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Thursday, 16 April 2015

16.04.2015 Q&A

Here it is:

- Developers are working on fixing the World of Warplanes still;
- The existing bug where a tank sometimes "rotates" (spins) on spot will not be fixed in 9.7;
- Despite Storm's promises, the new model renders are still being released with unrealistic texture quality (not available for the in-game vehicles). Storm is not happy about it. The ultra-HD textures will not be released to public, as few people would use them and it's not really worth it;
- The platoon individual missions will be soloable, but they will not be simplified - completing them in platoon will thus be much easier;
- Some of the individual platoon mission parameters will be changed (not simplified, just changed);
- Regarding the platoon missions, the option to complete the same mission solo (but making it easier for platoon) is the best according to Storm: "This solution works both for players - removing the absolute necessity to look for platoon members - and for us - supporting the extra socialization."
- It's possible there will be some sort of "collector" medal (award) for those who acquire all premium tanks (RG: Hope it doesn't include the CW ones);
- Platoon searching mechanism will come in 9.8 (it will be possible to add people directly in battle);
- Xbox version of WoT has weather and it does influence gameplay - PC version will get it too but not soon (RG: Want that!);
- The Bigworld engine was updated in 9.7 because on the update depend new features and gameplay modes that will come soon;
- Motion physics - developers collected player feedback and are processing it;
- Havok will not come anytime soon;
- Kanonenjagdpanzer will apparently come in 9.8;
- In early May (on 9.5.2015 likely) there will be a special mode (as announced earlier) featuring the IS-2, ISU-122 and Cromwell - it will apparently be possible to obtain these vehicles via some sort of mission or so.

And the daily treat:



  1. hmm. that must be an old picture rita. the wt auf e100 only has 5 shots nowadays :p

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Oh just click on the images I post, they will get bigger. :)

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. For higher detail: (not just a bigger image)

    5. I wish I had that much ammo in my E-25!

    6. Yeah, in my first ace tanker on it I had to ram for the last two kills :)

  2. "- Developers are working on fixing the World of Warplanes still;"

    Good. Abandoning an IP is bad press. Nothing is unsalvageable...

    Even though I dont give a f*ck about plane games.

    "- Despite Storm's promises, the new model renders are still being released with unrealistic texture quality (not available for the in-game vehicles). Storm is not happy about it. The ultra-HD textures will not be released to public, as few people would use them and it's not really worth it;"

    As a part of those few people... please, give em to me. In a separate DL link somewhere. You are no charity WG, you wont gain anything from that EXCEPT goodwill. But that can be a big pro in the long run. And you also lose nothing either.

    "- Xbox version of WoT has weather and it does influence gameplay - PC version will get it too but not soon (RG: Want that!);"

    So do I.

    "- In early May (on 9.5.2015 likely) there will be a special mode (as announced earlier) featuring the IS-2, ISU-122 and Cromwell - it will apparently be possible to obtain these vehicles via some sort of mission or so."

    IS-2 Berlin is OP.

    1. "And you also lose nothing either."

      Except for the many hours spent on making those textures? Even simple skins take me a few hours, I imagine a good HD skin from scratch can take about a week per tank, maybe more?

    2. From what I was lead to believe, they actually HAVE made them already. Just dont distribute them.

      I mean... look at the tanks in the pre-release shots. It seems ready to me.

    3. I play 360 and didn't know that the weather affected gameplay! I was about to suggest it on the forums.

    4. hope night battles will come with outlines always activated for tanks that can be shot at (even when not pointing at them)
      why? Bcox HEADLIGHTS

  3. What did storm expect? His retarded company isn't doing what they say they will, nor will they ever because they are a bunch of money grubbing retards that should all be shot.

  4. Give me those god damn weather effects! And physics.. and that shelved Havok Storm!

    1. you really want weather effects? half of the tanks would get stuck on the spawn. the maus would hardly be able to climb a hill when its driving on mud :P

    2. on second thought, please add weather effects. it would make my medium tank even moar powerfuller!

    3. on second thought, please add weather effects. it would make my medium tank even moar powerfuller!

