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Tuesday, 7 April 2015

PZ II J platoon = 14 kills! Much Balance!

This last weekend during my Easter stream with the RITA clan, we decided to test how supreme the PZ II J can become for the viewers, when three people use it while platooning. And the results? 14 dirty kills...

I usually celebrate my "crucial contribution" medals, but in this case I could only facepalm while thinking about how wrong it was to sell this tank to everyone using the premium store. I did not take any pride in the battle.

Seems a bit hypocritical when WG is working on an anti-seal-clubber system and then decides to sell this tank. Is this the last (and excuse for my words) butt fuck of the newbies before the newbie protection gets implemented? Because they sure are taking it hard currently.
I am so glad that it was sold only on EU, I hope other servers don't repeat the same mistake in the future. So much for the anti P2W business model that Wargaming proudly advertises.


  1. I can penetrate it with my FCM 36 Pak 40 quite easily...

    1. there is a lot of TDs that can put an end to it.

    2. Just because you can pen it with some higher tier vehicles does not mean the tank isn't OP. How stupid are you?

    3. FCM Pak 40 is a tier III.

    4. I'm told that the FCM Pak 40 is also OP

  2. 14 kills in platoon? People can do that even without Pz II J, seen that many times even at higher tiers, where it's harder to do... I expected a Raisenai medal and am slightly disappointed.

    3 man platoon OP, ban 3 man platoon, booo.

    Or something.

    1. This was the first attempt at 3 person platoon, felt too dirty to continue.

    2. Sure it did Rita in a "look, this tank so OP, I totally owned like never before in my WoT life, no big deal" kind of way.

      Hypocrisy Rita, there's a lot of it here, from raging at the possibility to get the tank to going crazy over it and immediately starting to play it.

    3. the reason why i dont feel dirty in my su-76i it has some weakness they have a chance to hurt me unlike the 2j >> but it dose make me giggle when i hear Boink Boink bounce on my su-76i i shoot HE at most tanks.. i shoot AP at clubbers. and yep wg sucks.. also when they brought out the 76i serb raged hard becausse reason! its kills pay to win players lol also eq2 is doing pay to win since this nightdawn whatever shit company it is..

    4. WG isn't dumb (when it comes to premium tanks) and like always they will eventually make something to compensate the Pz.II J being OP

      I still remember when the Type 59 was first introduced and back then both teams had something like 1/3 or 1/2 of their teams being Type 59 (when in a tier 8 match and playing with tier 6 HT you would find you in a tier 8 match like those) but right now that's a bit rare

      the players still have their Type 59 but they use them less and less even though it's still OP for it's MM spread

      I don't know why they stopped using the Type like before but I'm guessing the profitability dropped a little and that's almost like a "stealth nerf" that players usually don't notice

      in the Pz.IIJ case it's a little different because we know it sometimes struggles (despite the fact that most can't pen it's armor, it's also true that it can't pen the armor of some tanks from it's tier) to face tanks from it's own tier and players need to use "premium" ammo and if WG resolves to do a "stealth nerf" to it's profitability it will happen that players will use it less often and use it only when they need to get away from the usual stress you get from competitive gaming

      with that they can avoid being flooded with OP tanks (and thanks for it's exposure in youtube everyone knows it's OP and will still buy it when it cost a "small fortune" in the in-game economy, with 100 Euro you can get a ton of gold) while still making money by selling them to players who won't be able to use them in every single match, like they thought they would

    5. i don't think ppl are using tier 3 premium tanks to get silver. so making pz2j less profitable will not be a solution. especially when we think owners of these tanks have paid 100 euros a few days ago.

      i really wonder what if 30 ps2j's meet in one battle. even their prem ammo barely pen. that tank :)

    6. then the experienced players would win.
      The IIJ has, except of its back, 0mm zones in each side which can be penetrated by every gun, if hit

    7. more stupid excuses from pay-to-win deniers.

    8. more behind baseless allegations from skill deniers

  3. we did14 kills in a tog platoo , so what?

