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Sunday, 5 April 2015

Storm confirming new render (and QA)

Hello warriors,

about the screenshots leaked yesterday, with the awesome looking grass and tree - Storm confirms that yes, they are legit. It's the new vegetation render called "Speedtree" and developers are working on it, currently there is no ETA. The map on the screens is reworked HD version of Abbey.

- On the module research screen, the arrow does indicate the order of unlocking, not the order of use. It is completely possible for a gun to be unlocked earlier (from other tanks) for example but in order to use it, you have to unlock the second turret;
- The option to allow players to choose which medals they want displayed on the first tab of the achievements window is not planned;
- Pre-9.6 (pre-nerf) accuracy will not return;
- A player made a proposal, where he suggests the crews not to "forget" their previous tank skill upon retraining if the crew played at least X battles in that tank. Storm states that it might be discussed but no promises;
- Storm states that the decision to make alternative hulls only for mass-produced ("non-paper") tanks is influenced by client size: "We have a lot of tanks as it is. If we do it for all vehicles, the client size will become outrageous."
- Storm confirms that client size issues are clear and present (not something WG made up);
- Penetration RNG result is not tied to damage result (two different "dice rolls", it is not true that high pen roll shots damage more);
- Improved graphic render? New anti-aliasing? More motion physics tests? "Everything of that. When it's done it's done."
- Animated garage UI is not planned;
- Serverside replays were scrapped for now (they were first announced two or three years ago);
- Storm confirms that Swamp fill be fixed somewhat;
- The closest rebalance (buffs/nerfs) will concern tier 5-10 gun penetration, both regular and gold shells. Some will have their penetration nerfed, some will be rebalanced "in favor of systematization and to become more logical". The goal of this rebalance is "to increase the role of armor in the game". Which shells will be nerfed will not be disclosed for now until the list is finalized;
- Ferdinand will not be moved to tier 7 with its historical gun ("it's not worth doing it").


  1. Alternative hull is more and more like it to me. But it is sad that Ferdinand won't move to tier 7. It is quite bad :( Thanks Rita.

    1. Ferdie is not bad and it never were. I dont get why people complain, it has good armor being a TD to beginn with.

    2. Yet it's slow as hell and has got nothing on the JPII, to be honest. 200mm armor is easily penetrated by any T8 heavy already, and if you don't have the pen just shoot it in the LFP.

    3. Remember all the flat spaces for HEAT and the 80mm thick corners.

    4. I have the Ferdinand and TBH i would much rather the possibility of a bounce from armor then none at all, the JPII armor is a joke to the fact that a comet can pen its upper plate at 300 or less meters with normal AP rounds.

      I also did it on the Black Prince.

    5. I like JP2 and hate Ferdi. JP2's hull armour is poor, but its superstructure is supee duper strong and is much faster, combined with its weight it can ram LTs and outrun slow HTs

  2. - A player made a proposal, where he suggests the crews not to "forget" their previous tank skill upon retraining if the crew played at least X battles in that tank. Storm states that it might be discussed but no promises;

    Crews completely forgetting their previous tank never made sense to me. I wonder if they'll pick up on this one.

    1. Probably not - retraining for gold is likely their main income.

    2. I'm sure there's a financial model to come up with here tbh, for example a dual roling crew for the same amount of gold required to change professions...

  3. new render or new engine !?

    1. that's not a render .. that's something else

    2. Fucking vegetation render. What do you not understand?! SEE?!

  4. The goal of this rebalance is "to increase the role of armor in the game" oh really? WG you are so silly. Armor was ok until everybody start caring gold rounds bought for silver. Remove gold shells and armor will be ok again.

    1. When gold was bought with gold, many tanks didnt even exist in the game that had this absurd powercreep penentration and those that existed were mediocre and few. We must remember that almost every tank that has been introduced since then has as much or more pen than the "original" tanks.

      Pen rebalance is needed specialy on tier 5-6 tanks as well where there are huge differances between tanks and it doesnt make any sense. Specialy the russian tier 5 and 6 heavys where they have around 20mm more than the germans and british as well as more alpha and similar rof. Tier 7 is okay I guess as well as tier 8, but in tier 9 and 10 here we have absurd pen increase again specialy on some mediums and pretty much all TDs.

      I made a list on ftr a while ago for a more logical pen values of tier 8 tanks but everybody laughed at me, maybe they will not laugh so much. And I hope WG also rebalance premium tanks, because it doesnt make any sense having a T34 at tier 8 that has 248mm pen as well as the löwe with 235mm pen. Some tanks stand out in pen values on some tiers making armor totally insignificant.

      I personly think the pen should be nerfed on the kv85 it has too much pen with the 100mm and with the 122mm. And since WG said that pen values dont have to be historical but balancing parameters. You may have the same caliber gun with different pen. I think the 100mm should have max 155-160mm pen and the t-150 around the same. Looking at the german vk36 it has 157mm with the 7.5cm and 132 with the 8.8. The churchill vii has like 145mm. How is this "logical"?

      There is no freaking excuse to let the kv85 and t-150 have so much pen when they already have enough alpha on their tier.

      Oh I remember the whine when kv1s were going to get nerfed "oh but we see tier 8 what should we do"? LOL, what should the vk36 and churchill vii do against tier 8 tanks? Silly idiots demanding more and more from the tanks untill we get class wide nerfs.

