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Saturday, 25 April 2015

Report of the destruction of Cesky Malin (1871 - 1943)

Hello warriors,

what follows is a translation of a historical document from Czechoslovak military archives (original in Russian and Czech). I don't think it requires any commentary. This document is practically unknown - perhaps that should be changed.

Remnants of the Orthodox Church - also one of the mass graves.


of looting, burning and murder of the Český Malín village and its inhabitants by the hitlerite criminals

hereby written on 3.4.1944 in Český Malín, Ostrozhets district, Rovno region
By the order of General Ludvík Svoboda, the commander of the 1st Independent Brigade in the USSR, a committee was formed to investigate the crime. Following persons were appointed to the committee:

Staff Cpt. JUDr. Procházka Jaroslav (chairman of the committee, political officer)
1stLt. Marcelly Pavel
2ndLt. Štíma Michal,
2ndLt. MUDr Hoenig Jan,
2ndLt. Hermann Hanuš

Based on the recommendation of the mayor, following local persons were appointed as the members of the committee to represent the inhabitants of Český Malín:

Činka Jan Jiří, former mayor
Kinšt Václav Václavovič,
Pospíšilová Anna Jaroslavovna,
Zajícova Marie Josefovna,
Činková Ludmila Václavovna,
Martinovský Josef Aloisovič (from 28.3.1944 a member of Czechoslovak army)
Žrout Antonín Ivanovič

Based on the witness reports, photographies, documents and local investigation, the committee has found the following facts:

On 13.7.1943 at 7 o'clock in the morning, a German unit of approximately 1500 men marched into the township of Malín from the town of Olyky. They first surrounded the Ukrajinský Malín part and then the Český Malín part of the township.

In Český Malín, they entered each house and under the pretense of "document verification", they dragged every inhabitant from their houses on the street - young and old, healthy and sick. Those that could not walk had to be carried out. They separated them into groups and then forced those groups with bayonets to walk into the field near Ukrajinský Malín. There, they separated children, women and old men into one group and the young boys and grown men into another.

In the meanwhile, the Germans in Ukrajinský Malín started firing into those inhabitants who tried to flee.

After the sorting and headcount of the inhabitants, the groups were taken to the gardens of the houses in Ukrajinský Malín. Others started burning Ukrajinský Malín down, the gunfire was getting stronger. The Germans later claimed they were allegedly attacked by "Banderites".

From the group with men and young boys, the Germans selected 16 boys, who were then forced by bayonets to herd all cattle away from the village. Other 22 or 25 men were selected to later act as carriage drivers of the carriages with the property the Germans looted from the houses.

After that, the Germans forced all the men and a part of the women to enter the church, the school and several other buildings in Ukrajinský Malín. Then they poured inflammables on the buildings with the people inside and set them ablaze. Those who tried to flee or jump out of the windows were gunned down by automatic gun and other small arms fire.

Most women with children and old men were taken back to Český Malín in groups. They were cynically telling the women that they would be released in five minutes. Instead, they forced them into barns and set them ablaze as well. Those who tried to flee were again gunned down. The German rampage continued in Český Malín, they were burning down other buildings and structures.

Of the inhabitants of Český Malín, only those who were absent by accident on 13.7.1943, those who were working in the fields and those who served the Germans as carriage drivers and cattle herders saved themselves and stayed alive. Apart from that, Václav Uhlíř managed to escape from the burning school and Maria Zajícová and Ludmila Činková managed to escape from the burning barns. Four other Czechs from other villages who were in Český Malín by accident on that fateful day were burned alive as well.

The eyewitnesses describe the terrible scenes of bestial German behavior. The Germans were slaughtering women that were holding their children, kneeling before them and begging for their lives. They impaled the small children begging for their lives on their bayonets in front of the burning barns, lifting them up and throwing them into the fire. They locked up a local old grandmother in her pig stall, setting it ablaze and burning her alive. In the hospital, they murdered the sick who could not walk in their beds. They threw hand grenades into the cellars where people were taking shelter.

Not only did the Germans burn the township down, they also looted it. They herded away and stole all the cattle. They looted everything they wanted from the empty houses.

Český Malín was burning for a week. The victims of the hitlerite crime, if their remains consisting of ashes, bones and mutilated and burned bodies could be recovered at all, were dilligently collected and buried in a mass grave at the local cemetery.

The Český Malín township was founded in 1871 and was one of the most cultural and richest communes in Volyn. The German criminals turned the formerly prosperous village into empty rubble and burned ground within several hours.

Before 13.7.1943, Český Malín had 444 inhabitants of Czech nationality and 26 of Polish and other nationality. 14 German prisoners (Russians) were living in the village as well. On 13.7.1943, 4 other people from other villages resided there as well. The Germans murdered and burned alive 374 Czechs, out of that number 104 were men, 165 were women, 65 were boys (14 years old or younger), 40 were girls (14 years old or younger). 26 Polish people were burned as well, as were the 4 Czechs from other villages. In Ukrajinský Malín, the Germans murdered 132 people.

In Český Malín before 13.7.1943 there were 102 houses. Out of that number 68 was burned down completely with 34 remaining. From 82 barns, 61 were burned down, leaving 21. Out of 102 cattle stalls, 54 were burned down. Only 6 grain silos remained. Out of two municipal halls, one was burned down. Out of 90 smaller buildings, 58 were burned down. In Ukrajinský Malín, the Germans burned down many buildings including a church and a school.

Before 13.7.1943, there were 512 cows in Český Malín, the Germans stole 442, leaving 70. Out of 160 horses, the Germans stole 130, leaving 30. Out of 920 pigs, the Germans stole 870, leaving 50. Out of 200 sheep, the Germans stole 170, leaving 30. The amount of stolen poultry and other property was not estabilished.

The guilty criminals were not found yet. Amongst them was - as reported by eyewitnesses - kreislandwirtleutnant Vogl Friedrich, German policeman Malek and German soldier Martin Levandovsky.

The hitlerite criminals have shown on 13.7.1943 in Český Malín once again that their goal is the physical extermination and genocide of the slavic nations, including the Czech nation. After Lidice and Ležáky, they committed yet another terrible crime in Český Malín, located on the temporarily occupied Ukraine. Thanks to the victorious march of the Red Army, this new hitlerite crime was uncovered.

The blood of the killed and bestially burned alive people calls for  revenge. The Red Army and with it the Czechoslovak units in the USSR are already in the Carpathian mountains or are closing in. The day of reckoning with all the hitlerite crimes is not far. This crime will be avenged!

Death to German invaders!

After reading this document out loud, it is hereby confirmed, approved and signed by their own hand by the following:

Staff Cpt. JUDr. Procházka Jaroslav
1stLt. Marcelly Pavel
2ndLt. Štíma Michal,
2ndLt. MUDr Hoenig Jan,
2ndLt. Hermann Hanuš

Činka Jan Jiří, former mayor
Kinšt Václav Václavovič,
Pospíšilová Anna Jaroslavovna,
Zajícova Marie Josefovna,
Činková Ludmila Václavovna,
Martinovský Josef Aloisovič
Žrout Antonín Ivanovič
General Ludvík Svoboda

Group of women and children who just happen to have survived.

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