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Friday, 3 April 2015

World of Warcheats

Thank you PlazmaKeks!

Apparently World of Warships already has exploits, there is currently a aimbot mode available for the turds that are to lazy to learn and aim correctly, this is how it looks like:

“True ignorance is not the absence of knowledge, but the refusal to acquire it.” 
― Karl Popper

I sincerely hope that Wargaming starts taking more serious measures about the illegal mods usage for its own good, it has been a year now that the community got promised to have all servers listing of forbidden mods unified after the "Sela" scandal and still nothing and also EU support is not punishing the players that use them at all. This saddens me...

And before I end and post this, to everyone that uses this type of mods: May the fleas of a thousand camels invade their cheater crotch. And may their arms be to short too scratch. *Camel spit on them*


  1. Replies
    1. you seriously thought that when a game allows modding, there wouldnt be any cheats for it? a game can be in alpha as far as people care, there will still be cheats for it. it wouldnt end with world of tanks, ofcourse it continues with ANOTHER game that allows modding.

      i say, let them. wargaming allows cheats in the game, then they are giving permission for their use. its the same with teamkilling. any game that has team damage is telling you that its allowed to hurt friendlies. they dont ban people who use cheats? then they are giving permission for them. its that simple.

      i gave up on the world of games a long time ago, so im also a frequent mod abuser. i dont care anymore, neither does wargaming. so cheats are now allowed.


      i somewhere think that your posts about these cheats arnt working either Rita. you make these posts, tell people that even reported cheaters arnt getting banned. it kinda throws people over the edge if they will use cheats or not. you might have doomed the game even further. congradulations.

    2. "you might have doomed the game even further. congradulations" Yes because ignore the issues and hide them under the rug is the best solution.

    3. You think if I didn't liked and enjoyed the game that would care about this?
      If no nobody reports this issues then WG and other companies will NEVER do anything about it.

    4. you already post about wargaming doing nothing!! how would creating more posts about cheaters not being banned help?

      this is the reason why companies hire hackers to test stuff like web browsers and games. you think they want the world to know that a bug or a leak? ofcourse not. and when somebody do posts about them, they only hurt other users.

      you think that edward snowden did good by leaking all that information? ofcourse not. people didnt knew about it. the usual crazy persons who leaked it out were ignored. everybody lived in happy ignorance. now, all the countries are simply tightening their security, which doesnt even help because everything can be leaked or hacked. it only adds an extra few days on when it happens.

      same with this. you tell everybody that cheaters wont get caught, people will start to cheat sooner. thats how it works.

    5. its nothing personal against you rita, i think you are doing a good job being a replacement for silent stalker, but maybe you should think it through sooner. you may have a personal hate against cheaters, but is this really the right way?

    6. Cheat mods in WOTs is not a big deal. Most of them dont give a large advantage, but WG should be more proactive in listing banned mods and then punishing players who use them.

    7. "you think that edward snowden did good by leaking all that information? ofcourse not. people didnt knew about it. the usual crazy persons who leaked it out were ignored. everybody lived in happy ignorance"

      Now that's what I call being retarded.

    8. AIM mods in WOTs suck. Maybe they can aim better than a NOOB, but they cant aim better than a good player and they cant lead targets. I would not use an aim mod if it was legal. Falling trees can be helpful as can gun direction, but they are not game stoppers. Lastly, on 60% of players use mods and most use a packaged deal such as from quickybaby or circon, so use of cheat mods in WOTs is very low, certainly less than 5% and prob less than 1% so ur chances of being shot by a an aim mod is extremely small.

    9. i know right? it was retarded of him.

    10. Thanks for proving my point.
      Don't forget your shaving, sheep.

    11. Sollit, the utter idiots of this world are conspiracy theorists such as yourself. Also, you are part of the damn problem you wanker. Don't play a game if you don't like it, then you won't ruin it either.

    12. The people replaying must be from wargaming because it is all in half broken english and none of it makes any sense at all. Aimbots in world of warships is devastating since the ships are so much slower than in world of tanks and there is much less concealement also.

      Quite frankly the only way to stop the rampant abuse of mods in world of tanks and world of warships is to disable the abily to mod the game and run and integrity check when you launch the game.

      Then work/hire the best mod makes and implement the best ones into the game instead.

    13. Krister, you nailed it. Couldnt agree more

    14. I am not sure why anyone would even need a aimbot in WoWS, within the first few shots fired people should be able to hone in their shots to hit nearly every time or get really close to it.

      And i am all for locking out all mods except approved ones that are made by WG or by someone they approve of.

