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Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Answers from Storm and some other developers

- Statistically the AMX 13 57 (with or without GF) is doing fine, in fact it's quite better than the stats of AMX 13 75;
- Individual missions filter seems bugged, it will be fixed;
- Windows in the client are limited by resolution. Some players are playing on 1024x768 resolution, which is too small to display all the content the developers would like to introduce in them;
- The M48A2/T54E2 hybrid has good gun depression and a gun that can shoot at large distances successfully according to developers;
- Q: "Why the hell do you give such a tank for CW only?" A: "Maybe you should look more at Object 260 and T55A - they are cool vehicles but you have to make an effort to get them. Same goes for CW."
- Regarding the two upcoming city maps, they are the counterbalance for the previous open map (Overlord);
- Maps bigger than 1500 meters would be unplayable for slow vehicles;
- You will be awarded the "enemy destruction" ribbon also when you push your enemy so hard he gets destroyed upon impact (for example when pushing him off the clip);
- There are "no more issues than usual" in 9.8;
- Developers are collecting statistics on Domination when it comes to XP and credit income, players are moaning they lose too much on it.Storm however states that the economy of the mode is equal to tier 8 income/loss. Damage however makes much less money than in random.
- More maps will be tested for Domination, there will be more Domination versions in the future;
- There are no rules that say artillery cannot be on top of the team, there were only MM fixes that ensure such situations are rare;
- Q: "Event vehicles (Domination) can't use the crews of regular tanks without penalty - why?" A: "Unfortunately it's complicated. I can't tell sorry :("
- T110E5 (P) crew will automatically be converted to regular T110E5 crew when the event is over
- The regular maps in Domination are there only "for testing purposes".

Storm confirms: ghost shells are a real issue. According to Storm they are rarer than reported (roughly 10 percent of "ghost shell" replays really show the issue). It's connected to Bigworld and BW devs are working very actively on this. Earlier this problem was caused by the reduction of the vehicle position data transfer accuracy at over 500 meters (the vehicles in client were basically on a different place than on server with +/-10cm accuracy). This issue is rare and hard to detect, it was not fixed yet. However: post-9.7 the situation got worse, the ghost shells started appearing even at close distances. This is what the developers are trying to fix now.

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