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Saturday, 16 May 2015

Developer Hour on Wargaming FM

Hello warriors,

every Friday, Wargaming FM (Russian WG web radio) runs the Developer Hour Q&A with some WG staffmembers. This time it was with "Kirill" and "Yaroslav", game mastering specialists. The topic was "chat toxicity".

- in one day on RU server, players write 15-20 million battle chat messages
- there will be a special chat ban category - bans for specific chat channels only ("when it's done it's done")
- currently chat ban is tied to a player and applies to all channels at once
- the chat ban punishments will become more strict and there will be an automatic system that will punish recidivists with longer and longer bans
- anti-record: one player on RU server in 16 battles in a row (all in one day) said over 2000 swear words
- the idea that players will be notified that someone was banned based on your report is good but difficult to implement technically
- the chat system is limited technically to 1000 names in your friendlist and ignore list
- if you swear a lot (like REALLY a lot), WG can chatban you permanently
- complaint review department works 24/7
- players are encouraged to actively use the complaint system, WG will work on it and improve many of its functions including adding some "system of rewards"
- WG recently started a new initiative to reduce swearing in chat with tougher punishments for trolls and vulgar players. In last two weeks, based on this event, the amount of swearing was reduced to one half

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