    2. I agree with mistermex1 but TBH i do not think that the Lowe should get a pen nerf, because to me seeing as i own it the pen is a compensation for the lower damage and reload.

      The best i have gotten out of the Lowe without consumables is about 9.6 i think seconds per shot, and you are only doing 320 per shot so it needs the pen or the other stats need to change a bit or it just becomes to weak.

    3. BL-10 could do with a pen nerf, highest historical stats i've read for that thing is 220mm of pen, at the moment its at 286mm, no idea where WG got that number from.

    4. If they try to nerf TD penetration again it's really going to anger me, because the increased penetration is often the only advantage TDs have over heavies, the fact that they can stand off and not have to worry as much about pinpointing weak spots (which are practically nonexistent on some tanks. See: IS-7). As it is, if the lower glacis of a Maus or E100 is even slightly angled, my T95 is going to have trouble penning it, and that's those tanks' weakest point (other than their turret cheeks, which is a harder target to hit). I get that some nerfs need to be made, because gold spam makes frontal armor of tanks like the T95 essentially pointless, but if they think that killing penetration across the board just to make life easier for heavies (which already have more HP and stronger armor than most TDs and mediums) is a good idea, they're going to find out the hard way that it most definitely isn't.

    5. I 100% agree that removing gold rounds would be the best thing that could happen to WoT from a player's POV; it would remove significant P2W content and level the playing field. However it would mean that WG lose money.

    6. I really really really doubt that WG will lose much income if they remove gold ammo. Not now that most (intelligent) people buy gold ammo with silver.

  5. Its just an excuse ti further reduce some tanks. Im betting German 8mm L/71 and 105mm L/52, L/63, and L/68 get nerfed

    1. I dont get why these german guns should be nerfed when they have as much pen as other tanks on their tier. What is idiotic though is the 100mm gun on the kv85 looking at the stats as well as the 122mm looking at the pen. There are huge inbalances on tier 5-6 heavys as it is, where on tier 6 german and british heavys have medium like penentration compared to russians and americans.

  6. - "A player made a proposal, where he suggests the crews not to "forget" their previous tank skill upon retraining if the crew played at least X battles in that tank. Storm states that it might be discussed but no promises"

    May I please ask where this proposal was made? I have a bunch of ideas and I'd gladly share it with Storm and/or any other developer and hear their opinion about it :)

  7. "Ferdinand will not be moved to tier 7 with its historical gun ("it's not worth doing it"). "

    Again, it is show how pathetic this game balance are.
    Random German tank(Ferdinand) are overbuffed,but they not want to downgrade with historicall setup, because if they do that Random German tank(Ferdinand) will be an uninteresting,avarage bad tank if we compare to his competitors.
    And the fun fact is that Random German Tank(Ferdinand) is already a bad tank in T8 compare to his competitors.
    actually the ferdi has no point in t8.

    1. if you cant ferdi at tier 8, youre doing it wrong. I average 4k dmg games , in tier x MM.

  8. - Ferdinand will not be moved to tier 7 with its historical gun ("it's not worth doing it").
    Soooo I guess they are moving away from the historical things after all

  9. Speedtree isn't new. It's been around for a long time and is very widely used. I don't know why WG is just now getting around to using it. Clearly the licensing free is worth it.

  10. they better not touch my Ferdi....giggity.

    1. Ferdie + Tiger II = rape russians <3

    2. ISU and IS3 are MUCH better

    3. ISU and IS3 are MUCH better

    4. ISU and IS3 are MUCH better

    5. The IS-3 USED to be much better. Ever since WG nerfed the UFP to the point that the T-34-3 can now slam right through it with standard AP it really isn't very threatening anymore

  11. "the client size will become outrageous." Real outrageous thing is still same shit since it starts.

  12. Ferdie is good I dont get why people complain, it would have OP armor in tier 7 for a TD, since TDs usualy have one tier below armor.

    The only thing that is not historical on the ferdie is the gun. But the ferdie is not problematic on its tier so there is little need to do anything with it, unlike the other "overbuffed tanks" that are buffed in so many areas just like the vk45b.

    Ferdie is historical it just have a different gun like many other tanks such as t32, m46 patton where they have a different gun just for the sake of balance. And balance is very important now as WG have mentioned many times and do in deed stand above historical spec.

  13. The closest rebalance (buffs/nerfs) will concern tier 5-10 gun penetration, both regular and gold shells. Some will have their penetration nerfed...

    Let the tears flow for prem rounds

  14. The closest rebalance (buffs/nerfs) will concern tier 5-10 gun penetration, both regular and gold shells. Some will have their penetration nerfed...

    Let the tears flow for prem rounds

  15. "- Ferdinand will not be moved to tier 7 with its historical gun ("it's not worth doing it")."

    Of course it's not. It might actually be better than SU-152. We don't want that.

    1. There are a LOT of TD's at tier 7 that are better than the SI-152. Unless you're HEAT spamming out of the stock gun.

  16. "- Storm states that the decision to make alternative hulls only for mass-produced ("non-paper") tanks is influenced by client size: "We have a lot of tanks as it is. If we do it for all vehicles, the client size will become outrageous.""


    And we also need 457864 copy-paste clones of T-54
