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Friday, 12 June 2015

Gaijin, a Steam Summer Sales Rat

Thank you "Nya-chan Production"!

Gaijin is at it... again!

As some of you may be aware, the Steam Summer Sales arrived and some companies like Rockstar (GTA V) are raising the prices in advance of these sales in order to not lose profit and sometimes, I kid you not, make more money. Guess who makes part of that wagon? Gaijin...

Its not the first time Gaijin does this type of anti-consumer practices, remember last year War Thunder's Mustang Pack "sale"?

"This needs to be given as much awareness as possible to Valve, so that they can save themselves from any legally-mandated refunds due to a publisher's obvious attempts at cheating the customer out of their money.

Why do I say "legally-mandated"? Because it's illegal, and a dick move, to do this in many jurisdictions, including Germany, UK, and California. Hell, any jurisdiction with anti-price gouging laws on the books would view Gaijin's actions as inappropriate, and instead of Gaijin taking the shit for it, it'll be Valve." - Quote from the redditor, NKato

The War Thunder moderators (as usual) are erasing consumer complaints on the forums, steam and going as far as suspending long-time users. They are also going their extra way to keep the source of this post muffled.

You know what to do, go and be the hero Gotham deserves:

Small edit: Here, a useful price tracker for the Steam games:

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