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Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Get "Free" Chi-Nu Kai on EU Server

Hello warriors,

a new set of missions was announced on the EU server in honor of the upcoming World of Tanks birthday. Basically, if you:

- win 15 battles (while being in top 10 of your team in XP)
- earn 75k XP (while being in top 10 of your team in XP)
- play 30 battles (while being in top 10 of your team in XP)

You'll get a free Chi-Nu Kai and a garage slot. These conditions cannot be completed at the same time - you have to complete the first step to unlock the next one etc. You have 3 full days to do all that.


  1. ChiNu is not that bad of a tank
    great gundepression for 1c

    but its awful slow and thinner than warm air on top of a mountain :p

    1. This special is like April`s Fools day really bad joke!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. what if you have it already?

    1. Likely 600k silver, because change of policies (silver x 400 instead of gold). But we'll have to see.

    2. Credits instead of gold is only for tank codes from events or w/e. You still get the gold equilivent if you get the tank from missions.

  4. You sure Rita ?

    I'm pretty sure you get 1day premium time for those 3 missions.
    However, it doesnt say you have to complete them to get chinukai...

    In Chinukais conditions it says "win a battle" - thats it.

    1. at least thats what it said yesterday night... I cant check now.

    2. No that's what you have to do after you complete the other 3 missions.

    3. When you complete part 1 you can do part 2.
      When you complete part 2 you can do part 3.
      When you complete part 3 you can do part "Three Cheers"..
      So win 15 while being in top 10, THEN get 75k exp while being in top 10, THEN be top 10 on your team for 30 battles, THEN win 1 match.

      It's not that complicated to understand.

  5. So when I already have the Chi Nu Kai will I get 1500 gold or will I only get 750 because there will probably be discounts?

  6. Hmm, so I could do some actual work for an hour to buy it or waste hours grinding missions for a tank that isn't even all that special.

    Super tough call that.

    1. In fact... Those 3-4 hours a week you normally play, Quit playing those too...

      Great for people who grind a lot anyhow... And the way it is staged it will need about 100 regular battles (No super grind involved)... It might take a lot less if they give us a x5 bonaza or something else.

      If you have tons of money then sure, buy all your tanks, play with premium consumables and ammo, and convert all xp using gold... I mean, Money is nothing so piss it away.

    2. Nah pissing it away is a job for the booze.

    3. You are right - money is nothing! Time is everything. The only fukin thing on this world that you cant get any more is TIME! So fuck me is i will pay money to save time by not playing shit tanks and only play tanks i enjoy!!!
      STRONK logic1

  7. I collect pren tanks and have most for free.

  8. Meanwhile on the NA server.

    Nothing for you except or spit and our violent contempt.
    No soup for you dogs of pigs, sons of motherless goats....

    Please continue to send us US dollars. Have a nice day Wargaming US...

    1. Yeah, because we totally don't get a T7 Car (or gold) a SU-100Y (or gold), a bunch of equipment, several premium days, and 3 million credits just for logging into the game for 60 days. Yeah, I'd much rather have a tier 5 premium.

    2. You guys just got 2 premium tanks and tons of goodies for logging in over the past 30 days. On top of that you have weekly giveaways plus at least one premium giveaway a month (more like 1.5 a month).. And you might get said mission too..

      This is what I don't get about the US server.. Asia and EU are often left out in the cold, but RU and US guys moan and bitch about how much better the other servers are, even when they are getting more than the other servers.

    3. soo the T7 clown car ohhh ahhh the big Glass cannon SU100Y. Y would you even have that POS in your garage.. 2 premium tanks for logging in over 60 days not 30

      Ya there are other things for logging in but I guess you haven't noticed the severe Disinterest / Luke warm reaction that wargaming has and is receiving in NA. They've lost players in their hallmark game and are loosing players daily. Even the amount of new sign ups are dwindling. They aren't playing Wowp or WoWs either.

      They can do whatever give always they want for the most part they've pissed off their player base in NA with poor customer support and perceptions that the game is doing nothing to fix itself.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. You get two premiums (T7 is great, and if you had it already as you had it already as so many people would, it was just free gold for you. About SU100Y I'm not sure, but still... free tier 6 premium) and a ton of other things just for logging in, and only just recently had an event to win a premium tank while at the same time we in the EU got a chance to win... a camo net.

      In other words, your bitching is absolutely ridiculous. I suspect you've not actually even checked if you do or don't get a premium tank mission before you started off on this.

    6. Some people clearly just need a reason to bitch. The SU-100Y is a fantastic TD, and easily better than a Chi-Nu-Kai (not that the CNK is bad, the SU-100Y is just better). Anyone not foolish enough to sell the T7 Car got 750 gold for free already, and 1.5 million credits so far, plus a premium day and some equipment worth hundreds of thousands of credits.

      So yeah, clearly NA is getting screwed if we don't, in fact, get a grind intensive mission for a tier 5.

