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Friday, 10 April 2015

Berlin map reworked

Hello warriors,

remember that May event "Berlin" map from supertest? It was reworked. Here's the new version (on the right side, the left one is the old one).


  1. Now it's looks a little bit like Himmelsdorf

    1. Himmelsdorf, Berlin - two German towns from the same period of time - they should be a bit a like. Although Himmelsdorf is a fake city.

    2. Maybe it is to replace Himmelsdorf. Or to replaced it after the get rid of the worse ones.

  2. Those straight roads look boring, we'll see ingame

    Is the size known ?

    1. Looks like they made it bigger to?

    2. I disagree and like the chgs to make the roads straighter. Hopefully, WG will make similar chgs to Stalingrad which is one of the worst maps in the game. They need to get rid of a lot of the debris and straighten the streets so meds and lights can race around the map and flank similar to Himmels or Kharkov and lastly fix the beach which is horrible. WG, please make the beach on Stalingrad similar to the NE side of Steppes so you can go hull down and flank and even add the same encounter circle.

    3. I disagree and like the chgs to make the roads straighter. Hopefully, WG will make similar chgs to Stalingrad which is one of the worst maps in the game. They need to get rid of a lot of the debris and straighten the streets so meds and lights can race around the map and flank similar to Himmels or Kharkov and lastly fix the beach which is horrible. WG, please make the beach on Stalingrad similar to the NE side of Steppes so you can go hull down and flank and even add the same encounter circle.

  3. They actually changed every single building...

  4. Oh great, another fucking city map.

    1. Dont play arty all the time and you will not mind...

    2. Try to play something else than heavy tanks (like lights) and see how that works out for you :)

    3. It works for me somehow...

    4. I hope almost every arty player (except the ones who are playing them only for missions) will get city maps 90% of their time spent with arty. And no, I'm not driving only HTs and TDs.

    5. Matous, not everyone likes or dislikes city maps because they play arty some or a lot. I prefer open country maps because I'm a suburban/rural boy at heart and don't really like cities IRL. Give me green grass, trees, and open sky over a dirty city (map) any day of the week!!!

  5. at least the two caps aren't on top of one another now. The first one was more like Mittengard for big tanks. :)

  6. Of course make it symmetric so there is no need to balancing the map. Clever WG.

  7. this is not reworked, this is completely new it seems.

  8. still looks shit.
    city maps for tanks without infantry sucks

  9. Himmelsdorf minus the hill.
    And they dare calling this a new map...

  10. the city looks like ruinberg with city from Mittengard

  11. What is it with WG's map makers that makes them want to put a park in the middle of seemingly every city map? It's those open parks, like on Himmelsdorf and Stalingrad, that effectively create corridors because those big open spaces in the middle of the city map are death traps.

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