  4. we did14 kills in a tog platoo , so what?

  5. I bought this too, Obviously I wanted the gold (for when WoWS comes out) but part of me wanted to try the infamous PZ 2J. I did one game with it and even though it was a teir 4 game I still felt dirty afterwards.

    It was just too easy, its very hard to have a rockstar moment when 50%+ of the enemy can be almost totally ignored as a threat.

  6. So what?
    I've done 11 Kills in my Pz 2 J alone, a few days ago.

  7. Good, good. Let the hate flow through you

    personally had 14-kill games while solo in my T-127, Pz.IIG and Pz.IIJ

  8. The tank you love to hate; unless one is driving the Char B1. Back when these were really rare on the NA server I remember coming up against a platoon of one of these puppies and a BT-SV while driving the B1. After putting down the BT I was well-on-the-way to terminating the Pz.II when their rescue came.

  9. Low tiers are totally pay-to-win, with many premiums being better than regular tanks, in addition to many players not knowing how to deal with them: Pz II J, B2, FCM Pak 40, S35, etc. etc. etc.

  10. It would be good if it was one, not THREE!!!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Thats the tank that was sold during April Fools? I read description on the site and thought its just joke, adding such tank to the game would ruin balance completly and be unfair...
    I guess I was naive...

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.


  15. Hey Rita, I dunno have you seen it or not, but I sent you video on email where IS-6 kills 8 (!!!!) teammates and doesn't get banned.
    Autoban system works just fantastic! The official replay from WG was also Fantastic, in 2 words - "There's no evidence that this video is real blah blah blah"

  16. Or you can take a platoon of any other tier 3 tank and do it just as easily...

  17. So we are op when we do it in t10?

  18. I don't believe all streamers are moaning about "how OP this tank is" and "DO NOT BUY IT"... When it just looks all of them are just plain jealous that you can get it for free when you just bought a 30,500 Gold normal price packet... I have nothing against you, but you do look like QB when he said "I personally do not recommend this buy" while referring that you are paying to much for a tank when you are NOT! 30,500 Gold costs 99€, so paying for that standard packet of gold and get a Pz II J for FREE, where is the bad deal in there? I can only see a good deal. For me, all this "I feel dirty about this 14 kills" and "don't buy overpriced OP tank" is just people realising either they paid too much for this tank in eBay or just plain jealousy that other people can get it for a good deal... And the tank is NOT op... Yes it does have insane armour, but that's it... Low speed, worse gun ever, it takes long to aim, and even the armour can get penetrated by a lot of tanks on its tier... Not to mention if you get in Tier IV battles, you can't do anything at all. Never in my dreams I would call a tank like this OP...

    To resume, in my opinion, it was a good deal to get a collectors tank.

    1. Sure, 80 mm of frontal armor and 50 everywhere else on tier 3 is completely balanced.
      Let me guess, you need a 152 mm howitzer and 30 hp/t to call the tank OP? Keep living in denial, wallet fighting scrub.

    2. Hardly find my self a "wallet fighting scrub" when I hardly play lower tiers... yes I do have almost every Premium Tank in the game, but that is just because I want them and because I can afford them... You can't? It's your problem, get a better job. Just check my stats, I don't stat pad in lower tiers, and this tank you have to do an insane amount of damage to get decent WN8 out of it... And yes, its slow... Barely does 20Km/h, and loads of times you get to the front and the battle is almost over... I had a few battles where I barely did dmg because when I got there, everyone was dead by "normal tanks"... And still I do not think this tank is OP... Only someone who doesn't have it will think is OP... Tell me, doing 9dmg every 20 shots is that really op? I even can't pen a M3 Stuart... Of ir I get a Cruiser III against me, he almost one shots me... FCM Pack 40? Forget it it, it will drill you over without having time to thinkg... This one is almost like the "super mega OP Type 59"... that is not OP and not even a good tank for "average players"...