  9. Got gold for combat car 30 days logging in on NA. Should be the same thing for these missions.

  10. NA has same mission. Please check WOT website.

  11. I take it not many people are buying that piece of crap, right ? And you have 3 FULL DAYS to finish those 3 objectives. 15 wins takes roughly 30 games, which take 3 hours or so. But if you have a nice 10-loss streak that can easily become 5 hours.

    Earn 75k XP. Yeah, if you have a premium account and you play only T10 or do a lot of daily doubles that could be finished in one day of intense gameplay.

    And those 30 battles take another 3 hours to finish. And that is IF you manage to finish every game in top 10, if not add a few hours.

    Doable, but certainly NOT worth the effort, for a stupid 750-gold worth tank, which is actually 3 euro, NO THANK YOU.

    1. "Earn 75k XP. Yeah, if you have a premium account and you play only T10 or do a lot of daily doubles that could be finished in one day of intense gameplay."

      Actually... if you get there you WILL have premium time from the mission segment before this one, and it will probably be a x5 weekend because it's an anniversary, together forming x7.5 on first wins.

      And "earn 10k base xp on victories" honestly isn't that bad. Certainly not "day of intense gameplay" unless you're a real baddie, hah.

  12. When this mission starts? I checked the WG EU site but nothing was there :/

    1. Log into the game, the missions are always a lot sooner there then on the failapge of WoT EU.

  13. Actually it's 4 days, 10th to 14th of April.

    1. New to WoT?

      It's 3 "full" days as Rita wrote, you don't have 4 days to get it, you have 3 daily reset periods, which overlap with an extra day since daily resets happen each "next" morning.

    2. You are new to WoT. 10th 7:10 to 14th 7:10.

  14. Way too hard for the reward.

  15. Way too hard for the reward.

  16. It's 4 days. Friday (10.) to Tuesday (14.). Time to grind for ST-I (and a premium tank I quess)

  17. Not worth the time and effort... *goes back to waiting for WGL Finals to get my AMX 13 57*

  18. I'll get my ISU soon so I'll probably unlock it while grinding the bl10

  19. Wow, 4 whole days during a holiday when I have nothing better to do but lose a lot of time and get angry while losing games in which I played ok and winning games in which i was shit. All this for a chi nu tank that is barely any different than the regular one.

    I wouldn't complain if at least you could win a much more interesting tank.

  20. wooow, this is like 2 days old news !

  21. lol what a shitty mission... 3 days only to fulfill all those requirements? OMG only to get 15 victories u get half day, and 75k exp can take easily 15h... WG is screwing this game more and more... I'm so happy I left this game so while ago...

  22. Free premium tank? Count me in! I got the Super Pershing and the WZ-111, I'll get this one.

    1. Same, and it seems like not much of a grind. I'd like to try it.

  23. -mind you there will be probably insane x5 for first win, which coupled with premium day for the first stage means you should be able easily do the second stage if you have like 15 t4+ tanks in garage...
    -the reward itself is probably worst t5 premium, but still useful for training japanese med crews - my preferred tactic is to use it as pseudo-td support from rear using whatever bushes are available
    -since I already got it, I'm hoping for gold compensation, but would not kick the 600k silver out of bed, either....especially if there is some nice tank/equipement/consummables sale to use it on

  24. normal Chi-Nu is better than the Kai in terms of mobility, but Kai has slightly more armor up front. Not that it matters much since T5s have no trouble penetrating 75mm of almost 90-degrees flat armor.

    on a sidenote, in SEA we're having a US event for a M4A2E4 in exchange for 5 tokens of a daily mission requiring 5 wins on US tanks (T34 not included)

  25. Ok so I read through all the posts related to this article and have concluded over half of you would also bitch about getting a free BJ. Thanks Rita for keeping us informed.

    1. +1

      Best comment of the week 😂

    2. +1 M.Letsinger = absolutely correct

    3. System98, the difference is that the ugly chick that will give you a BJ, the dates you'll have with her will be mostly fun because wot is a game and you play it cause it's fun right??

      Fun analogy though :P

  26. The effort is not properly counterbalanced by the reward in this 'special', plus those who actually need a Chi-Nu Kai probably own one already.

    Overall bad stuff, especially if what I read about NA getting free stuff for just logging in is true.

  27. I own that tank and I can easily say that this event is a TOTALLY waste of your time. The Chi Nu Kai is simply NOT worth it.

  28. Does the 75K include the 5x bonus?

  29. First it will be *5 weekend
    Second dont be stupid and waste ur daylies for the first part, just play the tank u like for the 15 wins.
    Third, earn the 75000 with the daylies, for one win with prem u get bout 5000 xp, so 75000 is not that much
    Fourth, the third part is not much afford any more, u just have to play good, not with a good team...

    If u consider to get bonus just for doing ur daylies, thats totally ok.