      And as far as i am concerned WoT would be better off without XVM and what it does to people.

  2. Explains why so many people can suddenly perfectly aim and lead their shots, very dissapointing but oh well.

    1. AIM mods dont work well and dont lead targets and are not actively used. UR just another NOOB wanting to make excuses for ur poor playm

    2. Placement of your ship on the map(along islands for a quick escape, alongside teammates to quickly dispose of someone thinking an aimbot means getting hit less) beats any aimbot in the game.
      Also the RNG on the shots do not mean they will hit your citadel more.
      It helps, but not by much.
      Turning just slightly also means their precious aimbot is thrown off, since shots don't hit instantly.
      So if you're getting shot by perfectly aimed shots, then maybe start moving more?

  3. Unlike tanks where aimbot doesn't really metter,ships will be ruined with aimbots,what do you guys think?

    1. I agree, it's basicly one of very few things that you should be able to do. I wonder does it even works with torpedos?

    2. I'd say WoWs wouldnt have possibility to mod anything else than sounds.

      Skins ? Who needs skin when you are either focused on avoiding shots or sniping ?
      Crosshairs ? Actual one is ways better than wot's vanilla one, doesnt ned change...

      Mods should be disabled in WoWs, because no mods would really be needed, andno mods means no cheats. And in WoT ok aimbots and cheats are bad, but it wont give you more than just an advantage if you're lazy.
      In WoWs, aim needs more skill, and when your shots take seconds to travel and reload, you cant afford to miss, and yet missing is normal. Aimbot is clearly a huge advantage, and this single cheat would mean as much itself in wows as a little cheatpack in wot.

    3. I completly agree, no mods would help. And I think that WoWS don't need any mods. It's not like the game has such awfull gun sounds like WoT in which I need a sound mod to play it.

    4. @MarcelOfDeath

      "I wonder does it even works with torpedos?"

      Hmm, not sure if I understand you correctly - but autoaim for torpedoes is implemented in vanilla WoWS.

    5. I disagree. Last know position on minimap is needed in WOWS and makes WOTs more enjoyable to play. When i play without it on TS its difficult.

    6. Also, stealth is a huge issue with destroyers so why not have camo skins?

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. @SpeedyCraft51
      "no mods means no cheat"
      Totally explains how I was able to write a Direct3D-based Chams hack and basic aimbot for War Thunder GF (Purely as a Proof-of-Concept for a bet since I don't actually play the game)

      I guess ignorance truly is bliss
      *since you don't seem to be able to edit posts

    9. @Clamps

      Yes, you can write a cheat but the real question is that if you or someone who caught you posted a screenshot of a hack in Warthunder support and and gave them proof that you were cheating would you be able to get away with it? My honest bet is no, it's not so much of the issue that people can cheat, it's the fact that people cheat, get caught cheating and nothing is done about it.

      Simple fact is a small minority of people cheat, any game can have a hack in it but it's the reaction of the devs is the issue. The moment you let someone get away with cheating more people are going to try it because simple fact, if people think they can get away with it they will do it. Why do you think other games hand out bans to entire clans in tournaments when one person gets caught cheating? It's to show a zero tolerance policy and to make to clear to the rest of the population what the rules are.

      Yes, you can write a cheat but lets face it, most of the internet are not that skilled, you are in a small percentage of the population and honestly there is no much people can do about you beyond banning an account when you get found out. What you really have to worry about is the other 20-30% of the population that in a heartbeat would download an already made cheat if they think that they could get away with it and if you let cheating slide that number will increase over time. The best phrase i ever heard was "Yes, we are not going to claim that our game is unhackable but when we catch you we won't think twice about banning you, so don't do it". That thinking an mentality makes keeps the rest of the population honest and the number of hackers down. What the EU did however is open themselves up to cheating which is not only bad for the community but bad for profits, who needs the advantage of premium and consumables when you can cheat right?

  4. why did u not post link on this post forum ?

  5. I was starting to suspect something like this existed with the number of times I've started being hit by enemies with their first shots (especially from extreme range).

  6. Rita, will you change overblog to wordpress ?
    The mobile version is awful, and comment system makes it very hard for mobile viewers: no login memory so you always have to type your openID back, and often typing bugs (just got an entire message deletd when hitting "submit"...)

    Btw check your mails, I have some codes for you :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Found :DDDD

  9. Yeah, I figured as much...

    I'm moving in a tough vector to hit 14km away and I get hit by all the shells dead center to my citadel ? Legit.

    Also, explains a lot as to why I suck at BBs and shoot turret by turret while (some) others fire all at once on the first salvo and hit on the first time.

