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Saturday, 18 April 2015

IS-5 - Clanwars Tank


Hello warriors,

WG RU confirmed what was leaked earlier on: IS-5 tier 8 "premium" will be a clanwars exclusive tank. It will be possible to get it in an upcoming CW event. Boo...


  1. yay another pro player exclusive

    (-__-) ...

    1. another tank for those stupid clanwars.
      You give us shit premiums for sale and will give this beauty only to those who play CW.
      If you don't want my money, its ok. Get fucked, WG.

    2. Tears of shitters are shed. How terrible.

    3. there are ppl who dont have time to play know?

  2. Waiting for stats, but looks real nice. I enjoy playing the IS-3 and will be buying an IS-6 soon. I will accept this as a gift.... just saying :)

  3. Time to reactivate my clan membership :)

  4. meh ... I used to collect premies (I have 30) but WG has broken me of the habit with all the new crap premies and special event tanks.

  5. Now I collect premie ships ;)

    1. I'm looking forward to that being able to world of warships

    2. World of Warships is boring as hell and everyone seems to use the aim-bot.

    3. I've heard about auto-aim mod, I only can hope that it's removed before it's released into open beta and i get to play it.

  6. Yeah, goldammo reward exclusive. What a shame for that beatiful tank.

  7. These are some of the stats from russian site. Looks like a nice tank. IS-5 (ojbect 730)

    HP : 1550
    Top Speed :42 kph
    Hull : 120/120/60
    Turret :201/129/90
    Gun : 122 mm ROF : 4.76 rounds/min
    Shell Penatraion : 221/270/60
    Shell Damage : 390/390/560
    Dispersion : 0.46 per 100m

  8. Well, than i dont bother to even look at it. Who cares CW?

  9. Does anyone know how far is that minicampaign away? 1-2 months?

  10. Damn another good tank wasted on CW.
    I was hoping this would replace the IS 6 in the prem shop since they will need to remove it at some point because it has pref mm.

  11. Fucking cocksucking idiots.

  12. Just another giveaway to the top % 1 of players

  13. pandering to the cw clans again ... bah

  14. fucking unbelievable.
    unicunts will just bar everyone else from even having a shot at getting this tank. Its what happens every single time.

  15. Keep whining that its CW tank. All you need to do is get into a clan and win some battles, oh but I guess it doesn't work if you are 48% WR pancake. But don't you worry, IS-8 will probably look the same when it will be reworked to HD.

    1. Far from accurate, the rigging is real in cw when these tanks are offered and very difficult for low to mid clans to get.

    2. Well at first it should not be easy. But rigging you mention doesn't harm low to mid clans anyway imo. If you can't fight your way to landing, there is no rigging that can cause some problems. And still I would disagree that its very difficult to get prize tanks. Many players from mediocre clans got prize tanks in last CW event (well I am referring to my nationality community).

    3. CW rewards are misuse of WG's resources. The majority of WOT players play random battles only, being forced to find a clan to obtain tanks is an obtuse waste - besides that they are making these new tanks insted of remaking original tanks into HD first.

  16. Ultra HD textures will not come because only small amount of players would use it. So let's throw away some money on making whole new tank in HD and give it to 1% of players for free. Nice WG you just went full retard, never go full retard.

  17. I dont get it. WG want a lot of money from nothing, but sells crap premium tanks which little to no one wants to buy, but wastes interesting/decent tanks like IS-5, Scorpion, AMX 13-57 (potentially), probaly some more.

    Still dont want to be involved in CW, though i almost stoped from playing this game.

    This situation somehow remind me of Object 430 and Object 907. Why 430 is researchable MT-10 and 907 is CW type MT-10 and not vice-versa?

  18. To me it seems like a natrual thing to do and something that mmo's have done for a long time. Comptitions have prizes. I've got free tanks just for logging in so getting a limited edition tank for putting time in to practise and mastering your play as part of a clan is right, right ?

  19. It looks like a short, fat IS-8 with the stock gun
