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Wednesday, 8 April 2015

9.6 Micropatch, April 8th

Title: 9.6 Micropatch, April 8th

Hello warriors,

today in the morning, a micropatch was issued on EU (applies on US server as well, but not RU). This micropatch is bringing the changes regarding the upcoming Wargaming event marked "WG birthday" - no specific fixes were announced.


  1. OMG, fuck these microupdates every week. Can't they put it in regular patch? I am pissed of from uninstalling and installing wot tweaker again and again, and I cannot play without it, because smoke from tanks (etc.) is so fucking important for the game, that there is no possibility to turn it off in the client.......

    1. Somebody needs their morning coffee before they start typing :)

    2. To Gepvun:

      Funny how most players can turn "smoke from tanks (etc.)" off by changing just a single graphics settings optin. But it's too rocket-science-ish for some i guess...

    3. Origami: Which one? I have everything on the lowest level and still have plenty of unnecessary shit that is causing severe FPS drops..

      Hiho: well this is something like 5th since 0.9.6 - that is 5 times too much. Who really needs login via facebook that it could not wait until 0.9.7? Or the 1st April "feature", that was kinda lame and some players had problems with mods?

      And if anyone is bothered so much with my weak computer, I can share my bank account nr. ;-)

    4. there's no quick setting to just turn smoke from gun fire off, there are though numerous mods that can do this for you, google them. I had to finally turn them off after 9.6 hit the ground [don't know what changed - but my fps drop hard so I turned off gun smoke /flash and the fps jumped back up].

    5. moving the slider one way or another btw effects multiple things not just the offending fps drop item. its like fixing a ping in the engine by trading out the entire engine, works but's not really going to be an effective solution often.

    6. So, you would rather have some easily fixed issues around for another month?

    7. Turn Off "Extra Effects Quality" ....

    8. any other time something is fucked up, people bitch and complain about them not putting out a micro patch, now that they do micro patches, people still bitch. I swear, some people are on this earth just to be a giant pain in everybodys ass.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Get a better job, buy a better computer, problems solved.

    11. Special effects. My word, do you people even tinker around in the menu or just hit "Battle" ?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The micropatch was to push the event hangar for the 4th anniversary celebrations the coming weekend. They wanted to push that with the 9.7 update before but since that is obviously not happening, a micropatch had to do. If you are using a mod like "HangMan" you can already switch to the new hangar and have a look...

    1. How does it work? I only can press 2 on my numpad to refresh it, normaly i can see other hangars but now i cant, somehow

    2. Numpad 0 should refresh the list of available hangars, after that you can cycle through them with Numpad 4 and 6. At least that's how it works for me.

  4. Just for reference, here are last year's deals on the NA server. 5x for first victory, ability to get gold and get some premium time. If you got max benefits, it would add up to 720 gold, 36 large repair kits and 3 days premium.

  5. A bit OT, but does anyone know what the client update for WoWs that I am downloading as we speak, bring to the table?