    3. Instead of putting money into this game you should try some education, because your reading comprehension skills are really lacking.
      Just because some tanks are able to counter it, it doesn't mean it's not OP. If anything, it means quite the opposite, as you need certain tanks to even be able to hurt the thing.
      "Ur poor XD" is not an aswer to my post. Loading prem ammo and driving forward to rack up 8 kills is obviously balanced when even a yellow dude can do it every match. Even T18 was harder to use. FCM 36 is way slower, it doesn't even have any armor, you need some brain to use it and yet it is OP. But in Pz II J not every battle you are fast enough, so the tank is balanced? Great fucking deduction skills right there.

    4. I smell serious buthurt there... Calling someone "under educated" without even know him? lel!! "reading skill" maybe your skills are not the best too... And yes, I do stand with my position. No you can't do loads of kills every game, no you can't do loads of damage and kill everyone you want with gold ammo in this tank... Yes it's a good tank when on its tier, but hardly as OP as everyone is saying... I have it, played with it and I don't fell a "OP God" in the battle... And my argument where the tank is not fast, not good weapon, etc, is just my opinion on the goods and bads of this tank... But like I do believe, arguing with someone that thinks like a "door", just open and close, its hard to get our view in their minds and all they do is go straight to "insulting" when out of arguments... So do please, level some respect if you even want your opinion to be "valid"...

    5. I whole-heartedly agree with Duarte Teixeira. I also bought the Pz II J because I can use the gold in order to buy premium account and permanent camo on tanks. And even after spending 100 euros, WoT still is the cheapest hobby I have ever had, looking at the amount of hours I have already played it.
      The Pz II J as a whole is a rather good tank, but definitely not more than that. In tier 4, it is absolutely worthless. Even with premium you cannot penetrate many many tanks with the abysmal tier 1 gun it uses. You cannot scout in a decent way either because it is very slow. And the armour is nothing more than just good in tier 4. Most shots get through.
      In tier 3, it can be insane. That is, if the number of tank destroyers is low. For most t3 tank destroyers it is an easy, slow target. But even tier 2 tanks like the Cruiser III can penetrate its armour without huge problems. It is insane in a t3 game in which the big majority of the opponents drive tanks with autocannons. In that case, the Pz II J really is OP.
      I played like 7, 8 games with it, and frankly I don't like it very much, and I don't think I will ever play a great . There are many way way better tanks in the game.

    6. i like my su-76i more then the 2j reason? 60mm frontal (b1 armor) and that 45 degrees of traverse speed its fast and has a KV-1 (Tier 5) gun. its fun and why ise it op? that TD nerf made the su-76i very dangerous with its 310 veiw range, but i dont club in it that is why. if i get in a t4 game i play normally.. i get in a t3.. i load HE and just screw around i give so many chances to new players to kill me the ap and apcr are for seal clubbers. buuut i did win the game for the seals as i was the only good player everyone else was 130-100-80 effency on my side and guess what other team packed full of seal clubbers.. i rocked them good! 12 kills kano metal. and why i dont feel durty? because all of the enemy team where seal clubbers and the seals prased me with friend requests and thank yous. i felt good ^^

  19. ITT: idiots completely missing the point

  20. ...since April 1st me and a friend of mine have a lot of fun picking up every enemy Pz II J we meet as a primary target and destroy him with our T-127s. Even with gold ammo we make a lot of credits and are laughing about this fools spending 100€ for the tank and 100k for gold ammo and still getting slaughtered. Especially wrecking a Pz II J -Platton feels sooooo good....

    1. oh, I enjoy slaughtering overconfident t-127 players with my pz2j, penning them right through the turret or laugh my ass off that their team gets raped while they waste time on me. best troll tank I ever got for free. ;) btw, a pz38t is a far more powerful tank, than this shit.

    2. Free tank! The gold cost €100.

  21. Sure, you can kill as many tanks with regular vehicles, but playing with reg ones requires A BIT MORE attention and patience...and I dont even take into account skill/exp level of majority of low-tier players who have to stand against Pz II J drivers...