    4. What I want are snow storms and night maps. Visibility would't be much of a problem since every tank has a head lamp.

    5. I heard rumors some Lamps have year 3000 technology....: switches

  5. Change MT15 for T55NA from 2 TD's 1 tier over to 3 vehicles 1 tier over.

  6. - Developers are working on fixing the World of Warplanes still;
    /// wait... there was any amount of work put into it? hu... thats new.

    - The platoon individual missions will be soloable, but they will not be simplified - completing them in platoon will thus be much easier;
    *sigh once more*
    WHY WG - its GOOD they have to platoon! teamplay! hello!?
    i love that so many ppl ask others out to play together - rather than fucking solo in 15 man teams...
    you know? make them aware that they are not alone
    aint there enough other missions?
    is it really the "cancer thing" to be nice for 10 minutes straight?
    i dont think so.
    shame on you wg for letting those gnomes have their candy!

    1. Team work happens with or without platoons, more often than not.. If someone wants to work in teams... they will, with or without platoons.. At least that's what I do.. I sometimes help, sometimes get helped..

    2. Yeah, I try to cover and support similar tanks or attempt to change their mind if they make a bad decision (flanking in heavies etc).

    3. The platoon missions suck because for most they're "find some sucker to carry you through this", while for the few who actually are trying to get the two top reward tanks they're "carry a ton of scrubs before you're finally lucky and get some decent players to platoon with... and then have a ridiculously good game... in which your platoonmates also happen to have a ridiculously good game". That is, unless you're in a clan, but clearly you're not talking about people who have clanmates.

      So individual. So not-random and not-annoying.

    4. 10 out of every 75 is not even close to being considered "most".. QQ more

    5. Actually, this will make more players want to participate in the missions, which will lead to more players platooning to complete them once they realize how much easier it is. So for WG, this is a win/win.

      You play randoms with 14 other players, are you saying that you don't participate in team play with them? Only when platooning?

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. @Yngwie Lesso: The fact that I mean "most players" and not "most missions" is just as blazingly clear as the fact that you're an blazing idiot.

    8. Help help im forced to make optional missions - in a free 2 play - using teamplay - in a team based game :|

      Thats all i hear. Srly...
      u think ppl search for suckers - thats your idea how its supposed to work.

      Just try to find something on ur level - and omg maybe it wont be the first best person.

      but wha difference does it make to you if you take a random guy with you - or the system picks a random guy? he!?
      random is random .... < who had thought! i know. amazing isnt it?

      so i rather take chances and pick a guy... and have fun talk at least...
      than having a random guy which cries "yolo SS 12% win!".......

    9. ps. just to make it clear "system picks random" = for your team.

    10. Im going to do them all solo. Since i dont play TDs im grinding to the JPII for TD missions and have WZ132, RU and T54L all unlocked for lights. Im getting ready for 9.8. I hope i can do all artys in m40 and fv304, but will free xp to usa tier 9 if needed.

    11. The only thing that might stop me is WOWS. I bought Simms so im in closed beta and its fricking awesome!!!!!

    12. At first I tried helping out a few people who seemed completely lost. I ended up blocking every single one of them since I didn't give a flying f about their personal problems. The fact that I told you where to shoot that KV-1 doesn't mean I care how you are treated at work, your girlfriend problems or how's the weather down there, and if I helped you grind the top gun for the StuG in a few games be thankful for that instead of asking time and again why I'm ignoring you. If we talked a couple of times it doesn't mean that we're buddies, bffs and I have the time to listen to all your crap, be nice and social. Maybe I had a crappy day at work and just want to blow off some steam by blowing some tanks, not chat with you. If I'd want to socialize, I'd open up a Facebook account.

      TL;DR - Stop with the forceful socialization, the only thing it does is piss people off.

  7. It's possible there will be some sort of "collector" medal (award) for those who acquire all premium tanks (RG: Hope it doesn't include the CW ones);

    Possible medal name: "Milked Again and Again", "Wallet Warrior", "Extra Expensive Bundle Buyer", "I helped serb to go on the moon",.... :P

  8. The excuse for not bringing the ultra HD textures out is the same excuse Code Masters used with Grid 2 with the in car view. Few people used it, so they thought it wasn't important. BIG mistake on their part.... I want ultra texture at least for just my tank.

  9. "Xbox version of WoT has weather and it does influence gameplay - PC version will get it too but not soon".

