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Monday, 13 April 2015

M48 Patton in HD

I'll just leave this here. Unfortunately - a bit low res.


  1. Hope the much needed buff will come with the HD rework.

    1. Good idea. Lets buff every tank - till its back to average levels :D

    2. M48 really needs a buff. think before you say useless stuff. there have been tanks buffed that really didnt need it (T71), and WG happily ignores the other ones. This is such a case... But you can keep yours like it is now if you like it...

    3. When cannons gets nerfed soon (9.8 or 9.9?) you will find the patton will behave like it got buffed as the armor suddenly becomes much better...

    4. some tanks have to be bad, not every tank can be top 5 at tier, and it makes sense for new tanks to be good or why introduce them, nobody will want them.

    5. But you could at least attempt to make the game balanced? The Fatton is easily the worst tier 10 Med. It is clear that not all can be exactly as good as another. But there is no need for that big differences

    6. I give you a hint

      some tanks... have to be bad...
      or there would be no good tanks

      duh i know, shoking

    7. The M48 was good for 1 patch then it was nerfed to crap 2 months later, they over nerfed it, it is about time the M48 got so love

    8. The M48 was good for 1 patch then it was nerfed to crap 2 months later, they over nerfed it, it is about time the M48 got so love

    9. I would also like to see a M48 buff, but I'm still not the opinion that the M48 is a bad tank or even the worst Tier X.
      I enjoy it alot. The Playstyle of it is just quite.... different to those of most meds

    10. Aye same here! I hope they buff it, I am about to get it and it would be nice it it were to be improved, because from what I have heard it isn't the best.

    11. Guys its not that bad. its my favorite tank and i do well in it

    12. Mark West that is the least intelligent thing I've heard since the whole skill mm excuse of having to have bad and good players together. Its the same as saying you have to have kindergartners with grad students, makes no sense.

  2. sure, nerf all the td's instead of buffing the heavies/td's. the m103 originally had 370mm pen with HEAT shells, i dont see that in the game.

    1. Where do you see a TD nerf?
      Wrong blog maybe?

    2. Yeah, and then buff lights, then buff TDs, then buff heavies... oh my, suddenly 1000mm pen.

    3. TD pen and alpha needs nerfed at tiers 9 and 10 and im glad to hear storm say no more glass cannons camping bush

    4. but i love those glass cannons camping bush. bush is all we have! you cant expect 20mm of armor to stop shells. ofcourse they need to stay at range. if they gets nerfed on penetration, on view range, on camo, on everything, they are just becoming more useless. thats not balancing, thats just fucking up the butt hole with a big middle finger.

    5. the next TD nerf will be to take the engine out of them, because WG have just about nerfed everything else for them since 9.5

  3. Hmmm this time it is even topical..

    M47 Patton as tier 9.
    M46 Patton OR M46 with M47 turret (prototype vehicle we have in game) as a tier 8 no limited MM vehicle.

    WG, do it. Simple, logical.

    Anyways, will this buff its armor?

    1. M60 made tier 10 buffed to similar stats to E50M. Drop tier 10 to tier 9 and tier 9 to tier 8 and make tier 8 pershing a p.remium. Wheres my contract WG?

    2. M60 replace current tier 10 patton

    3. WG would sell a ton of tier 8 pershing premiums.

    4. This is an idea I've considered as well. It would not only effectively create a space for the M47, a non-paper/ proto tank that actually did see production and service in the US Army (though not combat).

      Although, my personal recommendation would be this:

      T7: Pershing (minus the the long 90 which was only ever mounted on the Super Pershing variants).

      T8: M47

      T9: M48 (was a contemporary of the T-54, not the T-62A)

      T10: M60A1

      Make the T20 a premium tank. I know this isn't a popular idea, and I'm not saying its a bad tank, I just believe tanks occupying the "main branch" of a particular class of vehicles should exhaust all mass production tanks before dipping into prototypes and concept/ paper tanks.

    5. i like your idea as a t20 prem and the persh with historical gun

    6. Thank you, another option could be to integrate the T20 into another branch.

      But my largest gripe is the M47 not being in WoT. I know WG said it would probably appear in the European tree, but I still want an American version of the tank.

      And the whole "the M46 is w/ elite turret technically is the M47" is a close but not accurate observation. 60 degs of armor sloping on the M47 vs 45 on the current M46 does make a difference.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. The M60 at t10 will never happen, all the players that won it in the CW campaign would raise an S storm

    9. The M60 reward tank is more of an early production variant, but yeah, shitstorm regardless would be guaranteed.

    10. Mmmmm no. As someone who has an M60 in their garage, we think the tank is a steaming pile of shit. We want the M60A1 just like everyone else.

    11. Uhm guys...

      WarGaming can ALWAYS do what they did with the KV-220 on the Russian server. KV-220 Tester and KV-220 :)

      Like WG HAD to do with M4A2E4...
      M60 Reward tank with some special marks and inscriptions and we are good to go.

    12. I am not saying the M60 is a good tank, all I am saying is it is a rare tank that was earned through CW, and not matter how shity you say it is you still like the fact tbat you have it and most don't, so please

    13. I hate typing on my phone, the minor grammatical errors piss me off

    14. "Demios14 April 2015 at 04:05
      Thank you, another option could be to integrate the T20 into another branch.

      But my largest gripe is the M47 not being in WoT. I know WG said it would probably appear in the European tree, but I still want an American version of the tank.

      And the whole "the M46 is w/ elite turret technically is the M47" is a close but not accurate observation. 60 degs of armor sloping on the M47 vs 45 on the current M46 does make a difference."

      Agree 100%!!!

      The M26 Pershing was developed to fight the Tiger1 (Tier7) and the Super Pershing for the King Tiger (Tier8) . The M46 never saw service and never had a 105mm gun and the M47 never had the 105mm gun either. the Tier9 M48 A1 and A3 had a 90mmgun and the M48A5 had the M68 105mm gun like the M60A1 after the M60A1 was in service. The gift M60 could still exist for all the elite players and would still be "Special" while bringing a little truth and reality to World of Tanks.

  4. Ah, finally they did what they would say about presenting the renders as they look in game.

  5. Patton has just enough armor to be completely useless and slow it down.

  6. YES MY BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. That thing looks, more beaten down than the SD version...

  8. It has been leaked about a month ago :

    1. When they screwed up the models of both M46 & M48A1

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. yea, you better remove this. dont say bad things about jews.

    2. Unless they are true :p

      Hate 1 group of ppl = racist
      Hate all = just another asshole

    3. Miguel you have to hate a race to be a racist. Jews are not a race, they are a religion.

    4. nope, Jews are a race, well the original Jews anyway , now all we have are converts that think they are goods gift

    5. Oops, I think you're wrong :v
      This was my comment about the Pattons :
      "When they screwed up the models of both M46 & M48A1"
      Moved the section to my reply above

  10. Doesnt M48 shares hull with T110s and M103?
    Maybe we can expect T110s (except E3) and M103 to get super high res photos soon?

  11. Oh that sexy 'Murican fatty. Get in my garage asap