    Seriously, I knew it would happen, but barely a month after closed beta?

    PS: Trust Russians to find a way to cheat on an online game

    1. I'm feeling less enthusiastic about Warships now that we know aimbot cheaters can rule so easily.

    2. NOOBS, how many current players in WOWS r using an aimbot? I would guess less than 1% and certainly less than 5% so the chance of U getting shot by one r very low. Also, in WOTs aimbots suck. I would not use one if they were legal, cause IM a good player, so lets see them tested on WOWS and see if they shoot better than a good player.

  10. I guess Warships is even more ripe for exploitation by aimbot installed cheating 'gypos? The pace is slower than Tanks, no weakspots per se, it's all in the lead.

  11. well its not as bad as this .....

  12. Why should one not use advantage if its possible?
    Its gamemasters work to not allow such...

    Waving fist and telling that you will be banned, when in fact nothing happens, is quite dumb.

    Have to thank Plazmakeks for all those WoT cheats I used :D
    WG might as well disable all mods because of this, hehehe.

    1. It isn't if you go ahead and ban them.
      At least it works in my Role playing game group after the first ban.

    2. But how can you prove it? If I dont show screenshots or videos - you cant know.
      Replays? Maybe Im just so skilled.
      Tomato replays? You cant ban on assumptions.

      WG is in two way situation - do nothing or remove mods altogether.
      You cant expect them to moderate available mods...
      When that time comes - we be waving AWay the WoT :D

    3. If you show Screenshots or videos you still don't get banned.

      And I do expect them to moderate mods. At least in a simmiler way my Anti-Virus checks for Virus. Try making look for conman things that hack packs do, if nothing else it would reduce cheating.

  13. thanks for promoting cheats and putting forward the worst cheats side of the net..good job much did you get?..

    1. Oh my god...
      WG is known to be fucking idiots - so if you want something to get fixed, either:
      A) wait for 2 years
      B) actively and too often tell that it is the problem. Often with uber negative content - such as rage, insult, downright cheating and else.
      Because how else would you make drunk belorussians to work when everything is not falling apart? :D

    2. are you stupid or do you just have very little understanding of the English language ? Rita isn't promoting cheating in any form, in fact she's doing the opposite. maybe your blinders are sheltering you from the bad things in life and that's why you cant handle the fact that Rita needs to report cheats/hacks in the game.
      as for Rita getting paid, she does this for free in her own time. what exactly have you done for gaming forums apart from whine on other peoples blogs ?

    3. AIM mods in WOTs suck. I would not use them if they were legal. Use of them in WOTs and WOWS are extremely small. Only 60% of players in WOTs use any mods and most, like me, use a packaged deal. I use quickybabys but have also used circons so all this talk of cheating is just excuses by poor players who want to blame somebody else for their poor play.

    4. Damit Nemez caught me! Its all explained on this link:

    5. @Mark:
      Uh....You pretty poorly did propaganda homework.
      What is legal - gives HUGE advantage.
      What is not - even more.

      Destroyed objects saved my life many times when I saw attack coming 30s before it started.
      And lasers too.

    6. Rita confirmed part of the WG cheat pack cabal.
      Also Illuminatis.

      Get you pitchforks and torches here !
      We dun' got ourselv's some riotin' to do !

    7. Ah right, pardon my interuption :D I just cant get enough of how WG is failing and failing.
      For now, at least.

    8. yeah of course..we are all against cheats or unfair mods..but its not the best way to get rid of this shit by telling everybody, where to find them and linking the download side..this is pretty much promoting an unfair mod..same story as is was with Stormshadow and Tankleader Bot or Silentstalker with Warpack..yes, I understand that the blog is living from sensations..but please be carefull..dont act as a yellow press newspaper, publicating the address of a murderer..

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. All i can see is an easily edited Screenshot , this could simply be an attempt to sneak some virues into your system or steal your account... if you call this a proof of an EXISTENT WORKING AIMBOT , and only this makes you cry and rage OH ALL THESE CHEATER RUIN OUR GAMES its no secret that developers and publishers dont listen to the community anymore... jeez..

    1. So your line of thought is:
      "Oh no, there is probably nothing. WoT is infested with it, but because this *could* be a photoshop, it's not real" ?

      yeah, I have bad news...

  15. "I sincerely hope that Wargaming starts taking more serious measures about the illegal mods"

    You mean like they did about WarPack, Battleasistant and the rest ? Really.

  16. Draw a proverbial line in the sand and some moron always has to mangle it or at least push it to breaking all to get a pathetic ego boost... Society is so doomed.