  22. I like the German red camo.

  23. Pay to win is exactly what gold ammo is. Buy prem tanks and prem account to afford OP shells. Dont live in denial, pretty much any competitive player is using pay to win (gold ammo).

  24. Derpy Mk II is good to counter these little rascals. Got myself one especially for the IIJ-hunt. Its fun.

  25. The only annoying factor in WoT is the fact that platoons are superior to lone wolfs. Sad, but true....

  26. A free tank is now a waste of money but paying over €200 for them previously was totally legit. Such logic, much hypocrisy, wow!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Everyone playing this, and E25 is a total asshole, because they bought it knowing and for the sole reason they are OP (and it can't change since thay're premiums). It's as bad as cheating. And you can all put your excusses up your sorry assses.

    1. I own both (and a lot of other tanks that can't be bought now) but don't play them much.

      However I accept your opinion and your sweet, sweet salty tears.

      I may have to go home tonight and go sealclubbing in both in your honor.

    2. I don't cry over a game (even lost one), but what you said proves that I'm right. And that u need stuff like this to pwn. The only upside is speeding up Serb's space project.

    3. Honestly I didn't look at the E25 until it was being removed, I like owning rare tanks. If I hadn't been after gold at the right time for the PZ II J sale I wouldn't have bought it.

      I don't even have ten games played in either tank.

      I just don't like people who make huge blanket statements about 1000's of people and stating opinion as fact.

      That is why I trolled you a little, a fact I am not proud of incidentally.

      If you saw my profile you would see I play British Mediums more than anything, none of those is even as remotely OP as Russian or German lines... I play to have fun, I have fun when I can feel like an angry god of war, I only feel that way when I beat people fair and square in a tank full of flaws.

      I guess from your comment adversity isn't fun for you.

      At least there is still a Pokemon game somewhere for you to play? ;)

    4. Cry more.

    5. Dear James,

      Before boasting(?) all this you shoud check my wot account.
      And no, I don't get buying a tank and not to use it.

  29. WG is beginning to do too much crap for me. I begin to feel more and more disgusted about their economical policy.
    Right now I don't really want to give them money again.

  30. Anyone who thinks there isn't any pay-to-win in WoT is a total freaking retard.

  31. So Sobral you finally get uncle SerB 100 Euro for his space program??

  32. su-76i says hi pz2js ima wreack you!

    1. Aww, not happy that no one responded the first time you posted that?
      Pathetic attention seeking faggot.
      There are so few 76I's that Pz.II J drivers don't really worry about them. Pak40's are far more dangerous thanks to their OP view range and high pen rounds.

  33. How is a tier3 tank with a tier1 gun overpowered? Same tier TDs can penetrate it, it is slow and as mentioned the gun is abysmal.
    As for the 14 kills: it can easily be done with a 3 man MS-1/Loltraktor/any tier 1 vehicle platoon. So my idea: ban those tier1 tanks! Now! So really it isn't the tank you drove it is 3 experienced players sealclubbing.. Lookinmg forward for the 14 kill tier 10 platoon vid though.

  34. my friend scolopendra and me were in 2js in tier 3 at malinovka. not a 2j kind of map. our entire team died without a single kill, so it was us 2 vs 15. i killed 8, she got 6, and the enemy arty ran for the hill. she capped and i defended, what a game!
    we would sometimes get a friend in a 2j and the 3 of us would cross the field at malinovka 3 abreast, the funniest games ever played, the enemy would shoot and shoot, what a hoot!

  35. I need to watch this video when I have more time but based on my experience with the Pz II J in WoTX, there is no way it can get 14 kills on its own. It's too darn slow with a Tier I gun in Tier III-IV battles. The gun is worse than the LOLtraktor with AP. It only approximates a LOLtraktor with APCR.

    Maybe other tanks fired at the target and weakened it and you got the last 10 HP with a full clip of ammo? Maybe you had a team of purple unicums and the OpFor was Team Tomato?

    All the Pz II J has for it is the armor. But even this is of limited benefit if the OpFor has artillery or a T18 or anyone with gold ammo.
