustration mais malheureusement les réponses que nous avons donné précedement sont correctes. Aucune compensation ne peut être offerte dans votre cas."
  • "I totally understand your frustration but unfortunately the answers that we gave previously are correct. No compensation may be available to you."

Although is a decent idea for the game, the way its being applied is smelling worse by the minute...let's hope they arrange some way to refund players otherwise this is just greed from their part. 

Let me know your opinion in the comment section of what do you think about this system and if you afford it.

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