  17. This mark west HAS to be a WG employee. He's spouting the same shite over and over with no proof whatsoever to back up his figures. Douche

  18. Mark, nobody pays attention to your opinion. If you want to defend your beloved WG, try to apply for a job at them (in case ur already 18).

  19. oh yes in this blog it is customary to send WG to the hell..someone with a slightly positive opinion towards WG has to leave are so predictable..

  20. And you, my dear friend, on the other hand, criticize someone who just tried to point out 1 of the game's flaw in order to improve it. Bravo.

  21. haha..improving the game by promoting unfair is like warning about drug abuse and telling the telephone number of the dealer..

  22. Actually the post describes a "dot" / "circle" that shows where you have to shoot to be able to hit the ship you are aiming at... Like in "World of Warplanes" if anyone played that trash.

  23. Rather than debating whether A is WG employee or not, why not we talk about the implication of this mod on the gameplay?

    With battleships having to shoot for more than 10KM and current RNG, would this bring a lot of unfairness to the table? How would any mad even react to skillfull player who didn't move in a predictable course? Will this simply become a case of aim assistance mods in WoT, where it helps noobs but can't alleviate them to be better than actual skilled players?

    What I'm afraid of is that some usual players will use this mod as justification when some lucky/skilled/both player hit them in extreme range and starting the usual hacksaying. Game atmosphere turn sour quickly that way.

    And thus, same with case in WoT, I disagree with your decision to publish this mod THIS early, Rita. In WoT, issues of "cheat mods" is already well known, so blowing the issue won't bring awareness to people who would like to use it since they should have been know about it from the very beginning. However, in this case the game haven't even reach open beta. Leave this kind of thing in shady backstreets untill its existance is known in considerable size of player base and the effect is actually noticable (not "OMG A PLAYER HIT ME IN THE FIRST SALVO MUST BE CHEAT" noticable)

    That said, please consider that you have high influence in this multiplayer wargames community, Rita. You have an ability to make a good changes, including bad changes in the community, I hope you will be very careful in the future about what kind of effect you could bring by your effects. Especially since SS past actions regarding "cheatmods" were resulting in mixed effects at best.

    The bullet have been shot already, so let's just hope WG will make a good move regarding this, since this is still CB and there are still a lot of time to do drastic changes to the system if needed.

  24. Made some brainfarts typo and sentence which is not really clear, duh. Where is muh edit button?

    Well I hope my points are understandable, sorry.

  25. Yeah, the problem is now clearly visible, lets see how WG is going to deal with it (remember Warpack affair?).

  26. Rita: you should ban that guy up top. Wow.. I agree with you, then he bitches and at the same time incriminates himself by saying HE uses said mods like he is defending the use of it. There are simple mods then there are the cheater AIMBOT mods that skilless plyers use to feel superior. Um, it's a game? For fun? why you all have to cheat to have fun? lol wow..


  27. WoWs is for people who think playing arty is too exciting.

  28. If it is an exploit its the damn duty of WG to close this exploit!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. HA HA . knew it knew it ! nananaa!

  31. HA HA . knew it knew it ! nananaa!

  32. For the Record I downloaded this Mod and checked it out. And its a very nice mod providing more information BUT, it is not an Aimbot. It does not tell you where a ship will be even with the course and speed at the time of the siting. You still have to calculate your targets possible location based on speed and course and you still have to lead. It does not correct dispersal. Did my hits improve? marginally yes they did since it is a better Reticle. So before you claim Aimbot I suggest you try it first and tell me if it did all the work for you because imo it only provided better information I still had to do the work and make the best guess to lead the target and even at close range I saw no instance of prediction like our torpedo aiming provides.

  33. bunch of retarded cheaters i hate you all. Leave a game as it is . Why do you guys always need to cheat. Cant you guys just have a little skill? OFC not!

  34. You guys dont understand that by modding a game you are ruining the game for others. But ofc thinking like a cheater for life your all justegoïst players. Play solo games then and go cheat there but leave the honnest people play a game like it should be played! All thos who are using this mod are just a bunch off cheating motherfuckers. And it reflects how you are in real life! liyres and cheaters liars

  35. You guys dont understand that by modding a game you are ruining the game for others. But ofc thinking like a cheater for life your all justegoïst players. Play solo games then and go cheat there but leave the honnest people play a game like it should be played! All thos who are using this mod are just a bunch off cheating motherfuckers. And it reflects how you are in real life! liyres and cheaters liars

  36. bunch of retarded cheaters i hate you all. Leave a game as it is . Why do you guys always need to cheat. Cant you guys just have a little skill? OFC not!