    Meanwhile crappy browser-based WoT knock-off does have both weather change and night battles implemented without any adverse impact on the playability or performance.

    It must be really really really hard for a multi-million dollar company to hire a person that can write some code. It's not like there are people called programmers in the world or anything. Repeating "how terrible" doesn't seem to do the trick either. I'm afraid WG are out of options there.

    1. Do tell us how easy it is to program video games for the PC as opposed mobile or console systems which have a standardized specifications and only 2 major OS.

    2. Also easy to find those good programmers while everything in the game is done in russian and only later having the interface translated into other languages

  10. "Platoon searching mechanism will come in 9.8 (it will be possible to add people directly in battle);"

    YAY! This is a must.

    1. It already exists for Warships so it should be relatively easy for them to implement for Tanks. Good feature for those that need it

  11. "and for us - supporting the extra socialization."

    yeah right.

    - anybody for a med platoon? need to do that stupid mission
    - sure, invite
    *playing match, everybody minds his own, not a single word said*
    *match ends*
    -k got it, thx bye

    Sooooo much socialization!

    1. *playing match, everybody minds his own, not a single word said*

      so you didnt say a word either..............

  12. "the ultra-HD textures will not be released to public, as few people would use them and it's not really worth it;"

    Everybody admits they look much better.
    Storm raging that PR screens look much better then reality.
    Difference is indeed day and night.
    Yet he says "it's not really worth it"

    Not worth WHAT ?
    They were fucking optional. Tamagotchi owners dont have to use them.

    Or not worth the extra traffic?
    - place them on fucking piratebay if your copper wires cant stand it.

    But dont forget to release T-54 clone every fucking month and new WGL garage!

  13. The problem with implementing weather in this game as they have done on the xbox (to where it is intense enough to affect gameplay) is that it can be demanding on PC's, as opposed to the xbox, where they simply designed it to work within its specifications.

    Many games that have weather also have the option for turning it off, which means that it cannot be intense enough to affect gameplay on PC's, but just added for flavor. So they probably do not want to do that, as it throws in the whole issue of how much is it really worth doing? Unlike many games, there isn't an expansive world to roam around in and enjoy the graphical affects.

    1. and the saddest part is, average office PC has 5x perofrmance of Xbox.
      But no, this game has to look like crap so it runs on HW that belongs to museums.

    2. Raw performance, maybe.

      Actual performance due to all the overhead introduced by the OS and the stuff it's multitasking? Much, much less.

  14. "- Havok will not come anytime soon;"

    Sure, the "wow effect" from warthunder is gone, so no promises now.

    Soon AW will hit open beta, and WG will PROMISE us realistic smoke coming out of our PCs, Ultra-super-fatal-fekal-total-brutal-multi-tutti-fruti realistic effects deluxe, 8K textures and every player will get 1:1 replica of IS7 on his backyard.

    1. I think you just described a Russian invasion....

    2. you got something right:
      WG promises and all you get is "fecal" and more "fekal".

      i'm amazed they never promised cross-platform gameplay just like war thunder, that's a high benchmark to follow

    3. We will get cross platform from Warships, battleships shelling tanks from 15 km off shore and carrier launched ground attack planes making attack runs. Think arty causes issues now, just wait...

  15. "- Havok will not come anytime soon;"
    lying sacks of shit, i've stopped playing just before they released(actually they never did) the completey failed and incomplete 9.0, that was almost a year ago!, and they STILL HAVENT RELEASED 9.0, they just keep adding some +0.1 yet it's still not the 9.0 that was promised

    1. who the fuck cares about havok?

    2. everyone, so they make the game a little more realistic and a little less "lalala-bullshit" land like it is now

  16. "- Regarding the platoon missions, the option to complete the same mission solo (but making it easier for platoon) is the best according to Storm: "This solution works both for players - removing the absolute necessity to look for platoon members - and for us - supporting the extra socialization.""

    It's not often that this happens, but...I agree completely with Storm on this. It's the best of both worlds; solo players can get the missions out of the way, social players can do them more easily and reap greater rewards.

    So, uh, GG, WG, if you go through with it. Really.

  17. 59-16 with autoloader on gold

  18. 59-16 with autoloader on gold

  19. - Developers are working on fixing the World of Warplanes still;
    Noob WG
