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Thursday, 30 April 2015

30.04.2015 Q&A

Another end of the month complete, here it is:

- There is a bug in 9.7 that treats the "0 perk" of crews as "perk 1", which means any next perk; requires much more XP than it should to level up, this will be fixed in 9.8;
- Apparently there is also a nasty bug in 9.7: when you shoot in sniper mode, you see the blast and hear the shot but your shell doesn't appear, it never leaves the gun (as if you were shooting blanks). Storm will investigate (RG: That has been around since 9.6, extremely annoying);
- There are no plans to implement armored cars for now;
- Storm states that when he said he would change 30 percent of missions, he meant general missions (LT15 for example), not each separate mission for every vehicle (so LT15 counts as 4);
- The 59-Patton hybrid will ONLY appear on Chinese server;
- Havok is not in Storm's plans for 2014 (Storm states he plans only tanks now);
- What "individual discounts on premium" are will be disclosed during 0.9.8 test;
- Fix for the LT and arty queue issue will appear before 0.9.8.

And because today's Q&A was short, as usual (if I get the time to search) here is the funny/fail share, this time one of my own:

 Someone dear told me to go easy on the beer, I didn't drank for near 3 weeks but decided to play WOWS while having some, for "scientific naval gaming purposes". :)

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